Chapter 19

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Will hugged him. "About what? I won't force you to talk, but I think talking about it will make you feel better."

Nico cuddled into his boyfriend's neck, trying to prepare himself for what he had to say next. "It's usually about, T-Tartarus..." he mumbled, his tone barely audible.

Will squeezed him tighter, and kissed his head. "Shh, it's ok. Everything's ok."

He rubbed his back, calming him down. "What else was it?"

Tears pricked at Nico's eyes. The unwanted memories, whether they were true or not, flooded into the forefront of his mind, making his head hurt.

"It's always the same..." he murmured, snuggling into Will's chest as he felt the tears escape, very much against his will. "It's always're there, being tortured, and there's nothing I can do to stop it. Then my sisters come. They yell and scream at me, and tell me I'm a disgrace to the family for... liking g-guys..." he continued, tears starting to flow more freely as the pain intensified.

"They call me disgusting. Then my mother joins them, and then they all turn into Percy, Annabeth, and Reyna... they say the same things. The monsters keep hurting you and then... something happens... and you're with everyone else. Telling me I'm- I'm wrong."

His face was red and stained with tears as he broke down, the little composure he had held onto dissolving as he sobbed into Will's shirt.

"I hate it," he whispered. "I hate myself for believing them, even though I know that they're wrong. Then I hate them. Then I hate myself for hating them, then repeat. "

He took a shuddering breath. "During the nightmares... I can't move. Or talk. Or do anything other than just watch and take it...."

Will rubbed Nico's back, wiping the tears from his face.

"There's nothing wrong with you. Nothing. I would never ever hurt you. Neither would your sisters, your mother, Percy, Annabeth, or Reyna."

He pressed a soft, almost tearful kiss to Nico's forehead. "I love you so much. So much. To... to Pluto and back. You are my favorite person. You are my sunshine. Ok?"

Nico nodded softly, closing his eyes as Will gently stroked his hair. Tears were still rolling down his cheeks, and he had no idea why. He was fine. It was stupid that he was crying. He was overreacting.

Will held him closer. He felt Nico's tears wet his shirt. The boy was taking shuddering breaths, like he was trying to force the tears back. "Let it out. Bottling it up isn't good, love. Just cry."

Nico bit his lip, contemplating, before breaking, sobbing into Will's shirt. He felt warm arms wrap around him, rubbing gentle circles on his back as he cried, letting all his feelings out. The last time he was able to do that- to feel safe, and just... break down like that, completely vulnerable- was when Bianca was still alive. He had been living with this pain, his only release being himself, for four years.

Will felt Nico shake with the force of his sobs. All he could do now was hold him. So that's what he did. He held him close, rubbed his back, and rocked him back and forth. He needed to make Nico feel safe.

After what seemed like forever (in reality it was 30 minutes) Nico had calmed down, most of his tears dry. The raven haired boy had drifted off, worn out. He just slept there, glad that he was able to let that out, but worried. Worried about what Will would think. What if he thought it was weird and unnecessary?

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