5 months later

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Kye's pov
I stood for my part of the briefing "now this is a small team smash and dash, our check in points are twinkies, jello, Oreo, KitKats and when the mission is completed: goldfish. We get in, I plant my bombs, the base goes up in flames, QRF is stationed out of Hereford. If we get into a dance with the enemies, we'll call Doritos,  the rest of you and 2 Apache gunships will scramble and come to us, now expect check in calls every 2 hours; if we miss one, wake someone up, if we don't, don't worry about it" I sat down as Arrow walked to the front of the room "I'm expecting it to take 4-6 hours depending on the gradient, which is this muddy dirt sand mix, so lace up. We're moving slow, each step is carefully selected. our main objective is to catch the tangos sleeping, if they're awake QRF gets moved to standby and we proceed" arrow went to sit down as Phoenix stood and walked to the front "That covers everything, Raven it's your gun, clear out and get ready. This could go really badly so I want everyone on their A game, Hooah?" We all replied with enthusiastic "hooah"s as the Platoon sergeant walked over "Kye, why do you always get the good missions? I get these boring ass recon weak dick missions" I looked over "Well Jim, it's because I blow shit up" he laughed before replying "stay safe" I nodded "don't turn to ash waiting for us to call"
         he shook his head "keep that confidence from turning to arrogance" I gave a thumbs up as he started walking away "sure thing edudi(grandfather)" Jim spun "Stop calling me old!" I gave him a look "since when do you speak Cherokee?" He replied smugly "so I was right, good to know, and to answer your question I sensed the spirits telling me you were being a punk" I rolled my eyes as we walked into the barracks and split off to our bunks and I started getting my gear on before I dipped my fingertips in my black makeup and put on my war paint before carefully tying two eagle feather into my hair. I heard Jess(Angel) next to me "why do you always put those feathers in your hair and the 4 stripes over your eye?" I looked over "it's tradition, everytime a brave enters a battle he wears his war paint and the feathers represent how many battles you've fought in. I'd wear the true number but then I'd actually be an Eagle" she chuckled before asking "does that mean we all have war paints?" I nodded "i could give you them if you want?" She nodded excitedly "please" I placed my fingers in the make up again and dragged my pointer finger from her left cheek to her right before placing red around her eyes and dragging it down to the edges of her mouth before placing another band of black across her eyelids "there you are" she looked into my mirror and gasped "oh my god, it's so cool!" I chuckled as I sat down and started wiping off my fingertips "See? We'll add the feathers starting tomorrow if you want"
         she nodded as I placed my mags on my vest "We good to go?" Mark(Arrow), Jess(Angel) and Xavier(Viper) nodded as I turned to Richard "well Cap, we're off. See you in six" he called after us as the door closed "One piece! Stay in one piece!" I chuckled as we walked and talked to the helicopter before climbing in, the pilot spoke "Chief, how're we doing tonight?" I put on the headset "Excited, these are always fun ones. How about yourself?" He sighed before replying "My wife's making her way through the House redecorating, it's just one room after another" I heard Xavier "Sounds expensive" I followed him up "Sounds pregnant" Jess piped up "Congrats" Hawkins shot back "She's not pregnant, it's just this weird mood" I replied "Yeah, pregnancy does that" he sighed "piss off" I laughed as the gunners finished loading their mini guns.
         I fell asleep quickly, trying to get the rest my body wants before the mission only to be woken up 10 minutes later as I shot into the roof while the gunners test fired their minigun, my hand rested on my plate carrier above my heart as it pounded and I yelled into the headset "What the fuck?! Jesus Christ, you gave me a heart attack you fuck!" The gunners laughed their ass off while Angel and I tried to calm down and Arrow and Viper laughed quietly. It was uneventful until we had inserted and sat in the silent forest of Sweden, snow blanketing the ground as rays of moonlight shone through

 It was uneventful until we had inserted and sat in the silent forest of Sweden, snow blanketing the ground as rays of moonlight shone through

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