Supply Closet

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The four boys sat in the Common Area on the couch, Louis overlapping on Harry a bit. Of course Harry didn't mind.

"You still going on that date?" Niall asked. Harry groaned and tilted his head back on the couch. 

"Well...I really don't want to anymore." Louis answered. Harry's head shot up. "I mean. I'm gay...I don't want to lead her on." Niall nodded and leaned into Zayn.

"Uhh...Hello, and you have me!" Harry said. Louis looked back at him and chuckled.

"Yes, and I have Harry." Harry sneakily pecked Louis' cheek making him giggle. Just from hearing that giggle, Harry's pants tightened.

Just then Tina and Jessica walked in. Tina told Jessica to wait by the doors and she walked away to talk to the guards. Jessica looked up and spotted Louis, sitting playing Rock, Paper, Scissors with Zayn.

"Louis!" She shouted. The four boys turned around to see her smiling. Harry groaned and wrapped his arm around Louis, keeping him in place. Jessica gestured for Louis to come over. Louis tried to get up but Harry tightened his grip.

"If you want me to break the date, you might wanna let me go." Harry stared at Louis for a while before releasing his death grip. Louis walked over to Jessica with a fake smile.

"Hey." She spoke. 

"Hi...uhm..Jessica there's something I need to tell you." Louis said. Before Jessica could answer someone shouted.

"Jessica! I told you to wait by the door!" Tina yelled. Jessica turned towards her.

"I know Mom, I'm just helping a patient." Louis' eyes widened. He looked behind Jessica at Harry, Niall and Zayn who were already looking back, there mouths hanging open.

"Tina your mom?" Louis asked. Jessica blushed and nodded.

"Yea, I'm Jessica May." She spoke while giggling. Louis felt his stomach drop not only from finding out that Tina was her mom but also from that giggle. There was no way he could break the date now. If he did he was worried about what Tina would do if Jessica told her. "So, what did you want to tell me?"

"Huh?" Louis asked. He knew exactly what she was talking about.

"You said you had something to tell me?" Jessica replied. Oh yea, I just wanted to tell you that I'm gay and I'm fucking my cellmate and he has a fucking huge cock. Bye! Louis thought.

"Oh, uh...about our date...when did you want to have it?" He said. Louis felt so bad for Harry. Harry never had anyone to call his own in a long time and when he does get one he 'cheats' on him. Well I'm not really cheating... Harry knows. That didn't make Louis feel any better. It was still wrong to lead Jessica on.

"Tonight? I could come get you. I know it's soon but I ju-"

"No no...It's fine. I'll see you tonight. You know my adress." Louis said trying to lighten the mood. Jessica smiled and kiss Louis cheek. Louis could almost feel Harry glaring at him. 

"Well, I'll see you tonight then." Jessica said. She walked away leaving Louis standing there. He looked at Harry who was now byhimself. Niall and Zayn did NOT want to stay for the aftermath of that kiss. He walked over but before he could sit down Harry grabbed his wrist and led him to the supply closet.

"What was that?!" Harry cried. Louis rubbed his bicep and looked down. Ashamed of what he did. 

"I'm sorry Harry. I was just scared of what she would do. I mean, she's the headwardens daughter. She'd be furious if I broke it off." Harry sighed and took Louis cheeks in his hand. He found where Jessica had kissed him and licked the spot. Louis grimaced.

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