24: Brother & Unknown

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1st week of August: Thursday

Normal days just fly away. Doing chores after school. Getting bruise when something happen or my parents just not in mood.

I visit my home when I have free time at night. Our teachers giving us tons of homework.

School work like racing car pass by. I'm little stress but I manage my time.

Right time management and avoiding to procrastinate help me to finish my work.

Steve, he totally avoid me. He exchange group when we become group mate. The sitting arrangement was change a month ago, I sit beside a girl so no problem.

I was cooking dinner when my phone ring. My parent aren't home, yet. I opened it and saw Tyler texted me

Big Brother: Hey! We have a problem.

Rose: What?

Big Brother: The stone we surrender stolen by a familiar creature.

Rose: Okay, wait. What! I'll finish something and I'll go follow you.

Big Brother: Okay...hurry.

I finish my other chores. I locked the front door and head to my room. I also locked my room door. I keep my spare key to avoid another trouble.

My heart pounding.

If it's my brother? No! No.

I start to astral project and focused.

I saw Tyler waiting outside my house, when I look over the window of my room. I hurriedly go  downstairs when I get all my stuff needed in my bag.

"The creature travel in east" He said when I open the front door.

There is Peter with the wasp waiting for us on the road. I hop in and ride.

We travel east and hope that we will chase the thief.

I know that this was not are job but we have responsibility in that item since we surrender it.

Peter use a spell to follow the scent of creature. A tiny piece of cloth left in jail when it's escape with the stone.

We stop in a coast. Green land full of tiny grass welcome us. Powerful wind bump to us. The sight of sea show but its not salty unlike to earth.

A familiar figure running towards the edge of a cliff.

"Hey!" I shout pointing my wand to him.

He have a collar, name sewed in Latin at the collar. He turn around holding the stone that now turn to crystal and a elixir to escape.

"Jonathan?" I say when I recognize him.

My eyes ready to flood on tears. I hold it back.

"Rose?" He said. Stopping to break the elixir.

"Don't do this my brother. I miss you! I can save you. Please." I said walking towards him open arms.

"No!" He step backwards, little step he will fall.

"You can't save me. I'm sorry. I need to do this." He said.

Breaking the bottle of elixir to the ground quickly. A portal show and he quickly enter it. The portal quickly disappear.

I kneel down. Crying, I miss him badly. He is a slave now because he wear a collar. Tyler step beside me and hug me.

We leave the area and head home. I go back to Earth and continue to cry.

He still recognize me!

Is he okay?


Third Person—

A smoke forming like a screen. Showing Primrose crying.

A sinister laugh echoed in the area. A creature that Primrose not yet encounter.

A portal showed up. Jonathan show from the portal handling the crystal.

"Master, here is the stone." Jonathan said.

Reaching for the stone to his master, heads down.

His gaze turn to the screen. He saw his elder sister crying in her room. His knee feel weak.

"You can leave." A deep voice command him.

He leave the room and head to his cage. Chains crawl to his collar and clung to it in a hook.

He miss his sister so bad but the thing happen years ago still in his mind. He is confused if he will forgive his sister or hate her. A tears slip in his eyes, part of him missing his sister and the other part hating it.

"The plan is right and just." A deep voice said holding the weird crystal in his hands with long fingers and nails.

He laughed a weird one that give you goosebumps if anyone hear it.

He is watching the siblings crying on the magical smoke screen. The smoke split in two showing Jonathan and Primrose in sperate screen.

The siblings crying, thinking what is happening. While the creature on the other side amuse on the show he make.


A/N: too fast? too slow?
     thoughts? plz :<

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