5. 𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜 (ᴊ.ᴋ)

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"I've missed you" kiss (pt. 3 to forehead and dream kisses)

(Y/N/N means your nickname )

You and Mush were walking down the lane when you saw a huge crowd of Newsies. They all seemed to be chanting, fists in the air. You looked at Mush and he looked at you. You both had confused smiles on your faces and took off running towards the crowd. It was farther away than you expected, by the time you got there you were both out of breath. You doubled over, resting your hands on your knees, trying your hardest not to laugh at Mush who was practically dying.

The crowd had got significantly bigger since you last saw it and you were struggling to see over the top. You jumped into the air, craning your neck but it worked to no avail. You had lost sight of Mush at this point; you were both to busy trying to push your way through the group. You were about to give up when Race saw you. He had a cigar in his mouth, but it wasn't lit.

"Y/N" he said, the cigar still hanging from his lips.

"What's going on Race?" you yelled above the commotion.

"You better see this" he replied bluntly, grabbing your wrist, and pulling you through the crowd of boys. You bumped into so many people, but Race wouldn't stop pulling at you. He came to a sudden stop and you slammed into the back of him. You rubbed your head and he apologised profusely; his accent thick. You shook it off and looked at the fight before you. You couldn't have guessed. Jack Kelly. He looked rough; despite the fact he was battering both the Delancey's single handed. His hair was a tousled mess and he looked pale. You saw that Oscar had the red bandanna of Jack's in his back pocket. Your hands flew to your mouth.

"Give it back Oscar" Jack shouted, lunging at him. He grabbed a hold of Oscar's shoulder and took his knuckles to his face. Jack's hand was red raw, but he kept swinging. Morris violently pulled Jack from his brother, snaking an arm around his throat.

"She clearly doesn't love ya Jack, its time to move on" Morris cackled. You felt yourself visibly pale, you felt sick. All this because of you...

"Its time she realised what she's been missing all these years" Oscar flexed, cackling like his brother. You knew you needed to do something to say something. But you hesitated, scared. Scared of what they'd do to Jack. You still loved him even if he were an idiot sometimes, even though you'd stormed out on him. Then it dawned on you, this was your fault. So, you did what any terrified girlfriend would.

"STOP IT" you screamed at the top of your lungs. Everybody looked at you. Morris, Oscar, Jack, everyone. They still had Jack trapped in a headlock. You stepped out of the circle and towards Oscar. You reached into his pocket and pulled the bandanna from it and turned away. You took two steps forward before swiveling back on your heels. You reached out your hand and slapped him across the face, with as much power as you could muster. Morris saw what was coming for him and dropped Jack, both running like children. Jack hit the ground with a powerful thud, knocking all the air out of him. You threw yourself down beside him, pulling him onto your lap. You cradled him like a child, letting him catch his breath.

"Spot, clear everyone out, shows over." You said and Spot did just that. It was just you, Jack, and your closest friends. You knew Jack would have hated to look vulnerable in front of all those people but the few that mattered, he didn't care. He was still perched in your lap, comfortably.

"Y/N" he whispered still dying for air, he reached up to caress your face weakly.

"It's okay, Jack, I'm here" you placed your hand atop of his.

"I-I'm so sorry" he began an apology.

"No Jack, this is all my fault. I should have never abandoned you, especially when you needed it. Jack I'm sorry. I still love you. If you'd take me back." You giggled a little at the last part, passing him the red bandanna. He stared at your face, reveling in your touch. He'd missed it so much, more than he thought possible. He took the bandanna from you and threaded it through your hair lovingly. It was like torture; he needed a kiss. So, he brought his lips to yours, his hand tangling in your hair. You kissed back, still holding him tightly. This was what he had been waiting for, what you'd both been waiting for.

"I've missed you Y/N/N" Jack said as he finally pulled his lips from yours.

"I've missed you too Cowboy".

(A/N: Finally my boy gets his happy ending. That's this little segment over, now its back to random one shots i hope you enjoyed it. If you didn't figure this out, I have a thing for Jack's bandanna, I HC it like its a promise ring, the special thing Jack would share with his loved one. Also, I cried writing this chapter, aha. I'm a sucker for romance, especially with Jackie. Stay safe and ily)

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