The Raven

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Richards pov
Somewhere in Eastern Europe
We carefully crept through the forest towards the unsuspecting Masks, I did slow spins as we walked just making sure that we remained undetected while we moved. I heard a whistle and looked to my left seeing Raven motioning me over, I gave him a look of inquiry as he waved a disassembled motherboard causing me to move over to him and motion him to go on. He spoke quietly, his deep voice barely audible, "they've got a secondary det-cord and unnecessary wiring, I'm gonna need an extra 20 seconds to trace and clip" I gave a thumbs up as we fell back from people to phantoms in the shadows,

 He spoke quietly, his deep voice barely audible, "they've got a secondary det-cord and unnecessary wiring, I'm gonna need an extra 20 seconds to trace and clip" I gave a thumbs up as we fell back from people to phantoms in the shadows,

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we heard some speaking causing every Ranger with us to scatter and hug a tree, we rested the side of the barrel against the bark as we scanned the abyss infront of us. My eyes flicked up the hill to the right as I heard Raven next to me "3 up, 12 o'clock level, 20 meters" my eyes followed the words as they guided me to my targets, I spoke quietly "they're game, drop em" a storm of suppressed shots erupted and disappeared as quickly as the bodies impacted the ground, wordlessly the team passed information with hand signals. I watched as the team moved to the bodies and checked them for any intel, I stood next to Raven and Apex "how're we doing?" Apex checked his tablet "phase line Charlie, if we keep this pace we'll be there in 5 mikes" I nodded as we heard Raven "my charges are ready but this detonating mechanism is giving me some trouble" I asked "how much trouble are we talking?" He stared at me with an edge to his look "are you having a laugh? I'll get through it but it'll take a longer than normal" I spoke "Alright, alright, calm down. No one said you were a bad EOD tech" he nodded stiffly "ya fuckin' lost the plot if you think I can't get through this bullshite" I sighed "Alright team, we're Oscar mike. Keep it tight" everyone wordlessly set out to their positions before we started walking again, I'd occasionally glance over at Raven and watch as he tinkered with the mechanisms until he made a break through, "Oi boss, I got something" I walked over "what do you have?"
Kye's POV
     I handed the motherboard to him and pointed "right there" he looked at it "alright, what about it?" I replied in hushed tones "Right there is the brain, so to say, of the motherboard everything passed through there and since the bombs are electronically activated I can tune my wrist pad to hijack the signal. It'll take 20 seconds instead of the hand held 45" he looked at me with a genuine smile as he patted my shoulder "good job" we fell into a silence again until we arrived to the objective and started scouting, it was unusually quiet and there was fires scattered around the base until our sniper Arrow spoke "hey, are there supposed to be dead masks everywhere, or am I going crazy? Going crazy? Got it" I heard the Captain as he rushed over to Arrows position "no, no, they're not supposed to be dead" Arrow handed over his binos as Phoenix grabbed them and scoured the base seeing the dead Masks everywhere "Watcher, this is 1-1, are there any allied units in the area? Someone's hit our target, how copy?" Our CIA case agent replied "negative, the closest allied units from Rainbow and they're operating 10 klicks away" I sighed as I heard one of the new privates "Sir, are we gonna have to go investigate?" I spoke for the Captain "yes private, we are. Buckle in, it'll be bumpy" Phoenix spoke "Raven, take Rogue and Shadow move to the bomb location and secure it, we'll secure the rest of the base" I gave a two finger salute "Let's go boys" they moved over to me as I kept my gun trained on the base until I felt a squeeze on my shoulder causing me to come over the top of the hill,

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