Chapter 8

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Nico blushed from the contact, hoping he wouldn't have to have another interaction with Jayln. Ever.

Once they got back to the Apollo table, he whispered a quick, "Thanks..."

Will nodded. "You're welcome, love." He whispered the nickname. "Now eat at least two more grapes, and then you're free."

He laughed as Nico shoved the food in his mouth, then ran off towards his cabin. Will shook his head and ran after him.

Nico laughed, running as fast as he could, Will not far behind. He ran to Cabin 13, squeaking slightly as his boyfriend wrapped his arms around his waist, hugging him from behind.

"Will!" he laughed, suddenly converting back to his happy self, the one that hadn't been seen since he was 10.

Will picked him up and swung him around. Plopping him down on the grass, he asked, "Clearing?"

Nico nodded, his face flushed and full of laughter, and he scooped him up again and ran toward the grassy spot where the two had shared their first kiss. Good gods, that had been only yesterday.

Nico was dying of laughter, pleading with Will to put him down.

Near the Aphrodite cabin, drachmas traded hands. The new most popular sport at Camp Half Blood was 'Solangelo Betting', led by Jason, Percy, and Piper.

Will stopped at the clearing and gently put Nico on the ground. He pecked his nose and lay next to him.

"So. How was dinner?" he asked, laying his head in Nico's lap.

Nico smiled and started running his fingers through Will's hair, subconsciously braiding it.

"It was ok..." he shrugged. "Would've preferred not to have met Jayln, cuz she seems like a mess and a half."

Will chuckled. "Yeah. But, I got to save you from the big bad mess and a half, so that was fun." He reached up and cupped his face, making an over-dramatic pout.

Nico giggled quietly, smiling fondly down at his boyfriend. "Yeah..."

They sat there quietly for a moment, just enjoying the silence.

Then that silence was broken by an angry voice.

"Jayln, leave him alone. He doesn't like you. He likes Will, and Will likes him! Literally everyone in this camp ships them! If you break them up, you'll have to deal with angry Clarisse, and maybe my mom."

It was the new Aphrodite girl. Haley.

The boys looked at each other, and started to laugh. Quiet, trying-not-to-get-caught laughter.

Nico snickered. "Oh my gods, she's gettin' owned!" he whisper-yelled.

Will was howling into Nico's jacket. "I can't breathe, this is great!" He had tears of laughter in his eyes.

A mischievous grin crept onto Nico's face. "Imma scare Jayln..." he whispered, snapping quietly. A skeleton rose from the ground, about 2 feet behind the Hecate girl.

Will smacked his arm lightly, "Ok, after this, no more Hades magic for..." he thought. "Two weeks."

Nico snickered, his eyes focused on the skeleton. "Works for me." He watched as Haley smirked.

"Jayln, you might wanna look behind you..." the Aphrodite girl snickered.

Will moved closer to the girls, laughing softly. Nico followed.

The skeleton raised its arms and grazed her hair...

Jayln shrieked, causing Will, Nico, and Haley to burst into a fit of laughter as the skeleton chased the Hecate girl away.

Will was howling again, collapsed on top of Nico, nearly crying into his shirt. Nico couldn't breath, and Haley was on her knees.

They collected themselves and wiped away their tears.

"Thanks." Will said, helping Nico up.

"Anytime. Piper owes me a drachma..." And with that, she walked off.

Will shot a look at Nico. "People are betting on us, aren't they?"

Nico nodded. "People are betting on us." He groaned. "Percy and Jason probably set that up..."

Will shrugged. "Oh well. At least we got to watch that hilarious scene."

Nico giggled. "True."

Will kissed him softly, and they started to (finally) make their way back to the Hades cabin.

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