3. 𝚊 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍 (ᴊ.ᴋ)

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A kiss on the forehead

That morning you and your friends stood outside the gates where Newsies usually received their papers. But because of the strike they just stood outside and waited. Some News Boys had revolted, gone back to their old ways. They all walked out sheepishly. Race lunged at them, but you grabbed his shoulder, keeping him back. He just shoved a cigar in his mouth and crossed his arms.

It was a very rare occurrence that Mr Wiesel would leave his booth but today he came strolling out cockily. A very sharply dressed gentleman beside him.

"Jack" you whispered, knowing that face from a mile off.

"Y/N, you okay?" Davy said to you.

"That's Jack" was all you could muster. Davy didn't reply.

"Pulitzer's newest employee, only the best, for the best aye" Mr Wiesel announced. Boys began to riot, slamming Jack, calling him a traitor and such. You just stood there, speechless. The Jack you knew would never do such a thing. You reached into your hair and pulled out a red bandanna. It was the one Jack wore round his neck; he gave to you as a promise that he would be there forever. But he'd broken that... Davy pushed through the crowd to the front and was let through. No one could make out a word they were saying but it was clear they were both disappointed.

"Let the girl through" Wiesel shouted waking you from a daydream. As the sea of boys parted, you walked up to Jack and Wiesel laughed evilly. When you got to Jack, he went to cup your face, but you pushed him away.

"What do you think you're doing?" you asked. He looked at you sorrowfully and began to answer.

"Actually Jack, I don't want to hear it." You said, shaking your head. You got onto your tip toes and pushed back his new, clean flat cap. You pressed your lips to his forehead carefully, tears filling your eyes. Forehead kisses meant a lot to Jack, they were soft, gentle gestures, that made him feel loved, but he could feel the pain in this one as you pulled away. You opened your hand still holding his red bandanna. You just turned your nose up and threw it at him, starting to cry. With that you turned and walked off, back into the crowd of boys. Jack though the'd never see you again

(A/N: A lil bit of angst for my Jackie boy, I want this one to be like a mini series, so they will make up, i promise. Stay safe and ily)

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