He's Back

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Kind of a Filler!!!


Harry's eyes shot open when he heard his name being called. It was Louis who was calling him.

He's not really calling you twat. It's your imagination.

Harry closed his eyes and adjusted himself, facing the wall and closed his eyes again. Seconds later he felt a dip in his bed behind him. He quickly sat up and was met with blue eyes.

"Hi, love." Louis said. Harry wanted to be soo mad; but he didn't have the strength to yell. So the only thing he could do was apologize. For what? Not even he knew. 

He grabbed Louis' hand and held it to his chest. 

"Louis, I am so so so sorry, for whatever I did. If it was me saying "I love you" I would take it back, but I just can't Louis. I really love you. I can't lose you. Please...please forgive me. When you weren't here I would get these horrid dreams and as soon as you got here they disappeared; but when you left they came back...they came back Louis, an..and I don't want to go through it again. You can hate me, call me names, hit me..anything. Just please...stay with me. I...I need you." Harry said. Louis shook his head and hugged Harry tightly.

"Harry, I do love you! I'm sorry I didn't say it." Louis said looking down. 


Harry shook his head.

"Why didn't you?" Harry asked. He put his hand under Louis' chin and picked it up so that he was looking at him.

Louis had tears in his eyes; but they weren't falling. He couldn't tell Harry. He was still under Jessica's control. What do I say! She said she wanted to. Louis only knew one way out of this. The sympathy card. He began to cry immensly and he flung in Harry's arm.

"It's okay, It's okay Louis." Harry said. He felt bad for the boy. It's probably that prick, Adam, that made him like this. Harry kissed Louis' head.

Louis looked up at him and smiled. Crisis avoided. He began to lean in. His and Harry's lips met in the middle. Sparks flew through both of the boys. Harry grazed Louis' bottom lip with his tounge, asking for an entrance. Of course oblidged. They began a Heated makeout session.

Harry began to lay down, bringing Louis down on top of him. Louis ran his fingers through Harry's hair. Harry moaned and placed his hands on Louis' perfect bum, that he missed so much. Louis went completely on top of Harry. Harry kneaded Louis' bum. Louis started grinding, bringing his knees up to Harry's hips, all while still kissing him.

Niall walked in and saw only Louis on top of Harry.

"Hey!" Niall shouted. He ran over and pulled Louis off of Harry and threw him to the ground.

"Niall!" Harry shouted. Louis began to scoot himself back trying to get away from Niall. Niall jumped on him, and punched his left eye. "NIALL!!" Harry shouted. He grabbed Niall by his collar and threw him against the wall. He looked back and saw Louis holding his eye trying to get up. The color in Harry's skin came back. He looked like the old Harry; but absolutely furious. He grabbed Niall and choked him against the wall. 

"H...Harry." Niall said. He clawed at Harry's hand.

Yes Harry! KILL HIM!!! LET ME OUT! I'm so close!

Harry tightened his grip and started sweating furosiously. Louis looked up and saw the scene.

"Harry, no!!" Louis jumped to his feet and ran over to Harry. He grabbed his hand the was on Niall throat and looked in Harry's eyes. They were still green, which means he wasn't Harold. He was Harry but he was mad that Niall had hurt Louis. "Harry...Harry look at me." Louis said. Harry growled at Niall; but then directed his attention at Louis. "He didn't hurt me...I'm okay. Put him down." Harry saw the fear in Louis' eyes. He stopped sweating when he felt Louis' hand on his.

No Harry! Niall hurt Louis. Kill him!

He looked back at Niall who was slowly losing conciousness. He dropped Niall and grabbed Louis and hugged him tightly. 

Louis was surprised by the hug and slowly but surely hugged Harry back. Harry pulled back and grabbed Louis' face looking into his eyes. One of them was slightly puffy and tears were in it. Harry knew by now that when an eye looks like that, it only gets worse. He'll have a black eye by tomorrow. Tonight, if Niall punched that hard. 

Harry turned his attention to Niall who was on his hands and knees rubbing his throat, gasping for air.

"You did this!" Harry yelled. Niall looked at him and backed away.

"I'm so sorry Harry. I-I...I thought he was hurting you." Niall choked out. Harry looked sceptical at him.

"You fucking liar." Harry said as he took a step towards Niall. Niall scurried to his feet. Louis grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him back.

"Harry, it's okay. He's telling the truth. He was mad at me. It's okay. Trust me." Harry looked at Louis. He carassed his cheek. "Come here, Niall." Louis said. Harry quickly looked back at Niall. Daggers in his eyes. Niall gulped, but slowly walked up. Louis hugged him. Niall hugged back.

"I'm sorry, Louis." Niall said. Louis smiled and pull back.

"It's okay, Niall. I would have done the same thing. I was being a dick." Louis said. Louis opened his arms for Harry to join the hug. Harry groaned and hugged Niall. Louis laughed and hugged Harry and kissed his cheek. Just when everything was better they heard the buzzer, and guards running.

"Shit!" Harry said. Niall tried to scurry to hide under the blanket, but he couldn't find it.

"Wheres the blanket!?" Niall yelled. Harry widened his eyes and ran to his cot. When Louis wasn't there Harry slept with not only his pillow, but also his blanket. Before he could grab it the door flew open and a guard walked in.

"Well, well... Niall...is this your room?" The guard said. Louis looked at Niall, while Harry was standing  there with the blanket in his hand, slowly falling out.

"N-no, sir." Niall said. "I was just-"

"Headwardens office...now." The guard said as he began to escort Niall out. Louis looked back at Harry frantically. Harry looked at Louis then back at the guard and dropped the blanket.

"Sir! It was me." Harry said. He walked up to the guard. "I told him to come in here, he was walking by to go back to his cell, but I told him to come in here or...or I would kill him." Harry said. Louis stood in shock as Harry said those words.

"No h-" Louis began to speak.

"YES Louis! It happened why you were sleep. You wouldn't know anyways." Harry said rudely as he stared at Louis. Louis took a step back in awe.

"Well then Harry, let's go." The guard said. Harry winked back at Louis to asure him that everything was okay before he turned around and walked out. "Come on Niall, I'll bring you back to your room before I drop Harry here off." The guard placed his hand roughly on Harry's shoulder. Louis watched as they walked out.

Help Me [Book 1] Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now