Day 10

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"Please, Kristina Timeat! It's Christmas Eve! Surely, even you as a daughter of Dianite can have mercy on such a special holiday as this!" the mother of the last family in the village begged.

I laughed, menacingly, but not with a quite as much malice as I would have before I visited the Island of Mianite. "Dianite is not a god of mercy, and neither are his children."

With that, I made a wide swing with my sword, decapitating all three of those left in the family - the mother and two daughters. Gory, yes, but nothing I wasn't used to.

I nodded at Herobrine, standing a few meters away. He walked over to me with Nirvana and said, "Well done, sisters. Another village of Mianite-worshiping scum wiped off the face of the planet."

"But so many more to go," Nirvana said with a sigh.

I nod. "Someday, we'll get there. Then we shall control all of the land, and nothing will stop us." But I wasn't as up-for-it as I'm sure they were.


I was attempting to sleep, pushing the guilt of killing the begging mother out of my mind. Finally, I couldn't take it. I opened my eyes and pushed the covers off my chest to find none other than who I thought was a long-gone entity in this world.


I nearly screamed, but she must have somehow muted me.

"Hush, Kristina. I only come to warn you."

"Of what?" I demanded. I was able to speak now.

"Of the spirits to come. The spirits of Christmas. They will come at any moment now, all three of them at once."

"What spirits? Don't use your sorcery on me, what are you talking about?"

But she was already gone.

And the first spirit had already come.


It was Sonja. Except it wasn't, it only looked like Sonja. Sonja, from the Island of Mianite. The one place I haven't told Father about.

"Kristina," she said in a kind tone, "I am the spirit of Christmas past."

"Its whole past?"

"Your past."

"For what purpose?"

"Perhaps, after visiting the Island of Mianite and getting to know its inhabitants, you could appreciate your past, innocent self a bit more. You could be more like the woman who's form I take."

There were images of me floating around. Nirvana and I, almost twins, with our brown hair and blue eyes, playing silly child's games together, tag and whatnot. Doing each other's hair. Drawing self portraits in the soul sand. Singing.

"So? What am I to take from this?"

"Not only this," the spirit said. "This."

The moment we turned evil. When Herobrine made me kill someone for the first time. And even as an innocent child, I didn't regret it in the slightest.

I liked it.

I stumbled backwards in horror. Seeing the sudden transition for myself made me realize just how wrong it all was.


"That, I'm afraid, is all I have for you. But my friend has a bit more for you."


Tom. The one I hated the most on that island, despite his following of my Father.

"You," I growled through clenched teeth.

"No, not me." Gods, it even spoke his accent. "I am the spirit of Christmas present."

"What do you have for me, then?" I hiss.

"That." When I looked confused he added, "Your emotions. Your resentment towards the man I resemble. That is what those who witness your killing feel. And why do you hate him so much?"

"Because he kills unnecessari-" Then I realized.

"Which is what you do," the spirit concluded with a smile. His smile made me want to punch him in the face. "Enough, enough. I think I've made my point clear."

"What now, Christmas present?" I say mockingly.


"Yes," a new voice replied. A voice I admired greatly, and only because of its owner.

"Jordan," I whisper.

"Yes," he said.

"But why Christmas future?"

"Because he is your future."

The images that appeared to me here made me want to cry tears of joy. Jordan's life being saved by me, and vise versa. Jordan and I kissing. Jordan placing his hands on my swollen stomach, saying "hello" to a baby who couldn't hear him. Jordan offering a ring to me, proposing marriage. Jordan and I being blessed by Ianite at our wedding. Jordan and I holding a little girl by her arms, teaching her how to walk.

"This is my future?" I say in a shaky voice.

The spirit nodded. "But you won't reach it easily. You won't reach it at all if you don't believe in what made you fancy Jordan in the first place."

"Ianite..." I mutter. "Ianite, I have to save her.

The spirit shrugged. "Your choice. But that would be a very wise one in this case."


I woke up the next morning, unsure of what exactly had happened last night. It must have been a dream, I thought. Ianite was safely trapped in a void far, far away.

But maybe I could make something out of it, anyway.

That day, I did. I traveled to the Island of Mianite. Everyone was excited for my return. None quite so much as Jordan when I connected our lips beneath a beautifully decorated Christmas tree.


I feel like if I spent more time on this I could make a really good story out of this.

But honestly


I love this almost as much as Day 7

So I hope y'all enjoyed it!


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