The first mission

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Kye's POV
      I sat in my room scrolling through my phone until I heard the alarm blaring, I pushed myself up and quickly threw on my gear before looking at my new patch "6 long months for this" I heard the door open and saw a sweaty Zofia walk in "Ready to go to work?" I glanced at her "Are you? You look like you just ran a mile" she laughed before shaking her head "Nie, just fighting Ela" I asked inquisitively "Are you two still good? Or was it just sparring?" She replied with one word "Sparring" as she started undressing to get into her uniform, I looked at my M4 that lay across my knees until I heard a laugh "Kye you know it's okay to look at me, right?" I looked over my shoulder and saw her looking at me inquisitively in her black combat pants and a sports bra "Just not use to it" she nodded as she pulled on a black tank top and then buttoned up her brown jacket before grabbing her m762 and mags "You ready to go get briefed?" I stood and started walking to the door gripping my M4 in my left hand only to have Zofia grip my right as we walked through the halls to the briefing room.
      I heard Monika(IQ), Ryad(jackal) and Julien(Rook) called behind us "Hey Lovebirds! Wait for us!" I laughed as they jogged towards us, as they caught up with us Julien rested his elbow on my shoulder "so you finally asked her?" I looked at him "Bro, I asked her 3 days ago, When I got back" he looked at the rest of the group before I saw Zofia nod "We've been together since he came back, I don't know where you've been" Julien replied "I'm gonna be honest, I don't either" we shared a laugh as we turned the corner and arrived at the door to the brief.
      I followed Zofia into the room as Harry entered with 5 folders, I sat next to Zofia on one side of the rectangular table as Harry slid the folders to each of us "Typhons made his newest attempt to get you to come and play, he's taken control of a local townhouse in LA and is threatening to execute a hostage every hour until he knows you're there." I sighed as Harry continued "In your pre-mission folders you have schematics of the town house as well as suspected locations the masks will hold up. There's a second page that contains suspected numbers but be advised these are not set in stone" I nodded as I scoured the schematics "Hey Boss, what's with this small 1 meter blank spot on the schematic to the west side of the building?" He looked at the schematic "it's from the downsize, there's a space in between the next building and the target, it's just empty space, you might be able to fit in it" I nodded.
     Harry spoke again "alright, I want you in the air in 15. We clear?" I nodded as Julien and Ryad replied "crystal" while Monika gave a thumbs up and Zofia nodded before standing "Alright squad, let's get a move on." I stood and followed the rest of the team as we jogged to the armory, I sighed "I think we have a fun mission ahead of us" Zofia nodded "Just stick close to me and you'll make it through" I quipped back "Well my dear, I didn't spend 6 months training to be second fiddle" she cocked an eyebrow at me "So you want to be the best? You'll have to top me in hand to hand first" I joked "I'll top you in something else" she chuckled as we arrived at the armory.
      I got 5.56 ap rounds instead of my usual base 5.56 ammunition and a box of .45 acp, I leaned on the counter next to Zofia as I loaded my magazines until she picked up the 5.56 armor piercing ammo box "What's with the new ammo?" I looked over "I figure the masks are gonna be wearing armor, I just want to send the message nothing is going to stop me from fucking them up" she laughed as Ryad waved his boxes of ammo "We can head to the plane now, everyone's got their ammo" I nodded before turning to Zofia "inena(let's go)" she started walking towards the door "We've got 4 minutes to take off deadline, double time" I started running after the group quickly passing everyone except Monika since we were the only 3 speeds on the team. I looked back "Tell me how it feels to be slower than us?!" Ryad flipped the bird while Julien yelled back "That's it! You don't get your armor!" I rolled my eyes as we came to a stop and I saw Jager standing next to a c-130 "well there's our ride"
       I walked up and gave him a fist bump before climbing into the back, I waited while the rest of the team arrived and started setting down their gear until Harry appeared "I see you're getting ready to leave, now I want everyone coming home in one piece. No heroics, save the hostages, take out Typhon, and for the love of God do not let them blow up the building" I chuckled nervously "I'll try sir" he nodded "Knock em dead Rainbow" he stepped off the ramp as it started rising.
       I sat next to Zofia before putting in my earbuds and my noise canceling headphones on before turning and laying my head on her leg as I selected my music until I got tapped and took off my headphones "Asehi?(yes?)" to which Zofia asked "is this your new favorite place to lay now? On my thigh?" I nodded to which she asked "why?" I spoke "what can I say? I love thighs that kill guys" to which Julien raised his hand into the air "Amen!" She rolled her eyes but smiled regardless as I asked "can I go back to listening to my music?" She looked down "for now, if I want to talk I'll tap you again" I have the OK gesture before I put on my headphones and listened to the old songs.
        I fell asleep rather quickly but I suspect it's the exhaustion from 6 months of nonstop moving and stress, only to be woken up 3 hours later by getting tapped in the center of my forehead 4 times. My eyes opened quickly as I halfway expected the drill sergeants to be yelling at me, I bolted up and looked around until my eyes landed on a Zofia with her hand covering her mouth as she chuckled. I took off my headphones and removed my earbuds before asking "Tired?" She nodded before yelling over the roar of the engines "I'm gonna take a nap, I figured I'd get my revenge and use you as a pillow!" I chuckled as I got comfortable before Zofia laid her head on my shoulder, I faintly heard a sigh of contentment before I started playing some mobile games on my phone.
         7 hours later we touched down and stepped off the rear ramp and looked around until I saw a LAPD SWAT armored truck came towards us, I sighed in relief as I stretched. Zofia patted my shoulder as the driver got out and spoke "You Rainbow?" Julien sassed "No were just the random heavily armed military force who happened to land in a Rainbow C-130" the driver sighed "come on, we have to hurry it's almost been an hour since he's shot the last hostage" the jokes stopped as we all ran to climb into the back, I gave up and climbed onto the side holding the rail as the rear doors closed causing me to slap the side of the truck twice and the driver to accelerate quickly.
I checked my watch as we tore through the streets of LA, I looked around as building passed and the lights from the police cars grew in vibrancy. I tightened my grip on my M4s pistol grip as we got closer to the AO, as we came to a halt and the engine cut out as my feet hit the ground and the rear doors of the armored transport opened and the rest of the team started filing out only to hear the crack of a pistol and Typhon's voice over a phone "there goes other one, they will continue to be executed until Raven is here! I am not to be fucked with!" I sighed before punching the side of the truck "Fuck, we got here a second too late" I walked towards the phone and asked an officer "Is it still connected?" He nodded.
       I picked up the phone and spoke "hello Typhon, been a while" he asked sounding absolutely irate "who the fuck are you?" I replied calmly "the one you've been asking for" he took some deep breaths before replying "Ah Raven, nice of you to finally join us after so long." I spoke like we're old friends "oh you know, I've been busy. Training didn't let me give you any phone calls or I would've let you know" he sighed "you know, it's okay. I forgive you, so what've you been up to? I figure you know what I've been doing" I replied jovially "training, going on dates the usual. How is dear Angelica? I heard my round absolutely demolished her spinal cord" the rage seeped into his voice "You crippled her, with one shot you crippled my wife. I will have my revenge, I will make you pay"
      I chuckled as my efforts to remain serious failed "You sound like a video game villain, like you're monologuing before an over powered player absolutely wrecks you.... almost like your wife" he yelled "I will fuck you up!" I replied calmly "See you in a bit Typhon, but If you're expecting me to apologize for what I did to your wife.... you'll have to find me in hell" before hanging up and crouching next to Zofia "So what's the plan?" She looked at the schematics "We use the empty space to climb silently to the 2nd floor and clear that, Jackal takes the other half the team and clears the first floor. They secure any hostages they can and get out, we hunt down typhon and if we find hostages we call them out for Jackal and his team" I nodded "Sounds like a plan, everyone ready?" They nodded before jackal warned "Typhons been creating more and more ambushes, stay frosty" I gave a two finger salute before nudging Zofia "Let's go"
She nodded and we started running across the open ground between the police cars and the walls of the building, I checked the schematics before moving down the wall a couple of meters and started pulling off the siding. Once enough of the siding had been removed I kicked the wood in until the hole was big enough for Zofia and I to get in, I took a couple steps back and motioned Zofia in, she nodded and disappeared into the darkness with me hot on her heels. Once we were in Zofia turned on her flashlight and pointed it above us as we looked for our path to the second floor, I tapped her and pointed "There's a pretty large crack on the left side, we might be able to fit through it" I saw her flashlight turn off as she scooted past me and started the slow climb up, I started climbing up next to her but stopped when I peaked through a small hole and saw 3 hostages "Jackal, first floor, East side, 3 hostages, I see 4 guards possibly more" he didn't reply but I trusted he heard me.
We silently climbed until I rested my foot on a rusty pipe causing it to creak, I sighed quietly "fuck me" as we waited to hear any mask asking what that noise was. Minutes passed and nothing was heard so I tapped Zofia's leg and we resumed climbing until we arrived at the crack to the second floor, I unholstered my glock and slowly slid through the hole checking the corners of the room until I got all the way in, I turned when Zofia started climbing through and held the hallway with my M4. A couple seconds later I heard Zofia "Hey Raven, I could use some help" I turned and saw most of her upper body was in the room causing me to ask jokingly "Is your ass too big and you can't squeeze through?" Zofia sighed but nodded confirming my joke, I shook my head in amusement as I crouched next to her and pulled away some of the drywall until she could slide all the way into the room.
I turned when I heard footsteps getting louder and lifted my M4, waiting and watching for the enemy to come around the corner. When they finally did, I saw their eyes widen behind their masks as I smirked squeezing the trigger and hitting both with 5 rounds listening to the thud as their corpses hit the ground. I heard Zofia "Suppressors are great but they aren't silent, we have to move before they realize we're here" I gave a thumbs up "Lead the way boss" I heard Zofia on the radio "IQ, 2 masks down on second floor proceeding with the man hunt" I heard gun fire on the first floor as Julien replied "Due to combat circumstances, IQ is not available at the moment. Can I take a message?" I shook my head "Just stay alive" I could hear the smile as he replied "Take your own advice, it'd be embarrassing to die on you first mission as Tier 1" I sighed as I muttered to Zofia "Fuckin' tosser"
We moved into the hallway and took positions on either side of the door as Zofia placed her breaching charge on the door and I readied my Flashbang, she nodded to me as I pulled the pin, the door exploded causing me to toss the flashbang into the room before leaning away and gripping my rifle. When the bang was heard I spun 180 and entered the room checking the corner behind the door and then the back right corner, Zofia entered half a second after me and checked the left corner firing a burst into a mask standing there holding his head before checking the rest of the room when we saw it, a group of 6 children all wearing bombvests. I looked at Zofia "We can't leave them, I have to defuse these" she looked torn between getting Typhon now and hoping the other team can get here fast enough or stopping the hunt and knowing the kids are safe, she nodded "Ill hold your door" I smiled at her "Sgi dvlvquodi(thank you dear)" she looked confused as I crouched and turned on my tacpad.

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