Day 17

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The snow fell hard against my car windshield as I slowly drove down the icy forest road. My girl friend, Ivy, laid asleep in the passenger seat while the music from her phone still played loudly. I smiled over at her and turned off the music so her phone wouldn't die, lord knows how much she needs that thing alive.

After awhile I struggled to see and slowed down as much as possible, my car barely moving. "Hey Ivy I don't think we are going to be able to make it to your parents house." She didn't respond so I knew she must still be asleep.

I pulled over as much as I could being we were on a pretty high ledge at the moment which, I'm not gonna lie, scared the shit out of me.

With a soft nudge on her on, I tried to wake her. "Ivy, we need to talk. Wake up. Ivy the storm is ge-" I was cut off by the sound of a car engine barreling down the ice covered road, the tires slipping and sliding all over the place. Before I had time to react the car slammed into the hood of my car, causing us to start scooting closer to the edge of the cliff.

The impact of the hit made me hit my head pretty hard, I struggled to think straight. Ivy had waken and was screaming. The car just wouldn't stop moving, it was going to kill us...

I quickly tried to open the door but it had gotten stuck and Ivy's was the same. The car rammed us one more time and we both fell from the ledge, free falling to the land below. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, I could sense everything around me.

The look of horror on Ivy's face made me wish I was already dead, I couldn't stand the look.

With tears in my eyes, I leaned over and kissed her then climbed on top of her to act as a shield from the impact of hitting the ground. The last thing I remembered was hearing her crying then a loud crash as we hit the ground. For a moment I felt unbearable pain in my back and legs then it all left as I blacked out.

I woke up four days later in the hospital with a group of doctors staring at me. "He's awake," one yelled and patted a fellow doctor on the shoulder. "You are very lucky son, in your condition we were sure you wouldn't ever make it to the hospital."

I sorta smiled at that, it felt good to be that lucky. I should have been 8 feet under the ground right now but instead I was 5 floors up in a huge medical center.

"Where's Ivy? Where is she? Tell me she is okay!" I was worried sick now that I was actually thinking. If they thought I would die, how was she? "Don't worry yourself boy, she is fine. You prevented most of the impact from getting to her, it's because of you that she is alive." I started crying tears of joy, my love was still well.

"Can I see her? I need to know that she is fine." The doctors looked at each other then sighed. "You'll need a wheelchair, you broke both of your legs and almost destroyed your back with minor damage to the rest of you." Quickly I looked down and saw both my legs in cast, how did I not notice that...?

Within a few minutes a nurse brought me a wheelchair and offered to push me but I said I was fine.

"Well Merry Christmas!"


"You were out for a few days, it's Christmas now," she said with a smile.

With that in my head I pushed towards Ivy's room, and found her wide awake reading a book. "Hello my lovely," I said with a big grin. She looked at me confused but didn't say anything. "Um hi. What are you doing here," she asked as she laid her book down. "What do you mean? I thought you were dead! Ivy are yo-" She cut me off before I could finish, "How do you know my name?"

My heart sank and tears whelped in my eyes. "I-Ivy we've been together for years now... W-we were p-planning on getting m-married soon..." She just looked at me blankly. "Nurse! Please get this man out of my room!" Tears streamed down my face, "No, Ivy please you remember me! I'm Jordan! We met Pax! Ivy please!"

The nurse grabbed my wheelchair and I started sobbing. I got up and tried to walk to her but fell hard on the floor. I was put back in my wheelchair by several nurses and doctors. Merry Christmas rang through my head as I stared at my Ivy's blank face. Now I wished I was dead even more...

A/N: I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me. If I keep making sad one shots Anna is going to hang me, but I'm out of happy plots. Anyway hope you enjoyed the heartbreak. Bye!
Ps: I'm not high on RedBull anymore...

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