Day 20

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"Are you sure it was the best idea to go camping so close to Christmas? We have been walking for hours when we could have been cuddling under a warm blanket together..."

"Yes Jade, I'm sure this was the best idea. I have a map and we should be at the secret surprise any minute now!"

Jordan walks through the frost covered forest with a smile on his face while I'm shivering a few steps behind him. He told me that he put a surprise in the forest and that the map would lead us there.

To be honest, Jordan said lots of things like this, but they didn't always work out in the end for him sadly. Before we left I said we should just stay home and be a cute couple but he insisted we go.

"Are we there yet?" I said holding the yet out way longer than needed, making me sound like a little kid. Jordan laughed at me, "Almost... Actually we should be seeing it any second now but this doesn't look like the place..."

With a sigh I walked up so I was beside him and took a look at the map, my stomach hurting when I saw his mistake. "J-Jordan... Honey, you've been reading the map upside down." He laughed then stopped when he saw how serious I was. "You were kidding right?" I shook my head no, rubbing his shoulder in attempt to make him feel better.

"Well isn't that just great!" He yells then sits on the ground next to a huge tree that seemed to touch the sky. "Jordan it's fine. We can just go ba-" he cut me off before I could finish. "Don't you see... We are lost. I don't know where we are any more." He laid his head in his lap, obviously super upset.

I put my head on his shoulder, scooting as close as possible to him, humming Let It Snow as small snow flakes fell from the sky. He looked up from the ground with a sigh, "Why do I always mess these things up..."

I smiled then kissed his cheek. "Because you're you and you always mess up but, I think it's really cute. It wouldn't be the same if we had actually made it." He smiled at that the looked up towards the sky, then at me.

"Thank you for always making me feel better." I laughed then pecked his lips. "It's my job."

"Merry five days till Christmas, Jade."

"Merry five days till Christmas, Jordan."

A/N: So I have the flu and was too sick to write yesterday and I really should be sleeping right now but I didn't want Anna to have to write something for me again. In fact I'm so sick I wrote a happy story...
NoW bE hApPy AnD dOnT kIlL mE

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