11: Kids?

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I enjoy the ride from the wasp. It was so relaxing.

We land in the plaza earning look from people around. I saw Jacob with curious look. I just smile to him.

"Wait. I'll give you something." I whisper to the wasp. I run to store of nectar and flower shop. I buy two bottles of nectar juice and run back to the wasp.

"Here. Thank you!" I say to the wasp smiling to him.

He just bow his head and fly. The wasp just fly near to us to able to pick up Peter when we are done.

I saw Jacob running to us when we start to walk.

"Hey, How was your adventure? Little tough girl." He say smiling to me. He was now wearing his armour.

"It was great but less action. I didn't use my sword." I say with sad face.

"At least you use your wand instead." Peter say chuckling to me.

"Oh, Btw. This is Peter. Peter this Jacob" I say introducing them to each other.

"Nice to meet you." Peter say with smile reaching out his hands for Jacob.

"Nice to meet you too." Jacob say shaking their hands.

I saw Peter blush slightly in his white skin.

I knew it. I knew it.

I said inside my self like winning a championship trophy from contest.

I start to walk leaving them.

"Okay b-bye." Peter say to Jacob. He run towards me.

"Be careful. Take care in your girlfriend!" Jacob shout with teasing tone.

I turn around to face him few feet away and Peter copy my action.

"We are not couple!" We shout together accidentally.

If its cartoon, steam flew in our ear and red head ready to pop.

"He love to have boyfriend not girlfriend." I shout back to Jacob. Earning me a blush and a laugh.

Peter turn around to me. He was now really blushing. His white tone skin turn to reddish. He narrow his eyes to me.

I turn around and run down the street. I burst to laugh to him.

"You little asshole. Come here! I'll kick you, walking wall." He say chasing me.

I stop and turn to him. I wiggle my breast and stuck out my tongue to him.

"I have breast and uterus. You!"

We both laugh at each other and start to walk towards the jail. We were like child teasing each other and turn to burst to laugh. I wipe my teary eyes in joy and turn to Peter.

"So..." I say.

"What?" He say frowning to me.

"You are...?" I say trailing what next word will come out but no word come out next.

"I'm gay. You happy?" He say blushing again.

"I'm proud of you! I have non biological sister." I say side hugging him.

"What! I'm not cross dressed and I'm still love men clothes. You..." He say.

I pull back and I raise my hands up in surrender.

He just chuckle to me and continue to walk. I walk beside him tracing the box in my bag.

"Jacob is single parent now...and he have daughter." I say teasing him.

"Stop!" He say blushing again.

"Okay. Okay." I say.

We walk with some chit chat about the next creature until we arrived the jail.

I pull the box and the copy of Rocky's poster wanted.

The guard take it and put the box in a tube. It extract tiny Rocky inside the box and tranfer him in 5x5 inches box.

The guard give back the box to me. The guard gives me a certificate to claim the reward money in the treasury of the city.

We walk towards it and claim our reward. I request that cut it in two part put in two pouch.

The cashier return with two pouch and give it to us. We open the pouch and count it if exact.

When it's exact we walk back to my place.

"So...I'll go back home. Next week again?" I ask putting the pouch of money in my pocket.

"Next week." He say with a sad tone.

"I'll miss you! My sister." I say sad tone in first sentence and teasing tone in second.

"I'll miss you too! My brother." He say sad tone in first and with chuckle on the second.

We hug each other when we stop in front door of my house.

He patted my back and pull back.

"Do you want to come inside?" I ask not wanting to bid goodbyes.

"Nah. We need to rest and get ready to that wicked witch." He say smiling to me.

"Okay. See you next week." I say.

"Good bye! Little brother." He say smiling to me while patting my head.

"Good bye! Little sister." I say smiling.

I turn around and insert the key. I turn back and said.

"Btw, I'm not lesbian, okay! I'm tough but with girl heart." I say smiling.

He turn around and smile to me.

"Okay!" He say waving his hand to me.

We exchange smiles and we turn facing different direction. He whistle and the wasp land in the road. He ride on it and fly.

I open the door and slid out my boots. Its already 3 pm in my watch still Saturday.

I run upstairs and enter my room. I smell horrible.

I need a bathe.

I run to the bathroom and start my bathe. I cherish every drop of water touch my skin. Its so relaxing, my muscles is so tense.

When I'm done to my bathe. I find some clothes in my drawers. I wear a loose pants and T-shirt.

I open the jar of fireflies and let them out. I put my stuff back around. I place my sword back in my chest box and my wand in a box.

"I'll leave about two days okay. So behave and there is your food and water." I say to my fireflies.

They just form a 'Ok' and fly around the room.

I locked the front door and went back to my room and locked its door.

I lay my back to my bed and the soft bed eat me. My muscles relax and my feet feels home again.

I fell asleep and feel my body again. Soft blanket, pillows and bed eat my whole body. All tensed muscle in my body relaxed.


A/N: such a long adventure. Stay tune and the romance, drama and more adventure will be up next chapters. Enjoy.

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