Chapter Eleven

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Sorry for not updating in so long. I lost the motivstion to keep writing, but I'll be sure to finish this book soon. itzmehliz and I have been working on an Anime Imagines book that we just published. If you guys are interested, go check it out on itzmehliz 's account. Thanks.

It's been two years since you entered this virtual prison. Within those two years, you've met so many people and made some unexpecting friends. Unfortunately, one of them was Kirito. Also known as, The Black Swordsman. It was such a cliché name but it did sound cool in a way.

Many things have changed lately. You "joined" the Knights of the Blood Oath and became something like their "errand runner". Basically, you would carry out missions that no one else in their guild could finish and in return, they would provide you with items and col. Although you aided them reluctantly, they kept you busy. What saddened you about the whole thing was not being able to do anything with anyone without a body guard at your side.

First of all, you didn't even need a body guard to protect you since you were strong enough to handle yourself. Second of all, you almost always had Kirito by your side to protect you. Although, he was a disraction sometimes. You couldn't help but admire him whenever he fought or when he stared off into space. You hated him for making you feel this way, but some things just can't be helped.

Today, you managed to get away from the pestering body guard you had and decided to visit some friends, starting with Agil.

You walked along the dimly lit alleyway, keeping your senses sharp just incase your body guard tried sneaking up on you. Arriving at the shop's door, you opened it, causing the bell to ring to notify that a customer arrived. Before you were able to greet Agil, you met eyes with Kirito's grey orbs.

"Oh, hey Kirito," You said as you closed the door behind you.

"H-Hey, y/n!" Kirito laughed nervously.

He was acting weird and you knew it. Furrowing your eyebrows, you looked at Kirito and Agil who also had a shocked look on his face. Suddenly, Kirito ran up to you and grabbed both of your hands.

"I found my chef," He said with an excited tone.

Your face heated up from his touch and how close he was to you.

"Wh-What are you talking about, idiot?" You replied nervously.

Before he could speak, the shop's bell rang, making everyone'a attention turn towards the shop's entrance. Your body slumped and your head hung low after seeing your body guard walk through the door.

"Hey! Get your filthy hands off-"

"Shut up, it's fine," You interrupted him.

You gently pulled your hands away from Kirito's grip and looked at him.

"What's all this about a chef?" You asked as you rubbed your temple in annoyance.

"Oh, I found a ragou rabbit and I want to eat it but I don't know how to cook it, but then you showed up. I was wondering if you could cook this up for me, I'll even let you have a little bite-"

"Half," You demanded. "I get half of it."

Kirito flinched at your demanding tone and put his hands up. "O-Okay, fine. But, I don't have any cooking supplies at my flat..."

"I guess we could cook it at my place. Just this once though," You replied with a sigh.

"What about me?" Agil asked with a pout.

"Sorry bud, I'll get you next time, alright?" Kirito said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Tch, fine."

"I will not let this shady character into your ho-"

"It'll be fine, Kuradeel. Stop being so stuck up. I don't even know why your here, just go back to headquarters," You said in annoyance.

"It is my duty-"

"Yeah, yeah. Go back to headquarters or else I'll have you downranked in the guild," You said in a more aggressive tone.

Kuradeel stayed silent and stared at you and Kirito with a grimace. He huffed and turned around, making his white cloack sway in the air. He opened the shop's door and left. You sighed in relief and turned your head slightly to side-eye Kirito.

"Let's go."

Kirito stiffened up and walked next to you as you headed out of Agil's shop.

"See you around, Agil," You said with a smile.

Agil blushed and raised his eyebrows. "Y-Yeah. See ya."

You and Kirito arrived at your place. During the walk there though, Kirito and you talked about how your life as an unofficial guild member was. You ranted on and on about how much work they gave you and how they shouldn't let people join if they can't even do a simple task.

Kirito admired you as you spoke. the way you got when you were angry or annoyed was cute to him. You looked so passionate about how much something bothered you since before, you were always so quiet and self-reserved when you were around him. He felt relieved that you warmed up to him in a sense since he felt as if you hated him.

"How do you want it cooked?" You asked, snapping him out of his daze.

He looked up at you and realized you were wearing normal clothes instead of your usual player's uniform. A blush formed across his cheeks as he admired your comfortable look. It was different, but he found you even cuter than he did before.

"Aren't you gonna take off your cloak?" You followed with another question as you made your way into the kitchen.

"O-oh, yea," He replied and pulled up the screen to unequip his black cloak.

"How does stew sound?"

"That's fine," he replied as he walked over to where you were.

Kirito watched you cook and listened to your explanation of virtual cooking and cooking in real life. He noticed how your eyes changed since when he first met you. They were so dull before, almost lifeless, but still beautiful. Now, your eyes were full of color and purpose. You're even more beautiful now than when he first met you almost two years ago. The way your (e/c) eyes sparkled in the light made his heart flutter and the way you moved your arms and hands made his stomach feel queezy.

"Okay, it's ready," You said, snapling Kirito out of his daze again. "Are you alright, Kirito? You've been staring off into space a lot lately."

"O-Oh! Yeah, I'm fine," Kirito chuckled nervously.

"Okay, weirdo," You replied as you set the table.

You and Kirito demolished the ragou rabit stew. It was probably the most delicious thing you've eaten since you had gotten stuck in this game. Kirito felt the same way, holding his full stomach as he sat across from you and sipped his tea.

As you teo sat in silence, an idea popped into your head. It was an unusal one, and one that you wouldn't have thought of a few months ago.

"Let's team up."

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