I love you

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Louis walked into the room and saw Harry lying on Louis' cot sleep. Louis sighed and turned around to look through the bars. After two minutes he felt muscular arms snake around his waist and pulled him away from the door so they were hidden by the wall. Louis kept his back to Harry's front.

"How was hell?" Harry asked. Louis, looked down and closed his eyes tightly. Harry began to kiss Louis' neck while waiting for an answer. When he didn't get one he grew concerned. He turned Louis around. He wasn't crying so that's a plus. Harry tried to lift up Louis' head to see him better, but Louis pulled his head away. Louis pushed away from Harry and walked back to his cot. He sat down and put his head between his knees, which were against his chest.

Harry walked over and sat down. He sighed.

"Look, Louis...whatever I did, I'm sorry. I know you think I say that alot, but I am. A-and if it was something Harold did then please remind me. I don't rememmber getting chills, so I'm pretty sure it was me; but I-I think I know why you're mad Lou." Harry said. Louis' heart fluttered when he heard the nickname but he couldn't do anything about it. "Louis...I've never done this before and I really don't know how to say it and it may be really soon but um..." Harry turned and looked at Louis. "Louis...I-I love you, Louis." Louis' eyes widened and he got really hot. He wanted so badly to say "I love you, too", to kiss him, hug him, and finally "make love" to him; but he didn't want Harry to get hurt. So instead...he cried.

"Louis?" Harry asked. "Louis please say something. I went out on a limb here." Harry chuckled slightly. When Louis said nothing Harry's cheeks started to burn. Harry was going to cry. Harry does NOT cry...not anymore. Louis could feel the sadness coming from Harry. He couldn't look up. He couldn't look Harry in the eyes, in fear that if he did, he would pounce on him and kiss him. 

Harry got up and walked over to his own cot and sat on it. I'm such a fuck-up. I knew he wouldn't feel the same way. Harry thought to himself. Harry felt like he hit the lowest point in his life. All his life he felt unwanted and hated; but when he felt it from Louis it crushed his world. He had only felt this broken and low one time in his life. No, I won't compare Louis to my dad. Harry lied down on his cot and fell into a dreamless sleep.


~Next Day/ Lunch~

"What's with Louis?" Zayn asked. The three boys looked back at Louis who was playing with his food with his fork. He was sitting at another table by himself. Louis looked up and made direct eye contact with Harry then looked back down immediatly. Harry sighed and turned back around.

"I don't know, well...I might know." Harry explained. Niall and Zayn leaned in signalling Harry to elaborate. Harry sighed. "Well, when Louis got back from his date with Jessica he was really quiet. I thought nothing of it, I just thought he was tired. Then, I made the mistake of telling him I loved him. I never told anyone that before. Do you guys think it was too soon? Or is it just me? Does he not love me?" Harry looked down at his plate. "Then again..who would?" 

Niall grabbed Harry's bicep and squoze it causing Harry to look up. 

"We Love you Harry, don't we Zayn?" Zayn's eyes widened and he looked at Niall who was giving him a "say yes or ill kill you" look. Zayn chuckled.

"Yea...yea man we do. Besides, I doubt that's the reason. He's probably just having a bad day or he's sick and doesn't want to get you sick. I don't know. Maybe some dumb shit like that. Don't think anything of it." Zayn replied. Harry nodded understandingly.

"Yea...yea. I mean maybe he got food poisining or something." Harry said. Niall sat back and looked at Louis. 

"Hey look, he's talking to that girl." Harry immediatly looked back and saw Jessica under Louis' arm. He boiled over with rage and stood up making a ruckus. Louis, Niall, Zayn and everyone in the cafeteria looked at Harry. Harry scoffed at Louis and walked up to his room.


"You haven't talked to him right?" Jessica asked. Louis shook his head. Jessica pressed her nails into Louis' thigh making him whimper. "Speak."

"N...no." Louis answered. 

"Good." She said. "I'm going to the hospital in two weeks to see if I'm pregnant, you're coming. Aren't you excited?" Louis mummbled a "yea" and continued "eating." When the guard called for lunch to be over Jessica walked Louis to his room. She saw Harry sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Well...Bye, Louis. I love you soooo much!" She yelled making sure that Harry heard. Harry did. He looked up and saw Jessica with her arms all around Louis. "Say it back." Jessica whispered to Louis through gritted teeth. Louis' heart sank. He rememmbered how Harry told him that he loved him and how he didn't say it back. He couldn't do this in front of Harry. Louis pulled her out of the way of the door.

"Please don't make me do this. He told me he loved me yesturday and I didn't get to say it back." Louis exclaimed. Jessica put her hands on his cheeks.

"Aww, that's so sweet Louis." Louis smiled small. "We'll see if that's still as sweet when he's getting a lobotamy." She said as she started walking away. Louis frantically grabbed her arm. 

"Please no." Louis said.

"Well say it...and say it loud." She said through gritted teeth as she pulled Louis back to his door. She looked at Harry who was still in the same spot. She smirked. "I love you sooo much Louis!!" She shouted. Louis lowered his head and held back his tears. Louis looked her in the eyes.

"I love you too, Jessica." Jessica smiled and kissed Louis. It was a kiss he didn't return. He heard someone sniffling and looked in the cell to see Harry crying his eyes out while looking at Louis then looking down to the floor. (Just like the picture on the side)

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