6 months later

702 7 2

Zofia's POV
I walked through the gates of the now familiar training facility that I hadn't seen in the last month, "So Harry, what are we doing here?" He glanced back "You don't remember? It's Kye's graduation ceremony" I felt my eyes widen as I recoiled "Seriously? It's been 6 months already?" He nodded with a chuckle as Erik(Maverick) spoke "Come on Zofia, we've been on missions constantly since typhon has dedicated himself to killing Kye." I nodded before looking at the sky "He is getting creative with leaving his messages, it's somewhat impressive." Erik laughed as we turned the corner and saw the bleachers. I followed Harry to our spot before sitting down and leaning back with a sigh "I'm glad he's coming back, I've missed his shenanigans" Erik laughed as Harry prodded "Sure that's all you missed?" I felt my brow furrow "what do you mean?"
Erik replied "Oh come on, the moment you two get together it's all smiles and flirting" I defended myself "We do not flirt" Harry smiled "You may not but he certainly does" I rolled my eyes "you two are delusional, there's no way he's into me" Erik pointed out "you haven't said your feelings on the matter, you want to be with him don't you?" I felt my cheeks burn red before deciding my reply "Nie, you're insane" a couple other groups of people walked in and took their seats before we heard the American National Anthem and Erik bolted to a stand and offered a salute.
I stood as did everyone else and paid our respects to the fallen American soldiers, we all sat down when the anthem faded and Kye's training company walked out with their variously colored berets. I scoured the group for Kye's familiar tan beret but couldn't find anyone in the beret that looked like him. I leaned over to Harry "Did he wash out and just not tell us? I can't find him" Harry gave me a weird look "He's in the first row, what do you mean?" I gave a him a look of disbelief "what do you mean?" Harry motioned to the group "Front row, 3rd in from the right. Tan beret." I followed his words until my eyes landed on the pale blue ones of Kye and then I saw the scarring under a thick beard. "He grew that in a month? Woah" Erik whispered "Delta relaxes on the rules the last month. He didn't have to shave" I nodded as I felt my eyes fix on him.
We watched the ceremony as I kept my eyes squarely on Kye until he was called forward and offered his delta patch and I heard the Ceremony proctor speak "you've done well son, keep it up and one day you'll be in a great position" I saw the familiar confident smile as he replied "thank you sir, keep your seat warm for me will you?" The officer patted his shoulder as he walked back to the company. I was getting impatient as the proceedings dragged on until finally they got dismissed and I saw Kye walking over with a broad smile. I jumped off the bleachers and walked forward giving him a short hug to which he replied "Why hello there, miss me?" I nodded into his chest as Erik spoke "And you don't call that flirting" I heard the bass in Kye's voice as he replied and released the hug "hey Erik, how ya been brother?" Erik gripped his hand "I've been good, oh by the way, you're gaining a pretty big fandom" I heard Kye "wha?" As Erik finish "Typhon wants revenge, he's been leading several strikes against government building every week since you entered training"
Kye's POV
      "So what did I do to get his love?" Harry replied "Do you remember Angelica Wagner?" I nodded as a Harry continued "Well you crippled her with that shot, typhon wants to put the same pain on you." I sighed "When can I get back to work?" Zofia piped up "We're on rotation next, you'll be back with my team right?" I nodded with a smile "Remember were the perfect duo" she chuckled as Harry spoke "Lets head back to base, I believe the team has been waiting for a chance to celebrate you graduating to Tier 1" I smiled with a nod as Zofia grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the gate as I heard Harry to Erik "It's amazing they don't see it" to which Erik offered "I think they're getting to the boiling point" I paid them no mind as Zofia dragged me towards the helicopter. I chuckled "So what was the 6 months like without me?" She replied "Quiet, mundane. The saber fights weren't the same without you so we haven't had one in a long time, I've missed my best friend but other than that it's the same. Everyone's been a bit more depressed since we didn't have you making everyone laugh constantly"
     I asked "hey, do you wanna go get something to eat tonight? Just us" Zofia looked back with a sly smile "Are you asking me on a date?" I suddenly got nervous "well yes... no... I guess if you want it to be one it can be... if not, we can just catch up. I'm cool with either" she cut me off with a happy laugh "tak(yes) I'll go on a date with you" I grew a smile that threatened to split my face in two as we climbed into the chopper. I laid back as the months of constant pain and movement finally had a chance to hurt, I groaned as my muscles felt like they're on fire until I felt a weight bump into me. I opened my eyes and saw Erik "Aftermath pains?" I nodded numbly as he replied "it'll fade after a couple days, just keep moving" I gave a lazy thumbs up as Harry climbed in "Jager, bring us up will you?" I heard Marius's voice "Jawohl Kommandant, hallo Kye, we've missed you here" I chuckled as I turned on my headsets mic "danke(thank you) Marius" Marius replied with a question "Why don't we all hang out and catch up tonight?" I spoke sadly as I glanced at Zofia who was staring happily it the door "Maybe tomorrow night, I've got plans tonight" Erik leaned over and nudged Harry before motioning to the two of us.
       I rolled my eyes with a small smile as the long flight began, eventually I must've fallen asleep since when we arrived I was shaken awake by Harry as I sat up and noticed Zofia looking at me "Am I that comfortable?" I must look as confused as I was since she spoke "you fell asleep and then ended up laying on my leg" I nodded groggily "asehi(yes), you're pretty comfortable" she burned a bright red as I almost fell out of the helicopter before I quickly regained my balance. When my feet hit the ground I turned to my right as I heard a door shut and saw Marius standing next to me "Hey Marius, been a while since I saw you last" he walked over as we shared a quick bro hug "Indeed, if you don't mind me asking what's your plans for tonight?" I glanced at Zofia before replying "I've got a date tonight" he sounded confused "but how you haven't talked to anyone except.... Zofia, oh you sly dog, you've bagged Zofia haven't you?" I laughed as Zofia appeared next to me "Not quite yet, that question depends on the date tonight"
Marius patted my shoulder as he passed "Good luck with that, I had a date with Ela and she was really hard to impress" I called after him "I'll catch up with you tomorrow alright?" He gave a nod as I felt Zofia steer me towards the dorm "Come, I want to show you something" I started walking with Zofia steering me as we moved until we reached the dorm. She looked at me before nodding and slowly opening the door as I saw it, a framed picture laying on the table next to a hand drawn picture next to it. I walked forward and carefully picked up the framed picture staring at the black and white photo of Amelia, Zofia and I, I didn't want to put it down but forced my eyes away and onto the drawn picture.
I felt a small smile etch itself onto my face as I looked at the picture Amelia drew of me and Zofia for her school, Zofia explained "Its hero week at her school, they had the kids draw pictures of their favorite superheroes. Amelia drew us" a single tear rolled down my cheek "She's something else" Zofia nodded before handing me a tissue that I used to wipe my eyes before tossing it away. Zofia asked "so are we dressing up or down for this date?" I replied as I texted one of my friends who owes me a favor "Up, dress your best" she nodded as my friend replied "I can do it, how does 3 hours work?" I replied "good, it works great" "knock her dead man, I know you can" he replied.
I walked into the bathroom and braided my hair before shaving the sides down, I smiled as I finally got to put my eagle feathers back into my hair.

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