Chapter 13

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Will seemed to gain his voice after a moment.
"And I promise on the River Styx that I will never intentionally harm your son. I will do everything I can for him."

The lord of the dead eased up. He led Will back to a confused Nico, who was still sipping his tea, cross legged on the counter top.

"What was that about...?" he asked, looking from Will to his father.

Hades only smirked and said, "Keep him." With that, he walked off.

Nico flushed red, almost spilling his tea.
"Dad!" he shouted indignantly, getting extremely embarrassed about his father... being his father.

Will giggled. "Neeks, it's fine." He hopped onto the counter next to him. Nico tried to move over, almost slipping off the counter. Will caught him. What perfect timing for a cheesy pickup line. He smirked. "Seems you've fallen for me."

Nico blushed and rolled his eyes. He pulled himself back on to the counter and tucked himself under Will's arm, cuddling into his boyfriend.

His face was still flushed, from a combination of things. One was his dad, and the other was that, for some unknown reason, Persephone thought it was a good idea to put jalapeños in cookies. Like, what?!

Will hugged him, kissing the top of his head. He heard a mumble from Nico.


"Did my dad threaten you?" He had a mixture of hope and concern in his voice.

Will blushed. "Maybe a little bit."

Nico chuckled, shaking his head. "He won't actually hurt you... he's just being protective. Annoying, yes, but at least he's trying to be a dad..."

Will chewed on his lip. "I mean he kind of... swore on the River Styx, soo..."

Nico didn't look fazed. He just let out an exasperated sigh. "What were his conditions?" he asked.

Will cleared his throat.

"'If you so much as hurt one hair on my son's head, I will make sure to personally put you through every section of the Fields of Punishment and then throw you into Tartarus himself. Alive.'"

Nico pulled his knees up to his chest, snuggling into Will. "Well, knowing you, I'd say you couldn't hurt a fly, so I don't think you have anything to worry about," he teased, pecking his boyfriend on the cheek softly.
"Plus," Nico added. "Styx, she's like Dad's best friend, so he could probably even break his promise, and she wouldn't care."

Will blushed and wrapped himself around Nico. "I love you."

It felt strange to say it so frequently, but it felt so natural when it was to Nico.

He kissed the top of his head and snuggled into him. This was good.

Nico let out a small yawn, closing his eyes. And before he knew it, he felt strong arms picking him up and carrying him somewhere as he drifted into sandman's realm.


Will set Nico down on his bed. He knew he technically didn't need more healing, but giving him a bit more than the minimum was good. He didn't need to rub himself down to the bone again.

He lay down next to him. The next morning they were leaving. Nico was better, and he didn't want to stay long enough to leave with a flower pot instead of a boy.

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