Chapter Two: Town of Beginnings

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You opened your eyes and saw the green oak trees, leaves flowing as the wind blew. The sky was a light blue with fluffy clouds travelling slowly. The sun shone so bright. You squinted your eyes, covering them with your left hand. You smiled. You finally felt free.

You started walking through the town to find food for later. The sound of your shoes tapping the ground, the laughter and conversations from other players and npcs made you smile. Everyone seemed happy. You were looking through your inventory to check how much col you had, not really paying attention to your surroundings. Suddenly, you bumped into someone, making your inventory going away. "Sorry." You mumbled while looking up at a raven haired boy. His hair was kind of long and covered part of his face. He was with another guy with spiky hair and a red headband. "No worries, it was my fault for not moving out of the way." He said giving you a light smile. "I'm Kirito," the raven haired boy said holding out his hand. "and this is Klein." You stuck out your hand to grab Kirito's for a hand shake aswell as Klein's. "I'm (y/n)." You gave them both a light smile. "Well, I was about to show Klein some basics about the game in an empty field. Wanna come with us?" Kirito asked, slightly tilting his head. "Sure. I'll catch up with you. I came to town to buy some food for later. Add me to your friends list." You said, pulling up your inventory and started walking away. "Okay, bye!" Klein said waving frantically while giving you a cheeky smile. You stuck up your hand and waved as they watched you leave. You smiled to yourself because of Klein's energy.

You arrived at a bakery to buy some bread. It wasn't the best but it was cheap and it filled your stomach. You sighed, wishing you could buy a cake but you promised yourself that you'd save your col for equipment. You checked your friends list to find Kirito and Klein and started to head over to their location. Walking on the cement pavement, you thought to yourself. It was so nice in this virtual reality. Why is it that the air is fresher here than the real world? Why is it that the people here seem happier than those of the real world? Everyone is so miserable in the real world. You sighed to yourself as you thought of all these questions. You began to think about your mom. "She's probably drinking at home or at a bar." You said to yourself and scoffed. "Who?" you heard a familliar voice ask you. You shot your head up and saw Kirito and Klein wave at you on a small hill, giving you teethy smiles. You gave them a small smile and said "Oh, no one." while waving your hands. You walked up the hill and pulled out your sword from behind your back.

The handle of your sword was black with a grey nub at the bottom. The blade was grey and it shone in the sunlight. You looked at your reflection from your blade. Your red hair flowing in the wind and red eyes shining from the sunlight. You smiled at yourself for the first time in a long time. "Whatcha smilin' about?" Klein asked giving you a teethy smile. "Nothing." You said, smiling and blushing a bit while scratching the back of your head. "So, what're we hunting today, guys?" You said with excitement in your eyes.

You, Kirito, and Klein fought off boars until the sun started to set. You took a stance, causing your blade to turn into a bright blue. You sped forward and killed the last of the boars that was around you guys. You leveled up. You smiled to yourself and turned to look at Klein and Kirito who also seemed to gain another level. "I gotta get going. I've got a pizza coming soon." Klein said. "See ya!" he waved and turned around to log out. He pulled up his inventory and hovered his finger over where the log out button should've been. "Uh, hey Kirito? Where's the log out button?" Klein asked, raising his eyebrow and scratching his head. "What're you talking about? It should be right... here..." Kirito said while pulling up his own inventory to show him the log out button. "It's not there." You said with shock and confusion. "Shouldn't there be an emergency log out button? ESCAPE! LOG OUT!" Klein rambled as he tried different way to log out. "Have you tried contacting the Administrator?" Kirito asked. "Yea, but he's not answering." Klein said. You started to become worried. You checked the time. It was almost 6:30. Then you sighed, realizing it wouldn't matter if you came out of your room or not. She wouldn't care anyways. Suddenly, your body started to blow and you saw white and blue lights appear around you. You, Klein, and Kirito looked at each other in fear and confusion.

You appeared in the Town of Beginnings. Slowly, people started to appear, the same white and blue light surrounding them. You saw Kirito and Klein and started to move towards them. A spot in the sky started blinking red. It spread quickly around the crowd as it formed a dome. "What's going on?" you asked them. "I think we're about to find out." Kirito said pointing at the ceiling. What looked like blood started to spill from the cracked of the red "Warning" tiles and formed a large figure covered with a red cloak and gold rimming the hood and hem of the cloak. It gave a speech, stating that he was the Administrator and explaing how and why he created SAO. But what really shocked everyone was the fact that he said he PURPOSFULLY took out the logout button. "He's not serious, is he Kirito?" you asked while looking at him and Klein. "He's being serious." Kirito said, staring at the Administrator. He gave everyone a mirror that was placed in your inventories. You equipped it and looked at yourself. Suddenly, you appeared as... well, you. Your red hair and eyes were now (colors). Kayaba, the Administrator, went on about how we could die if someone tried to pull off the nervegear because it would fry our brains. You then began to think about what you would do in this world that you thought was perfect. It was all you ever wanted; You didn't have your mom coming home late, drunk, and stumbling all over the place. You didn't have to go to school and deal with all the people who didn't act like themselves just to be accepted by society. But then, you began to panic, your breath began to quicken. As you continued to silently panic, Kirito grabbed you and Klein and led you out of the crowd and into the town.

You ran past the stores. As you passed them by, you looked at the npcs. Their faces not changing. They were smiling and staring straight forward. You scrunched your eyebrows as you began to think about how you are an npc. You really only react when others interact with you. You shook your head to get rid of that thought. The running came to a stop as you realized that Kirito and Klein weren't with you anymore. You looked around to find them but couldn't find either of them. "What happened?" you said to yourself. You grunted in frustration as you realized you were running without paying attention. Then you saw Klein run out of an alleyway and called out to him. "Klein! KLEIN!" You yelled but he didn't here you. You ran to the alleyway where he came out of to check and see if Kirito was there. You were too late. You were alone again. "It's fine." you sighed. I know the shortcuts. I know how to level up the fastest. Just use your knowledge. You'll be fine. You've been through everything alone. You can survive on your own. You thought to yourself. You had yourself. That was enough.

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