flashing lights

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I was sitting at the desk in the corner by my bed, a two door cinema club song was playing through the phones speaker that sat on the shelf above me. I bopped while I was typing up my essay, it was due in two hours, and I was fucking stressing. I heard the door to the flat open, Dom had gone out to get groceries, i heard him thunk down the bags on the kitchen counter. the floorboards creaked and he opened my door, "Hey Dom," I said, continuing to type. 

"Hey weirdo," he said, walking to my window, "How ya doin love?" he closed my thick curtains, i had no fucking idea what he was doing but i was only half way through the paper and id been working for like four billion hours. "Stressed, fucking stressed." i said, continuing to type vigorously. "well that fucking sucks. Love, i've got something for ya though..." he said, taking a few steps to my light switch, he pulled something from his hoodie pocket and flicked off my light, the room went pitch black except for my computer screen, i finally turned away from my paper to look ar Dom. I could see him smiling ear to ear "What are you doing Dom?" I asked, kinda scared. "Close your computer Becks" he said ominously. "Fuck no Romeo, im busy!" i yelled, i hated raising my voice at him, and i felt horrible "shit i didnt mean that love, im just stressed." i closed my laptop and turned to face him "whats up," It felt as if i was talking to a void, it was that dark.

then a bright light beamed from something in Doms hands, it was a speaker, "gimme your phone" he said, smirking. I snorted in annoyance and passed over my phone, "Cute wallpaper Weirdo" he said looking at the photo of me and King Princess from a concert i went to a few weeks ago, i rolled my eyes, "Password?" i had changed it a few days ago because Dom kept getting into my instagram and posting embarrassing pictures on my story, "690420"  I sighed, i had to admit, i was pretty proud of that one, and and a bit bummed id now have to change it. "Nice" he said laughing.

he opened my spotify and began flicking through my recently played, "heh this is a weird song" he giggled and i couldn't help smiling, "It's a vibe tho." he trailed off an connected my phone to the bluetooth speaker, Cooler Than Me began to play and i laughed, it was a weird song. As each beat of the drum hit, a different color shone from the speaker, i couldn't help thinking it was preeety cool. the flashes lit up his smirking face. "oh no" i said when he set down the speaker on my bookshelf and began sauntering over to where i was sitting. He stood in front of me and extended his hand "will you honour me with this dance oh beautiful one?" he said dramatically. i sat back and crossed my arms over my chest "My liege," i said, "Do me a favour, and fuck right off" i said raising my eyebrow, he guffawed and wrapped his arms under my legs and around my back, lifting me up bridal style. "AAAAH! DOMINIC RICHARD HARRISON PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!" he only laughed and spun me around in circles "That's not my naaaame" he said giggling "Romeo. Put me the fuck down." i said, ruffling his messy hair and smiling. "Only if you dance Love " he said, dipping me backwards, "YES OK OK I'LL FUCKING DANCE" i yelled. scrambling to make sure he doesn't fully dump me onto the hardwood floor. he threw me down on the bed and i jumped up, he grabbed my hand and the pulsating lights lit up my room in purple and red, he twirled me around and spun me, using his years of expertise from disney channel and doing performing arts to out-dance the hell outta me. 

His feet moved with practiced speed and he began jumping and shouting the lyrics into my face, his breath smelled of peppermint and honey and i began to laugh again, i started to do my stupid little dance, which was pretty much just flailing... but Dom loved it and began to giggle uncontrollably. "you're ridiculous" he said, i continued to flail like one of those car showroom noodle guys. Dom couldn't stop laughing and he had to quit dancing because he was doubling over, i continued to noodle, "Dom, how are you down there?" i asked seriously, not stopping. he looked up at me, tears in his eyes and burst out again "What? Why are you laughing so hard fucker?" i said angrily, arms flapping about more vigorously. "You. are. ridiculous." he said between snorts. "oh fuck off, i am violently normal" i replied. 

slowly the song came to a close and dom continued to laugh. i dropped my arms and knelt down by doms convulsing body, "No but actually dom, are you dying?" i poked him in the shoulder. "Yes" he breathed out. i sat down on the floor against my bed and pulled dom into my lap "dont die" i said smiling and twirling his hair around my finger. he hiccuped. "ill take that as on 'ok'".

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