25. 𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 (ᴋ.ʙ)

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Routine Kisses

Louis needed constant affection, he would never admit it, but he did. He also liked routine, he felt comfort in knowing what was going happen but he refused to admit that as well. But you being you understood what he needed and were happy to provide.

You woke him up every morning by shaking his shoulders gently and watching him come round. He always asked you how you slept, his voice rough from lack of use. His morning voice was something else, it made you shiver ;). You always placed a soft kiss to the top of his head and let him get on with getting ready.

You walked to work together when he wasn't dancing with the boys. You enjoyed the lifelessness of Manhattan on your morning walks, he enjoyed being in your company and the feeling of your hand on his arm. He often tried to make these walks last longer than necessary because he knew Oscar and Morris would gawk at you when you collected your papes. You assured him that it meant nothing to you and that it didn't bother you, it made him feel a little better, but it didn't stop him hating them.

Upon arrival, Oscar and Morris would stare at you. But you ignored their googly eyes and open mouths and collected your papes maturely. You would scan through the news while you waited for Louis to pay for his. Before selling you would kiss him confidently. It was a good luck ritual for him, once you got sick and refused to kiss him. He didn't sell nearly as many papes that day. He revelled in these kisses knowing that the Delancey's would be watching. Then you went your separate ways. Sometimes you would pass him on the streets and give him a thumbs up. It was a small gesture, but it brightened up his whole day.

You would meet back at the lodging house and talk through your day. If it were a rough day, he would lay with his head in your lap and let you play with hair. You would pepper his face with kisses until he laughed, trying to bring some joy to his day. You would sit and talk and cuddle most days when you weren't out with the boys.

Then night fell and you both went to sleep. You would place on final kiss to his lips before getting into your own bed and drifting off. And then you would do it all over again. Once Crutchie asked if it ever got boring, you just looked over at Louis and smiled.

"Sometimes, but he's worth it"

(A/N: I'm so in love with Kid Blink omfg, i wrote this 3 time and hated the 1st two. This one was the best of the 3 but i'm still not sure about it. Thank you for 300 reads as well, you are all stars. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it. Stay safe and ily)

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