45. 𝚊 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎 (s.ᴄ)

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Kiss on the temple

Spot was stressed to his core. The constant scrapping of the Brooklyn boys had started to get to him. You were the only thing that could calm him down when his mind got fuzzy or being king of Brooklyn got to much. But to his dismay you were out on 'business'. He was sat up on the bridge, as far away from the noise as he could possibly get. His slingshot in one hand, little pebbles in his pocket, he poised himself to shoot. The sound of smashing bottles was one of Spot's favourite noises, the was the glass just shattered beyond repair was somewhat comforting to him. In that moment Brooklyn seemed to fall silent, he threw his back in relief taking a deep breath. But the peace was ruined by screaming.

He hated to admit it, but Brooklyn was really falling apart without its Queen/King. He was falling apart without you. You hadn't been gone for very long but the minute you had crossed over that bridge, he was ready to tear his hair out.

"What the HELL is wrong with you" someone shouted.

"Me, what's wrong with you" the other person retorted.

"That's it im telling Spot" a third party yelled.

"No you're not" Spot muttered under his breath, before getting up to leave. He needed to clear his head.

"Tell Spot what?" a familiar voice rang out, breaking up the arguments.

"Y/N, you're back!". You were bombarded with cries and even some relived hugs.

"Wow, im flattered guys" you laughed.

"Im so glad you're back!"

"Me too..."

"Make that three" Spot said smoothly, jumping down from his seat. You turned around and smiled at him.

"Now if you don't mind, I need to talk to Y/N about their trip" Spot commented, gesturing for you to follow him. You pulled scared face as a joke before following Spot into the lodging house. Spot walked over to his door and opened it for you like a gentleman.

"What did you wanna know Conlon?" you asked politely, genuinely curious as to what he wanted to know. Except he didn't say anything, he just threw his arms around your body. He held you tightly, his arms wrapped around your waist and his head in the crook of your neck. You felt his breathing regulate as he rocked the two of you from side to side. You just smiled softly, lacing your finger through his hair.

"I missed you" he uttered quietly, bringing himself to look in your eyes.

"I've missed you too Spot" you replied, your gaze so full of love. He sighed.

"Its been so hard without you" he confessed.

"What you or running Brooklyn?" you joked, looking him up and down.

"Not funny Y/N" he snapped.

"Sorry Spot tell me what's up" you said apologetically. You went to sit on his bed and patted the in front of you space, urging him to sit down. He planted himself between your legs and leant back. You rested your head on top of his as he began to rant. You felt kinda back for leaving him, but you didn't know it was going to leave him in such a state. Your fingers made their way into his hair, scratching his scalp comfortingly. He visibly relaxed under your touch. You giggled under your breath, big bad Spot Conlon was a slave to a good cuddle.

"And by day 4, they were unbearable... They would not shut up. The amount of fights I had to break up was ridiculous."

You listened intently.

"They just seem to act like children when you're not around"

"They love you Y/N" he said, a hint of jealousy in his tone. You bent your head forward and pressed your lips to his temple. He stopped as you did kissed him. A calm smile spreading across his features. You pulled away, a smile on your face too.

"I love you and only you Sean"

(A/N: Hi i would die for soft boyfriend spot conlon. Also i have no clue if his real name is sean but i've read it in other peoples fics so if im wrong please correct me. I actually really like this one and im super happy with it. Thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed it. Stay safe and ily)

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