A proposal

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Kye's POV
         I listened and worked on Zofia as Anvil walked me through what I had to do, "check her pupils, do they dilate?" I lifted my handheld flashlight and gentle held her eye open as I flashed the light watching as her eye dilated before I turned and let go of her eyelid "Yeah" she asked "how fast?" I was quiet for a second "2 maybe 3 seconds" Anvil spoke again "Ask her how she's feeling, any tiredness, uh confusion, a headache shit like that" I turned to Zofia "Hey, hey Zofia, how're you feeling? Headache? Nausea? Anything like that?" She looked up "my... my head hurts and- and my ears are ringing, my hands they feel like they're asleep" I kept my hand on her shoulder making sure she doesn't slide and hit her head "She's got a headache and ringing ears, says her hands feel tingly" Anvil replied "Lay her down and try to get her to relax, we'll be at Hereford in 15" I sighed but offered no words as I spoke "Hey, you need to lay down alright? try to relax" she mumbled something as I carefully helped her lay down before I sat on the blood pan of the helicopter with my back against the edge of the seat, my elbows rested on my knees as I felt something wet drip onto my shoulder.
        I looked over and noticed a splash of red on my black shirt, I touched my head, as I felt like a feather was dragged across my scalp, before looking at my fingers and noticing the familiar crimson red of blood "Hey Texan, wanna do me a favor?" She looked over "what?" I asked "can you check the right side of my head?" She seemed confused but moved over and crouched next to me while turning on her flashlight before shining it on my head before speaking "you got grazed, it'll sting but you'll be fine" I replied "thanks, I'll be fine. Besides the Rainbow Ops are the priority" I heard Zofia mumble "thank you" I asked "shouldn't you be relaxing?" She chuckled softly before groaning as her headache worsened "probably" I replied in Cherokee by accident "egasinu(go to sleep)" I heard Flash "dude, what does any of that mean?" I asked "I spoke Cherokee, didn't I?"
        He nodded as I sighed before repeating "go to sleep, that's what it means" he nodded as Zofia coughed causing me to ask "thirsty?" She nodded as I lifted the hose from my hydration pack and handed it over my shoulder "here, ETA?" Anvil replied "3 mikes" I nodded "how're we getting them out of the helicopter?" Bobcat spoke for the first time since I got on the helicopter "Rainbow's two medics and their assistants have 3 stretcher, you're gonna carry Zofia while another operator, Sledge, brings thatcher to the medbay" I nodded "what about my ride back to my base? I'm not a Rainbow operative" she shrugged "Six didn't say anything about a ride, you'll have to talk to him about it." I glanced back at Zofia, the guilt growing slightly, "I'll be fine, Rangers survive" I heard the pilot in the headset "1 mike, prep for transport" I turned and patted the side of her face "Come on, we're almost back at Hereford" she groaned as I helped her sit up before joining her on the seats "how's your head?"
        She spoke "it still hurts like gówno(shit), but it's better than before" I cocked an eyebrow "gówno? What's that mean?" She chuckled quietly before groaning "shit, it means shit" I laughed before asking "hey mind if I ask you something?" She stilled her head "I've told you already I'm not telling you why we were there" I shook my head no "that's not what I want to know" she sounded surprised "it's not? What is it then?" I looked out the window of the door "what's the biggest struggle of being at Rainbow? I always hear about how great Rainbow is supposed to be but never the tough part" she was quiet causing me to think she wasn't gonna answer until I heard her speak causing me to turn and notice her eyes glued to the ground "being away from my Daughter, I've spend so much time at Rainbow and doing operations I don't get to spend much time with her, I could do without my Ex but it's worth it to see my kid" I leaned back as I spoke "Yeah, my Ex is a witch, getting a divorce is the second best thing I've ever done" she looked over "second best? What's the first?"
         I smiled slightly as I pulled out my wallet and took out a picture of my mother and I at my acceptance ceremony "becoming a chief, my mom was so proud. Ironic really, when I was a kid I hated my parents and wanted my mentors to get off my ass, now they're cheering me on" she sighed as she spoke "Yeah, I always wonder how I'd be different if I changed a single choice, a single word" I heard Anvil "you two are pretty talkative lately" I shrugged as Zofia spoke "my headache is starting to subside, enough that I can talk" anvil spoke in a stern maternal tone "Raven is gonna carry you to the medbay, I want the medics to do one last check before you get moving again" she nodded, looking a bit down. I heard Blackbeard and Hibana yawn as Thermite tried sitting up before being pushed back down by Bobcat as he spoke firmly "Stay down" I stretched as Texan and Flash opened the doors I watched as Hibana, Blackbeard and Thermite were brought out and carried away on the stretcher before a mountain of a man carefully picked up thatcher as I dropped out of the helicopter and turned around as Zofia slid to the edge of the seat before I put my forearm under her knees and locked my right hand under her armpit and turned back to the Indian man and the doctor "I'm Warrant Officer Raven, I was told to accompany Rainbow and-" the Indian man cut me off "I was informed, I appreciate you taking care of my operators. Oh my, where are my manners? Nice to meet you, I'm Harry" I replied "I'd shake your hand but as you can see, I'm a bit busy currently" I heard the Doctor "I'm doc, follow me; I'll bring you to the medbay" I felt Zofia shift her head as we started walking.
        My head and eyes traveled miles as I inspected everything I saw, the legends of Rainbow sparking a bit of childish excitement hidden beneath layers of weathered man. Zofia must've noticed since she spoke "it's amazing, I know, I was the same way when I arrived" I was going to reply when I heard someone yell "hey drań(bastard), what're you doing with my sister?!" I turned to where the voice originated as Zofia groaned and a women with green hair stormed forward until Doc put himself in between the new person and Zofia and I "Ela, he's just bringing her to the medbay so I can check on her" ela glared at me "why do you need to check her?" Doc looked at me for a second "Rainbow hit a target that wasn't ours to hit, we didn't inform command so when the Rangers hit their target they found Rainbow. Raven acted quickly after he realized what he'd done and called for medevac" Ela looked like she was getting ready to pounce "so you shot her?!" I recoiled as Zofia groaned again before mumbling "my fuckin' head" I spoke "Ela, was it? I didn't harm your sister, the breaching charge just gave them a concussion, she's got a killer headache and screaming isn't going to help her. If you're that worried about what's gonna happen come to the medbay with us, but we need to go" Doc noticed the undertone in my closing sentence "you're right, let's go. Ela you're welcome to come" I started following Doc through the halls again but felt the shadow, her glare burned a hole into my skull, I made small talk quietly with Zofia and Doc trying to keep my voice low so it didn't worsen her headache.
        "So doc, did Harry say anything about a ride back to my base? I just got voluntold I'd be coming here to make sure the story was straight" he looked over his shoulder, matching my tone, "no, after I do my check ups on the team I'll bring you to his office and we'll get an answer" I replied "merci(thanks)," before looking down and seeing Zofia looking up "do 'hi tsu? To hi ju? (how are you? Are you fine?)" she looked lost as I heard ela "the hell does any of that even mean? Are you speaking gibberish?!" I spun with a dangerous tone to my voice "disrespect my culture again, and I will rip out your spine and hang you with it. I'm the one that called the casevac, I'm the one that handed out the orders to take care of your sister and the rest of her team, I'm the one who did everything I could to help so for just 10 minutes can you not be an outstanding bitch?" Doc turned "Ela, leave, now" she started to protest "but he-" doc cut her off "he saved your sister from a worse concussion, you're only making it worse. Leave" she replied "I don't trust him with her" Doc replied sounding bored "what is he gonna do? Lera, the nurses and I are all gonna be there, and since when do you care about Zofia? You avoid her every attempt to bond with you, now you're stopping her getting any treatment that might cut down the length of her concussion, go, get out of here. Come to the medbay after he leaves" she stormed off causing Doc to turn to me "I'm sorry about her, she's usually indifferent to what happens with her sister." I nodded as Zofia mumbled "I'm sorry about her" I shrugged slightly "it's fine, I'm sorry about threatening her" she sighed as Doc opened the door as I squeezed through making sure Zofia didn't hit anything before waiting for Doc to walk in and direct me as to what bed to place her on.
         I looked to my left when I heard a different accent "come, place Zofia on last bed" I saw a woman with short reddish brown hair pointing at a bed, I nodded and started towards the bed. When I arrived I carefully laid her on the bed before stepping back into the corner and letting the doctors get to work checking on her, I moved to leave when Zofia spoke quietly "please, stay, I want to talk after they clear me" I stopped midstep before turning to the doctor "can I sit somewhere and wait?" She nodded and spoke "over by the door you walked in, Gustave wants to talk to you" I nodded and set on my journey.

A/N sorry the chapter took a bit longer than normal, I've gotten myself sucked into TheHunter: Call of the Wild, anyway I hope you're doing well and having a good day

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