The inner mechanisms

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Typhon's POV
      I walked through the hallways before pausing next to a picture frame, the cover of a magazine showed clearly the images of 9/11, i refocused on my mission and continued down the hallway, following the glowing orbs on the tiles as they led me to the Briefing room. When I arrived, I tried to sneak in by slowly creaking the door open only to give up when I saw several sets of passive glares swivel so they all sighted on me, I gave a salute "Sir, I apologize for being late, it won't happen again" he smiled a promise of punishment "Sit, we're going over everything now" I quietly slid into my seat as a chill clawed at my spine and opened the mission folder and followed along as they referenced various positions and strategies drawn up in said folder. I looked up when I heard my name "Typhon, you've got the fun job today" I grew a devious smirk "I'll get it done, they won't know what hit them" he nodded and spoke "I'm sure they won't, now everyone get your gear and move. We only have a small window before they figure out we're coming" the room stood, saluted and then turned before filing out one by one heading to the armory, by the time I had arrived most of my friends had already gotten their gear and were heading to the cars, I sighed when I heard "Come on Typhon, you're taking too long!"
           I rushed through picking up my L85, p228 and charges before sliding on my combat uniform and clipping everything into place, I double checked every harness and every piece of equipment only leaving once I was confident everything would work as intended. I held onto the grip of my l85 as I ran through the halls towards the trucks, seeing a couple others who were lagging behind, I was the first to reach the door so I turned and held it allowing the rest of the team to run past and to the vehicles climbing in and disappearing into them, I closely followed them and climbed into my own truck sitting in the back being berated by my commander for taking so long, all the while sitting quietly calming my mind for the hell to come. When we arrived to our target it was pretty much pitch black, silent, slowly everyone moved to their teams as we got acclimated to the darkness and the confusion of arrival had dissipated and we all grouped up going in two lines flanking the house, I looked up as the third team started climbing into the second floor windows.
         I smiled to myself under my mask as we came to a halt by the first floor side door, I saw the squad leader motion our breacher forward he crouched and started picking the lock. I watched with interest for a second before the guy to my right, I think he's named Gabriel, whispered "get your eyes off the door and watch your fucking sector" I snapped back "take your own advice, you would've had to look at me to notice." He rolled his eyes "watch it newbie" I chuckled dangerously "I've been here longer, I outrank you and I, sure as shit, out-experience you. Watch your tongue or have it taken" he suddenly noticed the insignia on my jacket "Oh.... oh god, I'm sorry" I rolled my eyes as the breacher stepped back and looked at the Sergeant with a nod before he turned "Typhon, if you would" I spun and started through the door way, turning right and holding the hallway as the rest of my team moved past and started securing rooms, once the immediate rooms were secure, the team stacked on me and we moved through the hallways, I kept my rifle trained down the hallway as squad members peeled off and breached rooms finding closets and rooms filled with clutter but no people, we heard screams on the 2nd floor as we got to the last room on the hall.
       I grabbed my 228 in one hand and the doorknob with my other, I twisted the handle and slowly pushed it open before leaning to my left as I checked the corner seeing a huge stuffed teddy bear that I almost shot, I quickly refocused and started scanning the room with my pistol and flashlight until I saw a small hand peaking out from under a bed, I whistled a tune and 3 more team members came in, I pointed to the bed and flicked my finger up they wordlessly walked to the bed, the only sound we heard being our boots on the hardwood floors and heavy breathing from under the bed. As soon as the two men reached the sides of the bed they lifted it and the 3 man, Andrew, grabbed the young girls arm and brought her to me, I crouched resting my elbow on my left knee as I nodded "She'll do fine" we walked up to the second floor and found the girl's parents tied up with duck tape I motioned to Andrew and then to the parents "Showtime" he brought the girl and tied her wrist and ankles together before placing her with her parents, the father's eyes sharpened and muffled, indiscernible words but he was clearly angry I crouched infront of him "I'm the one with the fucking dick! Ok? I rule this fucking kingdom, Shut. The. Fuck. Up."
        He glared as I turned my attention to his wife "maybe we should kill her, mhmm? Send cock bite over here a message, neuter him, make his realize he should stop being so selfish" the father's attitude suddenly did a 180 and fear stood like a lighthouse on a foggy bay, the girl started crying as the fear of losing her mother planted itself firmly in her heart. I stood and pointed my pistol at the woman hearing the muffled pleas of her husband before I looked at him "you caused this" as I saw him look down and away and I moved my sights off her head, firing instead into the foot of the bed frame. The muffled shrieks and crying was the only sound heard as I laughed coldly as I squatted infront of the man again "I think he pissed himself, now who's gonna cooperate and be a good boy or do I need to shoot the girl next, gonna be good Mhmm?" He nodded frantically as I stood and looked at the operation commander "You know what to do" he nodded before looking at the 28 men and women standing against the wall behind us and in the hallway "Everyone, set up your positions, I'm calling the fans" carefully I pulled out one of my custom charges smiling under my mask as the family squirmed and the bomb sat at the epicenter of the three, I turned and moved through the house placing charges at key points around the house until I heard "Police will be here in 15" I didn't react until I finished the third charge "Wagner, how're the rest of the placements?" Angelica Wagner, our resident biologist, turned "Great Typhon, You did great, everything's perfect. With one press of a button the supports are gone" I chuckled lowly "good, stay safe, we'll need you in the future"
        We all moved to our positions and sat quietly until the annoying blare of police sirens was heard, I pushed myself up before moving silently through the hallways until I came to a window that we hadn't barricaded and saw two officers moving to the door, pistols drawn, until I fired a burst and cut one down sending his pistol to the ground with an ear piercing clang. I went to shift my aim to the second officer only for rounds to stream through the glass pane infront of me forcing me to duck away and retreat to my original position as I heard "Shots fired! Shots fired! I need back up, officer down!" I heard one of the newer guys "Send as many as you have! We brought a lot of ammo!" I shook my head in amusement as the main force chuckled at his antics. Minutes later the number of cop cars had jumped from 1 to 6 as more units responded, suddenly I heard the echo of a door collapsing causing me to whisper one word "SWAT" I heard gunfire get traded and screams of pain as the rounds found purchase, to which side however no one but those involved knew. I wanted to go and try to kill any remaining members but I knew I'm order for the plan to work everyone needs to be in position, I tried viciously to slow my breathing as the adrenaline flooded my system and I sat silently, a shadow in the night. A minute later I heard the clanking of a shield as it grew closer, I internally sighed with relief until I saw the 3 gunners behind him, I felt my gears turn as I inspected the situation looking for a way to win until I noticed the last guy lagged behind a bit, maybe half a meter.
          He passed giving me my opportunity, i lunged from the shadows whacking him upside the head with my pistol and wrapping my arm around his neck keeping him infront of me as I whistled causing his team to spin and see the situation as well as my pistol pointed at them "Well done, I mean really, you died because you couldn't check corners" I squeezed the trigger dumping the entire magazine into the three mortified SWAT members as the 4th struggle increased in desperation until I knocked him out with a strong hit to his temple causing me to reload and point my pistol at his unconscious mass and fire 3 times "Come on Rainbow, let's play"

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