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Y/n's pov Me, Kari, and Tai were moving to a place called Domino City... We finally arrived... We saw a game shop... Let's go check it out, Kari... I said to my twin... Yeah... Sounds good... She nods... Take your time... I'll get everything ready thing set up... Tai said... Who would have though mom and dad would let us and Tai move to Domino City by our selves... Yeah... No kidding... Kari comments... We stepped inside the game shop... Hello? We called... Hello there! My name is Solomon Muto! But you can call me Gramps... He said with a smile... My name is Y/n Kamiya and this is my twin sister Kari Kamiya... I said... What lovely names... I have two grandsons... They are about your age but one is older... Let me call them... Yugi! Atem! Mr. Muto called... Coming Grandpa! Yugi called...

Atem's pov Yugi and I headed downstairs into the game shop to see who Grandpa was talking with... It was two girls... One of them caught me off guard...

 One of them caught me off guard

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Ah... Yugi... Atem... This is Y/n and Kari Kamiya... They just moved here to Domino City with their older brother Tai... Grandpa said... Hello! Both of them smile sweet... Yugi... It's her... I whispered in pure shock... Are you sure Pharaoh? Yugi whispers... Yes... I know that smile anywhere Yugi... I whispered... 

Y/n's pov We got along really well with Yugi and Atem... I could even see Yugi gaining a crush on my sister... I pull him aside... Yugi... I'm okay with you liking Kari... I said gently... Really? Yugi asked... Of course... And I can tell Kari is starting to like you... I said softly... I look over at Atem... May I have a word with you Atem? I asked gently... He nodded... He held out his hand and I took it... He leads me upstairs... We entered a room... Must be his and Yugi's... Atem... What is this feeling I am feeling around you? I asked... Okay... Are you ready two this hear? He asks... I do... I want to know why I feel this way around you even though this is the first time we met... So please help me understand Atem... I pleaded... This will take a long time... 5,0000 years ago... There were a girl and a boy... I was cut off with a memory... You were the boy and I was the girl? We were in love? We were married? We were going to have a baby girl but I was killed by the thief King Bakura wasn't I? I said tears welling in my eyes... You were my husband for 5,0000 years... And I was the queen... I'm so sorry forgetting my Pharoah!  I sobbed clinging to his chest... Shh... It's okay... You remember now... Atem said soothingly... Atem please I have to tell Kari and Tai... I may have been reborn... But I was reborn as a Kamiya... They deserve to know... They were a better family than mine in our past... Please Atem... I begged... You can tell them... I won't force you not to tell it from your siblings... Atem said... Still as charming as ever huh, Atem... I giggled... I think Kari already knows since she and Yugi are standing outside the door... I giggled... The door opens... Your still my sister... I don't care if you are 5,0000 years old... Your still my twin, Y/n... Kari said... What was my name before? I asked...Ebony... Atem said... Ebony? I like it... Only you and my closest friends can call me that... But when we are at school... Which is gonna be Domino High I have to be called Y/n... I said... Of course my Queen... Atem said... Queen? That is going to get some time to use to... I said looking up at my Pharaoh... You will get used to it my dear... Atem said... You may be 5,0000 years old Atem... But you will still have an overprotective brother on your back... Tai is protective of me... I said... I know... Atem said... How? Were you watching me as a kid? I asked... A lot... Atem said... I looked confused... Oh well... Mr. Muto came upstairs... Oh! My-my! Mr. Muto chuckles... Mr. Muto! I blushed... None of that! I told you to call me Grandpa! Mr... I mean Grandpa scolds me... I giggled... So... She remembers everything... Atem said... Grandpa smiles... That is wonderful... Grandpa says... What time is it, Gramps? Kari asked... I sighed... 8:00 pm... He said... Why don't you stay over for dinner? He insists... Oh no... We... I saw Yugi, Kari, and Atem giving me puppy dog eyes... I sighed in defeat... Even now you still used that same look on me Atem... I said defeated... You should know that by now my queen... Atem chuckles wrapping an arm around me pulling me to his chest... Yeah, yeah... Your the best husband in the world Atem... I muttered... I saw out of the corner of my eye Yugi talking with Kari... Both of them blushing darkly... I elbowed my Pharaoh in the side with a smile... He looked over at Yugi and Kari... They look cute... He comments... He will be good for her... He is very sweet and kind... I just... Kari's been hurt before... But seeing her with Yugi... Yugi is slowly healing her heart... My Pharaoh you have a plan don't you? I wrap my arms around his neck... You know me so well... He chuckles... My Pharaoh I have known you over the 5,00000 years... I know when you are planning something... I giggled... I have missed you my Ebony... Atem said... And I have missed you my Atem... My Pharaoh? I asked... Yes, my Ebony? Atem asked... Why did I have a vision? Am I a seer? I asked... Yes, you were... Why? Atem asked... Becasue I used to have them when I was a kid all the time... I would tell Tai what would happen... I just though I was a freak... You are none of those things Ebony... Atem growls... I giggled... I know that now Atem... I was just a little girl at the time... I said... Grandpa do you need help? I asked... Yes, Gramps... Would you like us to help you? Kari asks... What kind girls you are! I would love your help! Grandpa says... I gave Atem a quick kiss before following Grandpa and Kari into the kitchen...

Atem's pov So... Yugi said... It's like she never left Yugi... My Ebony is back... I'm... Ra she's the same as I remembered... I sighed smiling... Ouch! Kari! Put your hand under cold water! Y/n shouts from the kitchen... An hour later they came out... Dinner is done... Y/n announces... We ate in silence... So Y/n... Why did you move here? Grandpa asked... Y/n and Kari shared an unsure look... We lived in Odaiba until last year... We are what you call Digidstined... Kari is the child of light... I am the child of destiny... Her Digimon is Gatomon and mine is Catmon... And yes... We have been in dangerous situations before... Y/n said looking at me... After dinner was over with... My Pharaoh what's wrong? Ebony asked me... You were put in dangerous situations and I wasn't there to protect you...  I said mad... Aw, my love... Don't be so hard on yourself... I mean... If I met you when I was 8... I would not believe a word you would say... Ebony said... But I should have been there to protect you anyway Ebony! I am a horrible husband! I said still mad at myself... Atem Yami Yugi! She snapped... Shit... I forget how pissed she gets when she is mad! Stop it... You mustn't be hard on yourself! My Pharaoh... We are together now... And we will face everything together... She said... Good... Besides, Battle city starts up... A tournament will start up soon... Our future? She asks... Yes... It is about our future... I said... I have faith in you my Pharaoh... Ebony said... Thank you, my queen... I said... You don't even need to ask to kiss me silly... Even back in ancient Egypt you still asked... I was a gentleman back then! I said blushing... And you still are my Pharaoh... Quit your stalling and kiss me already... She laughs... The laugh I missed so much... 

No one's pov Y/n's shirt was thrown to the floor along with Atem's... Bright red marks on Y/n's neck showing who she belongs too...  I forgot how Dominant you were my Pharaoh... Y/n says with a chuckle... Maybe I should remind you how much Dominant I am Ebony... Atem growls... Atem! I am only 16! Getting me pre---- Wait what?! I was pregnant before?! Y/n looks at Atem in shock... Yes, my love... We were gonna have a girl... Atem said... At least wait until I turn 17 or 18... Y/n said... Okay... I can wait... I waited 5,0000 years for you my Ebony... Atem said... I am sorry I made you wait so long my Pharaoh... My Ebony I would wait a lifetime for you... Atem kisses Y/n and she kisses back... They when into the living room seeing Yugi teaching Kari about the heart of the cards... Um... What is the heart of the cards? Y/n asks... Duel Monsters...  Atem... Why don't you get Y/n a starter deck and my dear... You and your sister are welcomed to take any cards you like... Mr. Muto said... Thank you, Grandpa... We don't have to pay you at all? Y/n asks... No... You are Atem's wife... He says... Do you think I can get a deck for my brother Tai? Y/n asks... Of course... Mr. Muto said... Thank you, Grandpa! Y/n hugs him... He chuckles hugging her back... Atem lead Y/n down into the shop... So... What do you think would be a good deck for me Atem? Y/n asked... I believe a fairy deck my Ebony... Atem said... Atem handed her a deck... This is a starter deck... Look through it and like Grandpa said... You can take any cards you feel is right... Atem said... Thank you Atem... Will you teach me the card of the hearts after I get this deck set up? She asks sweetly... Of course my, Ebony... Atem kisses her nose making her giggle... 

Star Seraph... Y/n reads the spell card about Star Seraph... She smiles nodding in approval... Cyber Angle... Y/n though she was very powerful... Melodious... Y/n though she was powerful and beautiful... Valkyrie... Y/n adored Valkyrie... Y/n could feel the power from her... The Agents... Tha will be a good trap card for her... Heralds... Y/n likes the card and it will be powerful... Prediction Princess seemed powerful. Artifact as well...  

Atem x Reader KamiyaWhere stories live. Discover now