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Third person P.O.V

Harry opened his eyes and became confused he was lieing on his cot with his jumpsuit unbuttoned. 'How did I get here' He thought. He closed his eyes and tried to recall the events of yesturday. 'Okay, I ate with Niall, we almost got caught, and then what...what could I be missing? It's just black.' Harry was pulled from his thoughts by a loud buzzer. The same buzzer he heard before Harold came. It was almost as if the buzzer had jogged his memory. He recalled going to Dr. Paynes office and his new roomate. 

"What was his name...Luke...Lewis...Luc-"

"Louis..." Harry heard someone say. He turned around to see a beautiful sight. A short man, almost 5'6 or so with light brown hair styled into the most beautiful quiff, and his eyes. Oh man, they were amazing. "I'm Louis. It seems as if you were trying to figure out my name or...?" Harry shook his head and stood up. He towered over the boy and Harry loved it. Harry being the dominate boy he is showed no affection or kindness towards the boy...This was hell, and he needed to be it's Satan. He pointed to a bed similar to his, but made up.

"That's your bed...that's your side. Stay away from over here." Harry said as he walked over to the bars that made up his door and put his hands through to watch the other patients have there time in the Common Area. He envied them. Even though his hour was about 20 minutes away he still envied the others. He sighed then felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and looked down at Louis. Louis was smiling and holding his hand out.

"I'm Louis...your name is?" He questioned. Harry looked down at his hand and noticed a white bandange under his sleeve. Harry couldn't contain his curiosity and tired to pull up his sleeve. Louis jerked his arm away and held it close to his chest with his other hand. Harry smirked at how frightened he became. Louis walked back to his bed at sat down , staring blankly at the ground.

"Well, you won't last long. You know how many people are gonna be poking and grabbing you." Harry scoffed and turned back around but was quickly met with a sharp pain in his groin. He groaned an turned around to see Niall rubbing his head.

"Ow, watch where you're going, dick...literally." Niall complained. Harry rubbed his groin and tried to walk over to his bed. Niall turned around and noticed Louis sitting on the bed and tears staining his cheeks. Niall ran over and sat next to him and grabbed his face and looked into his eyes. Louis widened his eyes in fear.

"Niall...Niall you're scaring him." Harry said. Niall stuck his tounge out at Harry who sighed and lied on his cot towards the tiny window. Niall turned back to Louis, who had averted his eyes to the ground.

"Hi..I'm Niall. Nice to meet you." Niall said dropping Louis' head from his hands. Louis new instantly that he was Irish and he thought it was awesome. "That bloke over there is Harry. I know he's kind of a jerk but he'll come around. Especially to someone like you." Louis looked confused at Niall. "What does he mean "someone like me"' Louis thought. "He's gay." Niall said. Louis' eyes grew and he blushed and tried to look away before Niall noticed but to no avail. "Harry! He's blushing! You might actually have a chance."

"Fuck off." Harry said and pulled his stained blanket over his face. Outside of the blanket Harry looked annoyed but under the blanket Harry with smiling happily to himself imagining a future with Louis...If he ever got out. No He thought. This was not a place where "love" could be found. Besides he just met him. He thought it was stupid to already be thinking of in that way. 

After 15 minutes of Harry daydreaming under his blanket and Niall interigating Louis they knew quite alot about each other. Even though Harry didn't talk Niall still told Louis everything about him. When Louis found out about Harold and how he was a sex crazed maniac, Louis was more than scared, but strangley excited to see him. The buzzer that let them know it was their time in the Common Area went off. Harry jumped up front his cot and ran out.

"Let's go, I can show you everyone," Niall said to Louis as he stood up and began walking to the door. Louis followed and muttered an 'okay' and crossed his arms in front of his chest nervously. Niall looked back at him and sighed. He pointed at his arms. "Okay...don't walk like that. You'll look like an easy target. Especially for Austin." Louis nodded and uncrossed his arms. 

"Who's Austin?" 

"You'll know when you see him." Niall said. He led Louis down a spiral stair case that led into a room that was filled with about 50 patients. Some screaming and others playing games. Louis and Niall sat down on a couch that had a dusty knit blanket on the back of it, and a brown coffee table in front of it that was facing a wall. Since Louis had no shoes and only thin socks since the guards took them he put his feet onto the coffee table instead of on the cold hard ground. Honestly...what could a pair of white Toms do here excpet get dirty? He looked around and noticed Harry sitting by himself twiddling with his thumbs. He tapped Niall.

"Why is he by himself?"

"Oh, whenever he gets around people he changes."

"Into Harold?"

"Yea...Harold or Haz. It'll most likely be Harold though. No one has seen Haz. Well, I mean I've seen him once, he is not someone you'd enjoy meeting." Louis looked from Niall to Harry and takes his chance. He stands up and clears his throat and walks over sitting across from him resting his forarms and elbows on the table crossing his hands.

"Hi.." He spoke quietly. Harry looked at him through his long curly brown hair and sighed. "You looked lonely so I thought I'd come and keep you company." Louis happily informed. Harry lifted his head up and sat back in his chair. Louis smiled at him, but it soon faded when he noticed a man with black hair styled into a quiff much like his own and beautiful golden eyes. The sleeves of his jumpsuit were tore off, revealing alot of tattoos. The man walked over to Harry and patted his head.

"Hows the little wannabe?" He spoke close to Harry's ear. Harry sighed and put his head back down between his arms this time. The man pulled Harry's hair and made him look at him. Much like Adam did to Louis which made Louis snap.

"Leave him alone." Louis said as he stood up making his chair fly back and the other patience take notice. A big burly man that was standing behind the man with the black hair and golden eyes walked up to Louis. He had a huge scar going from his eye to the end of his cheek. He was missing a tooth, one of his canines. He towered over Louis, much like Harry, but way more. Louis gulped and took a step back, but tried to maintain his strong face.

"What if he doesn't gonna fight him?'re to femenine." The big man said. Louis took a step back. He tripped over a tiny rip in the area carpet and fell into someones arms. Niall's.

"Oof." He said.

"Back off Austin." Niall said to the man. Niall then placed his attention on the man with the black hair that was pulling Harry's hair. He was looking at Harry in the face and mumbling things to him. Harry looked helpless, but pissed. "Please, let him go Zayn." Louis looked at the boy Niall was talking to. Zayn? Interesting name. Zayn looked at Niall and groaned, letting go of Harry, pushing his head in the process. Harry pushed himself away from the table and stood up, facing Zayn so that their noses were barely touching. Everyone looked on. Some quietly chanting "fight" in the distance.

"You here 'em, Styles? They want a fight." Zayn said looking around. Zayn chuckled and then went serius, grabbing Harry's neck, making Harry's breath hitch in his throat. 

"" Harry said through breaths. Louis looked worried at how tight Zayn had Harry's throat.

It felt like everything stood still when Harry threw the first punch followed by Zayn then ending up with the two rolling around on the ground. He heard no sound. He saw nothing but Niall screaming and the two boys on the ground. He was scared but instantly came to his senses. Louis got out of Niall's grip and tried to seperate the two. He grabbed Harry and tried to pull him off. The next thing he knew he felt a pain on his temple, then everything was black.

Help Me [Book 1] Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now