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I’m sick to my stomach, I can not believe what I am about to do. She’s angelically sitting across from me, in the booth at Taco Bell we have sat in so many times before. I am nervous, but I have to do this, she deserves better than me. I moved my hand up towards her blonde hair, which was tied in a neat fishtail braid, as it usually was.

“Lex, we need to talk” I said anxiously, pulling my hand away after realizing its just going to make this harder.

I could see the smile slowly fade off of her face.

    “About what?” She replied

Hate.      This.

“I think we need to stop-”

I couldn’t get the words out. I couldn’t do this, it was too painful, too hard for me to say. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt Alexa, I had promised not to break her heart, but that was a promise that I couldn’t keep anymore.

“Stop what?” I could see tears start to well up in her gorgeous ocean blue eyes.

“I just need some, some space” I managed to choke out.  Was it space I  needed? I didn’t know. All I knew was I  didn’t feel like I loved her as much as I originally had. Had we been together too long? Surely two years and three months is a long time but how do you just stop loving someone as much as you once had? I can’t lead her on…

    She let a tear slip down her cheek, I could feel tears well up in my eyes as well but didn’t want to show her I was upset.

“Why?” I could hear the pain in her voice.

This is the question I have been dreading ever since I made the decision to end it. “I just don’t love you anymore” That was a lie. I did love her, but not to the extent I had before. “We’re going to college in a year and we need to focus on school, i don't’ really have time for a girlfriend right now.” Tears were streaming down her face, I felt awful, it took everything in me not to start crying right there.

    She didn’t say another word, she silently took out the earrings I had given her for her fifteenth birthday so long ago, and tried to hand them to me.

    I took her hand and opened it up,  and placed the expensive gold earrings into her palm as she looked right into my eyes.

“You keep them” I stuttered.

She set them on the table, and walked out of our favorite restaurant. I watched through the window as she ran to her car. I let a tear fall from my right eye, I frantically grabbed the earrings and placed them in a pocket in my wallet, the same pocket that contained a picture of Alexa and I from christmas last year. I could feel my face turning red, so I got up and walked to my car.  Where I could cry alone…

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