The surfacing

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Zofia's POV
   I bolted upright at the PA "all operators report to the briefing room, all operators report to the briefing room" I scrambled to get out of bed as Kye fell off his bed and quickly pushed to his feet and ripped the closet door open as he rummaged for his gear. I flicked the light on and grabbed my 762 placing it on my bed and started taking off my pajamas after I had pulled out my uniform only to remember I didn't have a bra on "Hey Kye?" He called back "vskaga?(yes?)" I asked "Can you grab me a bra?" He took a couple seconds to reply before quietly "I can, what drawer?" I quickly replied "2nd one down" I heard the drawer get pulled open, the familiar creak as it dragged against the frame before I heard footsteps getting closer and a bra was held over my shoulder. I quickly put it on and clipped it turning to see if he was looking at me only to find his eyes locked on the opposite corner, I chuckled slightly "Kye, it okay you can move now" he asked nervously "you're good?" I laughed "Tak, I'm good. Thank you" he breathed a sigh of relief and moved quickly to grab his gear, he yawned as he tightened the straps of his tacpad "what time is it?" I lifted my phone "04:45" his head snapped to me "Seriously? Fuck me" I finished buttoning up my jacket as I grabbed my beret and headset "ready?" He finished tying the eagle feathers into his hair and stood, lazily holding his m4 by his side and nodded.
        I opened the door and started making my way to the brief, I glanced back when I noticed Kye wasn't next to me only to see him come out of our room holding something and locking the door. "Kye, we can't be late come on!" He looked up before wordlessly jogging to catch up to me, I was getting worried he's not typically this quiet, "hey, you okay? You're being really quiet" he sighed before replying "the spirits aren't giving me good feelings about this mission" I nodded slowly before placing my gloved hand on his shoulder "Stick by me. you'll be my eagle, I'll be your thunder, together no one will be able to hide" he smiled as he looked down at me "the strongest duo" I recalled my hand and fixed my sunglasses "we'll be okay" he straightened at my words "You're right, now let's finish this mission so I can go back to sleep"
        I laughed as I heard Siu(Ying) "Zofia! Kye! Wait up!" We stopped and turned looking behind us as Siu and Yumiko(Hibana) jogging towards us, Kye gave a small wave "yo" I replied "Hej(hey)" as they started walking next to us "Do you two have any idea why we're being called now?" I shook my head no as Kye didn't reply still looking down, my worry grew, as Siu asked "What do you think it is? Another bomb? Maybe a hostage? Oooh, it could be a biohazard, those are always my favorites" Yumiko and I gave her weird looks causing her to backpedal "What? It's not like I'm saying it's a good thing, I just like those missions more than the bombs." She quieted down to a soft nervous tone "I'm not good at defusing bombs" Kye didn't say anything which caught my attention and Yumiko's as she asked "Kye, you good? You're being really quiet" he didn't respond as I leaned forward and around infront of him "hey Kye... oh my" he's asleep, how is he asleep and walking?! I heard Siu "Zo, what's wrong with him? Why's he being so quiet?"
         I looked back at them, astonished, "he's asleep" Yumiko shook her head "No, he's walking, see? He can't be asleep" Siu nodded agreeing with her as silent laughs racked my body "Nie, seriously, he's asleep. Out like a light" they obviously didn't believe me as I motioned to him "check him out for yourselves then" they picked up their pace and got infront of him "holy shit, you weren't lying" I smugly nodded "I know a sleeping man when I see one and that man is sleeping" we laughed as we turned the corner and he made the turn with us and continued on his path to the briefing room. I sighed "We're gonna have to wake him up" Siu asked "how?" I heard laughing behind me and saw Tina and Seb "Hey Tina, Seb, wanna help me?" Their heads snapped to me "A chance to help our friends? What kind of good syrup blooded Canadians would we be if we said no?" I smiled as I motioned to the escaping sleeping form of Kye "we need to pin him, he'll throw Siu and Yumi off of him if they try so we need you two" Seb cocked his head "why do we need him down? Is something wrong?" I nodded and turned staring at Kye "he's sleep walking, we need to wake him up and he's a heavy sleeper, like extremely heavy" Seb sighed as Tina spoke "let's get it done, we're wasting time" I was about to reply when Seb ran past us screaming random inhuman sounds as he chased down Kye causing us to break into a sprint after Seb as they turned a corner and a grunt and thud were heard.
        I came to a skidding halt as I came around the corner and saw Seb sitting up and Kye soundly sleeping on the ground, i turned to Tina "we're gonna tickle him, armpits and base of his neck are the spots, which one are you taking?" She replied "neck, neck definitely" I crouched and started tickling him as he turned and struggled to get away before he bolted upright and laughed hysterically before freezing and looking around "we're in a hallway" I laughed as I spoke "We are in fact in the hallway a couple doors from the brief, you fell asleep, come on, I'll explain more on the flight" he nodded, disoriented, as I held my hand out to Sebastien while Tina pulled Kye up "Let's go" everyone entered a brisk walk as we walked the 12 meters or so to the briefing room, I glanced to my right as I walked through the door and saw Kye's fingers rubbing against each other.
       he's nervous, that makes me nervous, I couldn't ask him about it as Harry started speaking "As much as I wish the Masks would sleep it seems they've become nocturnal, a house in the suburbs outside New York City has been taken hostage by a unit of the Masks. They got in silently, they took the hostages and they called the police, due to their actions I believe, as does the DOD(department of defense), this is a trap set and targeted for Rainbow. We have a positive ID on several demolition charges set to demolish the house, we need to move quickly and put them down before innocent civilians are caught in the crossfire. I will be sending a team of 10 accompanied by a team of our two snipers, Team 1 is Zofia, Thatcher, Thermite, Ash and Finka. Team 2 is Hibana, Goyo, Jackal, Raven and Rook, Kali and Glaz you're on Overwatch. Now, be advised we have reports of a high value white mask operative who's called himself Typhon at the premises, he's responsible for the death of 4 swat team members, possibly more as the police trade fire with him"
        I looked at Kye and noticed his grip tightening on his arm rests, his knuckles a brilliant white, Harry spoke again "You're dismissed, get on the plane and get to the AO, we need to handle this situation Now!" Everyone who was a part of the operation stood and ran out the door to the range to get ammo for our weapons, I thought Kye was behind me until Ryad(Jackal) spoke astonished "santa mierda(holy shit), Raven's hailing ass" I looked forward and saw him in a full sprint as he burst through the doors of the armory.
Kye's POV
I turned to my left when I came to a stop and saw the quartermaster wasn't in, of course, it's 4 in the morning, why would he be here? I remedied the situation by vaulting the counter and rummaging through until I found 5.56 and .45 acp I grabbed the boxes and placed them on the counter before I grabbed several boxes of 7.62, 9mm, some more .45 for Goyo and finally a box of .338 lapua magnum round for Kali. I heard the doors open causing me to pop up from behind the counter like a meerkat and toss the boxes of ammo to the designated operators "Let's go, we can load up on the plane" everyone nodded as I vaulted the counter again and grabbed my boxes of ammo and sprinting down the hallways after the group. Zofia slowed down so she was running next to me "You're not compromised right? You were pretty upset in the briefing"  I looked over "Vtla(no), I'm good, just focused" she nodded unsure as I glanced at Jess's dog tags I will avenge you, I'll kill every single white mask, I tucked her tags under my plate carrier and continued running until we arrived out to the airfield and heard César(Goyo) ask "Do anyone know what plane we're taking?" I looked around until Jaimini(Kali) pointed "Look, Harry's over by that 130" I followed her view and saw Harry was indeed standing next to a C-130.
        Jordan(thermite) spoke "well shit, I guess that's our ride yall" I nodded and started jogging towards him saying "Sir" as I passed and headed up the ramp, he nodded "Raven" once everyone had gotten on the plane I listened while setting up my hammock "You are about to embark on a mission more dangerous than anything you've done before, keep you head on the swivel, protect each other, and keep the collateral down. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast, good luck rainbow. Make me proud" I turned and gave a salute as he walked off the ramp and disappeared from view. I heard Zofia faintly over the roar of the engines "Everyone get some rest, it's a long flight" I gave her the OK symbol and climbed into my hammock putting in my earbuds before covering them with noise canceling headphones quickly drifting off to sleep again. I woke with a start, ripping my head around to see what woke me only to see Eliza(Ash) turning away "Zo' he's up!" I shook my head as I rolled over and dropped 3 feet to the ground below, I pushed myself up as I got handed a parachute and oxygen mask/tank by Mike(Thatcher) causing me to give him a baffled look and him to ask "What? Ya never used a parachute before?" I sighed "Of course I have, why are we parachuting" he looked out the back of the plane into the early morning sunlight "we're jumping in to the target, it's faster than driving through New York's traffic"
         I nodded in understanding as I slung on the parachute and started clipping into it, we lined up and everyone checked the person infront of them's parachute, making sure everything should work and that there's no broken cords, I heard my good friend, Julien(Rook), behind me "Jesus Kye, who the fuck packed your chute? It doesn't like good, I wouldn't jump if I were you!" I glanced back and saw him over my shoulder shaking his head no causing me to flip him the bird as the teams got some laughs relieving some tension before the mission truly starts. The light turned on red causing Zofia to walk to the ramp and crouch looking down to get an eye on the target, she stood and rejoined the line as we waited, a minute later the light flipped to green and Zofia started the chain out and into the freezing air, i was the 4th back and when I jumped I spoke to myself "1 thousand, 2 thousand, look thousand" as I looked at my chest and grabbed the ripcord "Pull thousand" as I yanked the cord and felt my chute deploy causing me to grab the rear risers and pull back on them helping the slider come down only for it to get caught halfway, I heard Julien "Raven's chute is fucked, you have to go secondary" I growled back "I'm working on it, my fucking gloves caught" I sighed and pulled my hand out of my left glove, feeling the frigid high altitude air nipping at my bones as I heard Zofia, horror clear as day in her voice "Raven? Raven talk to me, any progress on the cut away?"
       I didn't reply as I heard Julien "Approaching the limit to hit target, come on bro, I was joking about the parachute" while I grabbed my cut cord "Cutting" I yanked on it and felt the cold air prick at my exposed skin as I entered a free fall I could hear my breathing increase as I started to feel adrenaline rushing through my veins until I grabbed the secondary deployment cord "Deploying secondary" I heard Mike and Julien softly praying "come on, come on work you sonuvabitch." I yanked and felt the sudden jolt on my back as my feet flew forward, instinctively I grabbed the risers and yanked them back looking up and watching my slider come all the way down to its position causing me to grab my handles and steer it back so I was on target "Secondary deployed, I'm good, I'm good" I heard several relief filled sighs as Zofia came over the radio "Almost had me scared for a second there" I chuckled despite my near death experience as Timur(Glaz) spoke "Comrade, you really must take better care of your gear, it almost killed you" I replied with so much sass the black lady at the hair dresser would be proud "this isn't my parachute, Mike just handed me one. If I knew we were parachuting I would've brought mine but vtla(no) I didn't get told so now I'm stuck without a glove, in low orbit, at the ass crack of dawn" he laughed as we floated peacefully to the ground, it was a short 30 second excursion before we had to land, the hard part it's all concrete, the easy part the police cleared the streets of onlookers.
       I extended my legs infront of me and started running when I felt the jolt as they made contact with the concrete, I thought I had done it when I stopped running only to be ripped into the concrete by my parachute. I sighed as I rolled over and unclipped the parachute from my gear and rested my hand on my M4's grip "Hello Officers, I'm Chief Warrant Officer Raven with the US Army Rangers currently at Rainbow. Has there been any change in the situation?" The older man stepped forward and shook my hand "We appreciate the help, no they haven't made any demands or done much of anything other than occasionally take shots at us" just as I was about to reply a burst of L85 rounds impacted the armored doors of the police car causing everyone to collapse to a knee and take cover "I see, alright, we'll get to work. Keep a donut for me will ya?" I heard him chuckle as I crouch walked to Zofia "No change in situation, no demands, they're just shooting occasionally. You're up, Team 2 will be ready to react if something goes wrong" she nodded before looking at me "if you hear Ameliga(America) come in" I scrunched my brow, completely stupefied "Since when have you learned Cherokee?" She replied only with a vain smile "I'll tell you later dear, for now let's focus" I was going to reply as she called "Team 1 prepare to breach!" her team stacked on her as I called "Team 2 suppress the house when Team 1 moves! Overwatch get to position!"
        I saw Glaz and Kali take off running into the construction project across the street. I was getting impatient only to realize what Zofia said "Dear.... dear? Zofia, why'd you call me dear?!" Just then Kali came over the radio "in position" and Zofia replied to her "Team 1 is moving" I sighed but rested my rifle on the hood of the cruiser "Team 2 suppressing" as a stream of fire erupted taking out several windows and barricades but doing little other than that.

Alright so it's my birthday and I decided since I have nothing better to do, id release the chapter a day early. I hope you enjoy it, stay safe
Crimson out

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