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Harry didn't come back to the room last night and Louis was beginning to get worried. He didn't care if it was Haz or Harold or whoever he just wanted to see him.


He and Niall walked down to the Common Area. As predicted Louis had a pretty bad blackeye. Niall looked over.

"Sorry about the eye." Niall said. 

"It's alright." Louis said. "Kinda makes me look intimidating I guess." Niall laughed and patted his back.

"Where's Zayn?" Louis questioned. 

"He had kitchen duty." Niall sighed. He and Louis sat at a table where chess was set up and began playing with the pieces, not exaclty sure what they were doing. The door flew open and in walked Harry, with a straitjacket on. Louis stood up quickly and watched him walk to the couch and sit down. He looked at Niall. Niall jumped up and walked over to Harry with Louis. They sat in front of him, on the table. He was mumbling words they couldn't understand. His hair was messed up and fell over his face. Niall tapped Louis' arm.

"Look." He pointed at a purple area on Harry's temples. "Electroshock." Niall said. Louis' eyes widened. "I guess someone tried to get him to forget something." Louis reached his hand out to touch Harry's face.

"Harry-" Louis said. Harry flinched.

"No!" Harry said. "Twins...twins are coming." Louis broke out into a sweat. His stomach twisted in pain. He felt his eyes water and tried his hardest to hold them back.

"What does he mean twins?" Niall said looking at Harry.

"I..I don't know." Louis stated. He couldn't tell Niall. Niall would beat the shit out of him.

Harry was violently shaking looking down at the floor. Louis gulped and rested his hand on Harry knees. Harry jumped.

My turn.

Harry began shaking and shouting. He rolled all around the couch, when he suddenly just stopped and stood up. Haz was finally there. Louis scooted back on the table. Niall knew what was happening. He stood up and backed against the wall.

"Hello Louis." Haz said. Louis gulped. Haz charged at Louis and fell on top of him on top of the table. He straddled him and tried to break his hands free from the jacket. Louis stuggled to get out from under him. He held Haz's arms back. Haz got madder by the second. He thrashed and yelled in Louis' face. Two guards and a nurse ran in.

"Hold him still!" The nurse shouted.The two guards pulled Haz off Louis and held him against the floor.

"Get the fuck off me!" Haz shouted. Louis ran to Niall and held him. They watched the nurse sit on Haz. Haz legs were kicking out of control. He was putting his white ked covered feet flat on the ground and thrusting his hips up, trying to get her off. The two guards held his torso down. Shit... Haz thought. 

"Get the fuck off!!" Haz shouted. He then rememmber how naive Louis was. He calmed himself down and began acting helpless. "LOUIS!!? LOUIS! Help me! It hurts!" Haz shouted. Louis let go of Niall trying to go save "Harry". Niall grabbed his hand. Louis looked back at Niall. Niall shook his head and mouthed "no."

The nurse gave Haz a tranquilizer. The drugs instantly made Haz vanish and Harry take back over.

NO! I wasn't done! Harry stay awake!

Harry was mumbling incoherent words. He was out within seconds. The guards dragged Harry out of the room by his feet. Not even caring about his safety. He bumped his head on a chair leg slightly.

"Watch his head!" Louis yelled. They ignored him. He and Niall sat on the couch. "Why didn't you let me help him. It was Harry." Niall sighed and played with a sticker on the table.

"No it wasn't." Nial declared he continued to study and pick at the sticker, acting as if Harry's outburst was a regular thing for him. Louis scoffed. 

"Well who-"

"It was Haz, Louis."


Louis, Niall, and alot of other patients were waiting in line to get there medication. They each had a meeting with Dr. Payne. He would make a verdict and prescribe what they needed. 

The line reached Niall. He was in for about 5-6 minutes before he walked out with a slip of paper. He unraveled it. His wasn't a medication. It was a list, of the times he had to eat and the food he had to consume. The guard grabbed Niall's arm and pulled him away.

"Good luck." Niall said to Louis while still staring at his paper. Louis took a deep breath and walked in. Dr. Payne was sitting in his brown leather chair.

"Louis, sit down." Dr. Payne said. He gestured for Louis to sit down on a blue swede couch. Louis sat. Dr. Payne put his pen down and crossed his hands on the clipboard. "How are you, Louis?" He asked. 

"Fine." Louis answered. Dr. Payne wrote something down. What the hell? I just said "Fine." 

"So, Louis. Have you had any suicidal thoughts lately?" Dr. Payne asked. Well yea, when I wasn't talking to Harry. 

"Kind of." Louis said. Dr. Payne put his clipboard on the small glass desk next to him.

"Louis, I know you don't like it here, and to be honest, I don't think you belong here, but, I want to help you get out of here. Can you please talk to me?" Dr. Payne said. Louis looked up from his thumbs and sighed. He told him everything from him not talking to Harry and to Harry attacking him. He left out the part about Jessica raping him and the twins. That's not his business. 

" were having suicidal times when you weren't talking to Harry?" Dr. Payne asked. Louis nodded. Dr. Payne sighed. "Okay...well, Louis if thats the only time you thought about it, then it seems you're getting better. We'll see how the next two weeks go." He wrote a prescription on a slip and handed it to Louis. Louis jumped up smiling and grabbed the paper.

"So that means I could possibly go home!" Louis asked. His smile fell. I don't have a home anymore. Dr. Payne sighed.

"I said we'll see, Louis. Just make sure you're taking in posotives vibes, alright?" Louis nodded and left the office. 


"Dr. Payne!" 

Liam dropped his papers he was looking through and rubbed his temples. "Yes, Jessica?" She walked in and slammed a slip on his desk.

"Chlorpromazine!?" She said. "Why did you give this to Harry?" Liam picked up the paper. He sighed and took off his glasses. He looked up at her.

"It's what he needs, Jessica. It's to calm-"

"No!" Jessica said. She slammed her hand on the desk and began pacing. "Damnit!" She ran her fingers through her hair annoyed. Her eyes widened. She walked back to the desk. "Medafinil! Dextroamphetamine! Methylphenidate! Give him those. All of them!" Liam scoffed.

"Jessica, he doesn't need stimulants. He needs antiphsycotic medication, and you know it."

"Well things change, Liam." Liam stood up and walked to his files. He opened Harry's file. He flipped through a couple pages until he stopped on a page that had Harry's medical papers. 

"If he takes those stimulants, they'll stimulate the wrong area in his brain. You know this. It'll make this "Haz" character stronger." Jessica chuckled.

"Thats the point Liam..." She stated. Liam scowled and dropped the file on the table. He rubbed his face in annoyance.

"," He walked over and pointed at her. "you actually want Haz to get sronger? Why?" She sat back on the desk.

"That's confidential. Besides if you make this happen, then I could make alot happen for you. Didn't you say you wanted that recommendation to Maryrose? You're dream was to become the head doctor there. Do this job, and you have your letter." Liam swallowed deeply. "So...what do you say?" She held her hand out waiting for a handshake.

Help Me [Book 1] Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now