The battle that changed everything pt. 2

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Kye's POV
I heard amelia's stomach growling causing me to ask "hungry?" She nodded as her face turned red with embarrassment, i motioned her to come over to me and picked her up when she did "I'm gonna bring the little one back to the room and make her something, how many of you are coming with?" I saw Zofia and Ela's hands raise, Julien replied "sorry man but I gotta make food for Gustave or he's not gonna take the break to eat" I nodded in understanding while Eliza followed him up "I'm gonna go relax for a bit before the game" I chuckled as Zofia spoke "careful, you might sleep through it again" Eliza threw her arms in the air and yelled "It was one time!" Ela and Amelia laughed openly while Zofia and I chuckled, "Well we're off take it easy Liz, you too jul" she waved bye before I turned and followed Zofia and Ela into the hallway, I tried to just keep my eyes on where we were going but they occasionally would drift so they were on Zofia I shook my head before looking at the young kid in my arms "What do you want? Mhmm?" She looked like she was thinking hard "I can't decide" I asked "have you ever tried Elk?" She shook her head no "what's an elk?" I explained "it's kinda like a big white deer" she nodded in understanding "Nie(no), I don't think we've ever had it" I asked "do you wanna try some? I still have some from my last hunt" she asked skeptically "is it good?" I noticed Zofia and Ela listening in as I nodded "I'm gonna tell you a secret since I'm the one who cooks. Your mama loves elk" Amelia looked shocked "so mama doesn't cook here?" I heard Zofia causing Amelia and I to look at her "Nie, Kye's a really good cook. I take the chances whenever I can" Amelia looked at me as she shyly asked "can I try some elk please" I chuckled "of course, I'll make a small piece when we get back" she smiled as Ela opened the door to the room and walked in.
I did a half turn so I could slide in without bashing Amelia against the doorframe before placing her on the small stool at the island. "Ela, Zofia, what do you two want?" I heard Ela call "A cheeseburger, not one of winky dink ones I want an American cheeseburger" I laughed at the description while Zofia called "Can I get one of those venison steaks?" I replied "vskaga(yes)" I looked at Amelia "you wanna be my helper? You can tell your mom you made her dinner" she lit up at the offer and almost threw herself off the stool before appearing next to me as I pulled out the pans and the stepping stool. I shoved the stool over and Amelia hopped up next to me as I spoke "alright, I'm gonna cut up some stuff you're job is to put it in the pan when I tell you too, sound good?" She nodded dutifully as I poked her "come on, we gotta wash our hands first" she chuckled as we set out to make dinner. I talked with Amelia as we made dinner, I felt eyes on me as a bolt of electricity run up my spine I asked as I cut the piece of venison open "think it's good, kid?" She nodded, her eyes firmly locked on the food as I saw her lick her lips, I chuckled as I grabbed some plates and filled them with the food before flicking my head towards Zofia and Ela and handing the plates to Amelia before grabbing mine and her's plate before following her to the living room, when I walked in I heard Amelia "Mommy I made dinner!" Zofia gave me a pointed look as I plopped down into my chair "What? I didn't do anything, I just cut up the stuff she needed" Zofia narrowed her eyes "you better not be lying to me" Ela laughed "Zo, relax. I doubt he'd lie to you especially about this, besides Amelia work really hard to give us a good meal so eat" Zofia sighed at the words before looking at Amelia "dziękuję kochanie, założę się, że jest pyszne(thank you baby, I bet it's delicious)" Amelia brightened at the words, she looked so happy as she replied "nie zapomnij podziękować Kye, pomógł mi(don't forget to thank Kye, he helped me)"
  I peeked up at my name as Ela laughed "Kye you're like a dog, you heard your name and you started paying attention" I swallowed the food I was eating "well I don't understand a word of it and then I heard my name so for all I know you're being mean" Ela chuckled while Zofia replied "quite the opposite, your little buddy was making sure you got your credit for dinner" I saw Amelia nodding fervently as I chuckled "Sgi, te?ga(thank you, tadpole)" she looked just as lost as I was as did the rest of them causing me to chuckle "not fun now is it?" They all adopted a similar pout causing me to bite the similar expressions Bosak women share as we ate until I heard Ela "Hey Kye, I heard Harry say he had some news, if you don't mind my asking, what was the new?" I looked at my knees after I placed my plate on the coffee table "I've got the opportunity to go and try to qualify for Delta" I heard Zofia "that's great" I looked up "I'd be gone for 6 months, I just got settled in and made all my friends. I want to go to the next level but I don't want to lose all my connections, I'd barely be able to talk to you or Julien." Ela looked at the Tv before asking "is there anything else Harry said?" I nodded as I replied "Harry said he'd try to pull some strings so you could visit, but it's only once a week and no where near enough time to catch up with everyone. I'd probably only be able to spend time with Zofia and maybe Julien" Amelia asked "what's that mean?" Zofia replied "It means that if he goes to do this he'd only be able to talk to me and Julien and not the rest of his friends." She looked saddened at the news "So we won't be able to talk?" I felt my heart sink before replying "Of course we will, I'll have your mom bring you messages. We'll just have to do everything the old fashioned way, remember back when letters were a thing Zo?" She chuckled as she nodded "god we're old"
Ela laughed before asking me "Are you gonna take the opportunity? It seems like a good deal" I nodded before replying "Asehi(yes), it's definitely good. I just don't... I don't know.... I guess I don't wanna lose contact with everyone or be sitting on a base somewhere in America when I could be here fighting the masks with You and Zofia" Zofia looked conflicted before Amelia asked "what is it mama?" I saw her look up and lock eyes with me "I think you should do it" I played coy "oh? Tryna get rid of me so soon?" She seemed shocked at the joke "God no! I just think that you having the highest amount of training you can get will help keep you alive. Maybe it'll help us train and progress, besides if Harry said he'd get us visiting hours I'll be there everytime I can so you definitely won't lose contact with me" I nodded "I know, it's just a difficult decision."
Ela spoke to me in a new tone "I think you should take it, you wouldn't want to regret turning down delta. Hell, I wouldn't turn down delta" Zofia glared at Ela while sternly saying "language" I chuckled as Ela continued without giving it a second thought "besides you always say you don't want to be the reason someone dies, you get to become a certified badass and make sure Zofia never dies" Zofia sternly spoke "Language" to which Ela replied "tak tak(Yes yes) I know" I sighed "Alright, I'll do it but I don't wanna hear any "it's weird without you here" y'all made me go" she chuckled as Amelia asked "Where are you going?" I replied "A place where they teach you to be as cool as your mom, maybe one day you'll get sent there so you can join us as an elite" she smiled as Zofia checked the clock "Almost time for the game" I stood with a sigh as I grabbed the plates and brought them to the sink "Ela you should probably go get ready, it'll be a short one" she looked intrigued at the challenge before standing "Don't sweat it, you'll be out in no time" I laughed as she walked out and presumably to her dorm.
I walked to my closet and looked in "Hey Zo should I do duel wield or dual ended tonight?" She replied a couple seconds later "I think you should use the two bladed staff, I don't think I've seen you use it before" my eyes rested on the handle as they traveled over the onyx and silver part before I grabbed it and saw Amelia watching TV "almost ready to leave?" She looked over before nodding "we just have to wait for mommy" I plopped down on the couch next to her "what are we watching?" She pulled up the Netflix menu "The Last Airbender, I remember that show. It used to be my favorite" Amelia looked at me surprised "you watch cartoon as an grown up?" I nodded "I'm gonna tell you a secret, the older you get the more you wanna be young again" she shook her head in disbelief as Zofia stepped in front of us in her yoga pants and lose black shirt "You two ready?" I looked at Amelia as I stood and she didn't move, "you really want to get carried don't you?" She nodded as Zofia handed me her Saber with a sigh and picked up Amelia "Kye and I aren't going to carry you everywhere, starting tomorrow you're gonna start walking with us"
Amelia sighed dramatically "but mama" Zofia cut her off "no buts, you're a big girl you can walk" Amelia nodded sadly as I looked to my left and saw Zofia glancing at me causing me to smirk as I asked "is it my eyes again?" She nodded "they're changing color again, they're more icy than normal" I laughed "you know my normal eye color better than I do" she chuckled as Amelia squinted at me causing me to squint at her before sharing a laugh as we arrived at the gym. I saw Monika, Dominic, Marius, Julien and Ryad standing around with their sabers, they noticed us as we walked towards them. Zofia put Amelia down as I gripped her lightsaber and spun it so the grip was extended towards her as Monika and Dominic walked over "Hallo" I nodded to them as Amelia waved happily "hi Monika, hi Dom!" Dominic smiled "hey kid, being good?" She nodded as Monika asked "is that a feather? Why do you have a feather in your hair?" I spoke "I wear 2 every day and you never ask me that" she looked at me "Ja, because it makes sense when you wear them, you're Indian" I nodded "and Amelia here is the newest member of the tribe" Zofia nodded with a small smile "she told himm how much she loves Indians and he decided to make her an honorary Indian" Dominic elbowed my side with a smile and a wink only causing confusion until Ela walked in holding her saber "Everyone ready?" I nodded "We gotta wait for Harry, he likes watching the fights" Ela sighed as Marius asked "who would've thought Harry was a nerd?" I asked "who didn't think that? He looks like the typical nerd bro" Julien nodded agreeing with me "He's right you know." Ela sighed before saying "I wanna get going I need to kick Zofia's a-" only to be cut off by Zofia yelling "Language!" Causing all of us to laugh as Harry walked in "Ah sorry i took so long to get down here, I had to finish a report" everyone waved the apology as we formed our sides: my sith empire and Julien's Jedi order.
I heard Dominic next to me "Hey Kye, Your saber is different, isn't it?" I nodded as I heard Harry "Are both sides ready?" I double checked with my team before giving a thumbs up and waiting until Harry backed out of the way with Amelia and called "Begin!" I lit my double bladed saber and ran towards Julien, when I got to 3 meters infront of him I jumped and spun feeling the jolt as he blocked the blow before I spun and swiped at his legs before giving a quick look at my team noticing that Dominic and Monika were doing well while Zofia was struggling to deal with the onslaught from both Eliza and Ela. I knew what I had to do so I gave a quick kick to Julien's chest knocking him over as I turned and ran towards Zofia "Zo, duck out!" she nodded while defending until I yelled "now!" She ducked as I swung my one of my blades over her back and stopped both Eliza's and Ela's saber in their tracks as I felt Zofia grip my shoulder before she released it when I heard Julien "Infernum!" I called back "Zofia, keep him busy for 1 minute!" She gave a short "Tak(yes)! I can do that!" I shoved the two sabers up as I lit the second blade and prepared to force an opening.
Eliza was the first to change seemingly unfazed by the difference in experience, she threw a heavy overhand strike that I used my first blade to deflect before I spun and threw my own attack only to have Ela block for her, I growled as I spun and swatted away Ela's blade before spinning and throwing a jab at Eliza catching her off guard and forcing her to backpedal as Ela charged again, this time I would make them pay for charging. I blocked Ela's strike before batting it up and away as I kicked the back of her knee dropping her as Eliza charged again I grabbed Ela and pulled her up as I spun and used her to block. Eliza back up in horror as she realized she was the one who "killed" Ela, I smiled "Oh Jedi, you should know. You aren't supposed to kill your friends" as I spun and dragged my blade across her chest marking her as dead.
I turned just as Julien took out Zofia while Monika and Ryad traded, I yelled "Damnit, I'll make you pay for that!" As I charged Julien, he looked up like a deer in headlights as I jumped over Zofia and started my barrage of vengeance. I used the grip of my saber to crack him across the face disorientating him before spinning several times and throwing attacks. He spun to block but I kept picking up the pace until I stabbed at his foot followed closely by me kicking the guard up so my saber reversed so the forward blade was over my shoulder as I spun clockwise and jabbed. Julien tilted his head out of the way as I smiled, my plan came together perfectly, and kicked his feet out from under him causing him to fall and crack his head against my blade. I crouched and spoke to the now "dead" Jedi master "That's why you don't touch my assassins, you don't come back" he groaned as I turned and saw Dominic finish off Ryad.
     I heard Harry "The Sith win decisively" I extended my hand to Julien and ripped him up to which he responded by saying "Jesus Kye, that's the most efficient you've been at crushing me since the first duel" I chuckled before offering "what can I say? I don't like it when someone kills my assassins, they're very hard to come by you know" he chuckled as I walked over to Zofia who was talking to Ela and Eliza. I scared Zofia when I rested my hand on her shoulder, "you did well" she jumped at my voice before turning and smiling while Ela and Eliza scowled at me. I grew a smirk as Amelia jumped in the middle of us and screamed "that was totally wicked!" I chuckled as Eliza spoke "you know using Ela as a meat shield was a dirty trick" I smiled evilly as I shifted to the peaking over Zofia's other shoulder "Well Jedi scum, you should know we, sith, do not play by your rules of fairness" I heard Zofia "Well how does it feel to delete 75% of the enemies?" I shook my head in amusement "you did good as a delay" she sighed as Amelia piped up "you're so cool!" I laughed as I saw Harry start walking away.
I felt an elbow enter my right flank, I looked at Zofia in confusion as Ela firmly spoke "Go tell him you're taking that training" I sighed as Zofia lightly shoved me "Go, now." I nodded as I jogged after him "Hey, boss! Wait up!" I saw him stop and turn before joyfully speaking "Oh hello Kye, do you have a decision for me?" I nodded tiredly as the fatigue from the fight set in, "You can thank Zofia and Ela for it, they kind forced me into a decision" he laughed jovially "So what is your decision?" I looked down before looking at Harry again "I'll do it, I want to go and try to for delta" he smiled "ah great, I'll go and finish filing out that paperwork and you'll be shipping out in 4 days" I saluted "thank you sir, have a good night" he returned the salute and replied "you as well, good plays in the game by the way. It was quite enjoyable to watch" I smiled as I headed back to the gym to spend as much time with my friends as I could before I had to leave for a long 6 months.

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