Clean the office

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DADADAA!!! Another  dedication to KitsuneXDragon. This person man...First of all the name as fuck. Second of all. They like my story yay!!!111oneone <3

"Let me out!" Louis shouted. Since he had "broken into" Tina's office, they had placed him in solitary confinment. He had been banging on the door since he got in. So...for like 10-15 minutes. He hated it in there. He hated the darkness, he hated how cold it was; but mostly he hated that it was "Harry"less. He had been thinking about Harry since he woke up. He knew that it had to have been Harry. It couldn't have been Haz. He just had a feeling that it was still his Harry.

After what felt like a lifetime of thinking he heard a faint "psst." He looked at the door and saw tiny little hairs coming from the gated tiny window on the door....blonde hair.

"Louis!" Niall whisper yelled. "Come here. I can't see, I'm too short." Louis tried to laugh but couldn't. He got up and walked over the door. He was no taller than Niall so he couldn't see either. 

"I'm here Niall." Louis said as he stuck his hand out and wiggled his fingers.

Niall smiled and held his hand. "In need of human contact, mate?" Niall asked. Louis laughed and let go of Niall's hand putting his back in the room.

"Do you know where Harry is?" Louis asked. Niall let out a long breath.

"No, they wouldn't let anyone see him. I was gonna look in some of the S.C cells after I left you." Niall said. Louis huffed and leaned his back on the door.

" are you over here anyways?" Louis asked. 

"Cleaning duty. I kinda left everyone else." Niall explained. Louis heard a door closing and Niall gasp. Louis turned around and pressed his hands and ears against the door.

"What Niall? What is it?" Louis asked frantically.

"It...It's Harry." Niall said. Louis' stomach did flips.

"Is he okay." Louis asked.

"God, no." Niall said. Louis' stomach twisted. It felt as if he was getting punched and stabbed in the stomach repeatedly.

"What happened? What does he look like?" Louis asked. Niall stayed quiet. "Niall?!" Louis whisper shouted. Louis heard clamping and tapping on the door.

"I gotta go, Louis...oh Jesus...Bye." Niall said in the distance. Louis grabbed his stomach and turned around and sat against the door. He put his head in his hands and started to cry quietly.


Two days...two days they have kept me in this hole. Two whole days I have cried. Two days it feels like I've become closer to death. Two whole days I have been fed shit food. I haven't had anyone to talk to. No one to cuddle with. I feel like I have become insane. I hate it...maybe I really do belong here. 

Louis was curled up in himself. Along the wall. He was freezing. He just wanted Harry to hold him and tell him everything was going to be alright; but really, everything was getting worse. He just wanted the false reasurrance. 

Louis was pulled from his thoughts when the door creaked open. He didn't look up, he didn't even budge. 

The guard walked over to him and pulled him up by his collar and put shackles on his ankles. He had no idea why. Any blind man could see that Louis had no more fight left in him. He already felt dead. 

The guard led him to Tina's office. The inside was left as it was, papers scattered, and glass broken. Tina was standing there looking smug as ever.

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