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Kye's pov 3 weeks later
       I gasped at the feeling as I rotated my shoulders and felt them pop and crack, Zofia plopped down next to me "good job, you're getting better" I wiped the sweat from my forehead and tried talking through my heavy breathing "I'm still bad at Hand to Hand" she nodded "But the rest of your stats are top tier" I looked over "you're shitting me" she chuckled and extended the tablet she's always tapping into, I looked at her before carefully taking the tablet "Calm down it's not gonna break, look at your stats. Compared to the rest of the operators, you're in the top 5 for speed, entry frags, leadership, gunskill and headshot rate" I looked at my hand to hand stats "bottom 10 for CQB, fuck my life" she sighed "Not everyone can get good at CQB, maybe we should focus on making you a rear line support operator" I stared at the ground "Vv(yes), maybe" she used my shoulder as an anchor point to stand while she said "Listen, you keep giving me your all and I'll keep working with you. We'll make you the second best fighter the team has" I looked up at her "why not the best?" She grew a smile and spoke with a challenge in her voice "because that's my spot, trying to overthrow me?" I stood with a groan as my joints cracked "tlano(no), I couldn't even if I wanted to. You're just too far ahead" she nodded before turning serious "Keep giving me the effort you've been giving, and I'll have you second to me in no time" I nodded before thinking out loud "the braves would love this place, so many things they could learn"
        she looked over her shoulder "So what do these braves you keep talking about do?" I paused for a minute "they're like soldiers, but they don't have a specific uniform. They're like a spartan, they're always warriors but they have other jobs too" she nodded "ah, so is there like training or something?" I shook my head "You get taught things by your parents, and then nature and incorporate that into your war. A whitetail is a whole hell of a lot harder to stalk than a human" she pondered my words "So did you learn anything from your childhood you could use here?" I paused "Some of the older braves taught me parkour, they learned it and I thought it was cool" she gave a large nodded before she ripped her head towards me " That's why you're so fast, You're just doing parkour to get over the obstacles" I suddenly got nervous "Is that not allowed? I can do it again if it isn't, it doesn't bother me" she chuckled at my sudden nervousness "Nie(no), you're fine. It just always confused me how you got so fast" I replied confused "you could've just asked" she shot back sarcastically "like you'd tell me" I nodded "I would've, it's not really a secret" she stood and grabbed her towel wiping the sweat from her face and neck "I'm gonna go shower and hang out with Grace and Elena, we'll train tomorrow"
        I stood and stretched "I'm gonna go find Tina(Frost), Mark(mute) and Max(Mozzie) and see if they wanna play some warzone" she replied in a motherly tone "Do NOT miss dinner again, I'm not gonna make food for you when you're complaining and whining tonight" I gave a nod and started walking to the door starting my journey to find my friends until I froze midstep and started talking to myself "Wait a minute, I have their numbers" I sent the texts and headed for Zofia and I's room. I started my Xbox and loaded up Modern Warfare l, scrolling through random apps, until I heard the familiar Australian accent "g'day mate" I smiled despite myself "Goose, what's good?" He laughed "I got tori to fix my bike finally, she purring like a kitten again" I whistled "yours in an off-road one right?" He replied quickly "yea, she's great! 0-60 in 3 seconds" I replied getting excited "maybe I can convince Harry to let me bring my ATV to base, we could make an obstacle course and a race track" he laughed maniacally as Tina and Mark joined and Tina asked "what the hell did we join into?" I quickly covered it up with a fake cough to which Mark all but screamed "He's got the Rona!" I sighed as Tina joined him "You've gotta stay away from me, STAY AWAY!"
           I rolled my eyes as I sent the invites and watched their increasingly weird gamer tags join the squad, "Max, why is your tag I'mFckingSpiders?" He laughed "Mate, it's fine" I shook my head with a smile "We good to go? Everyone's ready?" I heard everyone say yes causing me to start the search as I checked the time "3:30, so we've got 2 and a half hours, alright let's do this" I heard Mark "Mate, are you talking to yourself?" Tina answered for me "I think he was" Max joined her "Yea, he's cracked. Man down, man down" I spoke "no, I mean... well yes, kinda? I'm just thinking out loud" they laughed at my expense as we loaded into the game. 30 minutes later I heard the door open, garnering my attention as I looked over and saw Zofia "hey Zo, back so soon?" She gave me a pointed look "you lost track of time again, didn't you?" I opened my menu and saw it was 7 "Holy shit, yo, it's 7 guys" I heard 3 very surprised operators as Zofia pulled up her chair next to me "Who're you playing with?" I replied "Tina, Mark and Max." I heard literally each of them "What? What do you want?" I laughed "Guys, I was just telling Zofia who was in the squad" Tina asked excitedly "is she joining us?" I looked at Zofia seeing her staring at me blankly "Zo, Hey Zo, Zofia" she shook her head "huh, what? What's happening?" I was about to reply when I heard Max "is she staring at you again?" I asked for clarification to which Tina jumped in "she always ends up staring at you, I think it's because of your eyes" I nodded before realizing they couldn't see me and then I realized I hadn't answered Zofia "Alright, Tina wants to know if you're gonna play some games with us? Also why do you randomly get blank looks and stare at me?"
        She nodded as she gave one large shove with her legs and rolled away from me "Your eyes, I can't get over how pretty they are" I nodded slowly as I looked at the scoreboard "I didn't think they were that special, Fuck Tina! Every time! How do you always get one more kill than me?! How are you that consistent?!" Everyone laughed at my childlike shrieks until I backed out to the menu and Zofia joined the team and party just as Tina replied "I'm just better" I rolled my eyes "Zo, if you would be SO kind as to destroy Tina's world with your magic stats?" She nodded to me and lifted her tablet from her bag "Well Tina, he's got you beat on speed, accuracy and headshot rate" Max jumped in "well that went tits up tazzy style" Mark asked incredulously "Mate, the fuck does that even mean?" He replied "Some 300 Spartans, battle of Thermopylae shit's about to go down" Tina and I asked "what?" While Zofia spoke "Goose, your Australian is slipping through" I heard Max cough and clear flem from his throat before he spoke in an American accent "Thanks Zofia, alright what I was trying to say is she said she was better and then he pulled out stats. Her argument was proven wrong, by math, it backfired"
         I asked "Why couldn't you just say that? Why'd you have to go full Aussie?" He laughed as Mark replied "Bruv, he's literally an Aussie. He went full Aussie, because he's full Aussie!" I shot back "By Aussie do you mean inverted Brit?" Zofia piped up "he's not wrong, Australia literally is the backwards Britain" Mark grumbled before yelling "I'm bri-ish, He's Australian, we're not the same!" I chuckled as Tina spoke "well Australia is the Texas of the British empire soo you're related to Max more than Kye and I" I heard Mark grumble "Fuckin' bullshite" I asked "Hey Mark, why do you never pronounce the T in British? you always say Bri-ish" Zofia jumped in before Mark could reply "The Brits hide their T when they're around Americans, the revolution left some PTSD"
          I laughed openly until I heard the familiar clack of a .357 and Max screamed "This fucker! Bloody 'ell, he's just running around fuckin' me! God fuckin' damnit I hate snake shot, it's so fuckin dumb!" I laughed as Zofia asked "mad already Max?" He snapped back grumpily "eat shit" I heard the revolvers crack again followed by Max yelling "I swear to Christ almighty! If I find him I'm gonna grab my Semtex and peg it at his fucking nuts! Fuck me, how does he always find me?!" I heard Tina "come on, Max it can't be that- Oh fuck off! That's bullshit, I shot him! How the fuck did he not die?!" I turned the corner and saw a shirtless tattooed man come flying around the corner at Mach 3 as Tina yelled "What the fuck?!" I was laughing so hard I could barely see my Tv and missed all of my shots as Tina was deleted. Mark spoke "Kye, how haven't you died? How the fuck do you have 6 kills?!" I laughed as I replied "I'm Native bro, the world shrouds me. Also, I have my Ak and you know me, I get my Ak and here I go killing again" Zofia replied "Amen" Just then the man was seen as he came flying towards me and the revolvers were heard as I saw my character go flying back "Fuck! Akinalvga(I am angry)!" Zofia's laugh pierced the anger as I looked over "what's so funny?" She replied laughing still "you got so mad your eyes crossed a bit" the party was howling with laughter when she said that causing me to pause and remember my 3rd day at battalion when the Lt forced me to take part in a platoon tournament to quote unquote prove myself, i mused quietly "so the past repeats itself" I heard Zofia next to me "Mhmm?" I shook my head no as a small grin played across my lips.

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