A week later

735 7 3

Kye's POV
       I sighed in relief as I dropped my tacvest on the floor, the thud echoed through the room and rotated my shoulder, releasing the tension in my muscles and got ready to take a nap after a hard mission. I had just pulled off my shirt and sat on my bed when Zofia walked in and spoke excitedly "Hey, we need to go pick up my daughter" I dramatically threw myself to the floor with a loud groan as I grabbed a fresh shirt and put it on before grabbing my sunglasses and fixing my eagle feathers "Let's go" she smiled before turning and all but running towards the car, I laughed to myself as I holstered my glock and loaded it before chasing Zofia towards the garage. I looked at Zofia as we stood next to my truck "You want anything before we leave? I'm not turning around after we leave" she checked her purse "Nie, I've got everything" I slid into the drivers seat and glanced over "So where are we going?" Zofia lifted her phone and read out "Bristol Airport" I sighed while typing it into the gps "god I'm tired" Zofia replied "Me too, I wasn't expecting them to fight that long" I commented "I'm surprised we didn't lose anyone, 3 hours of fighting only to come out unscathed is luck" she nodded before smiling as she watched the British landscape scream past "I can't wait to see my daughter, Bóg(god) I'm so excited!" I laughed openly before replying "I know, you've been talking about it in your sleep all week" she turned a light shade of pink as she spoke "I've missed her, there's so much I wanna do with her"
          I nodded before suggesting "Why don't you take her for a ride around the track on my ATV? I have the helmets and she can get strapped in so she doesn't fly off at Mach 4" Zofia looked at me "I.... ive never been on an ATV before... let alone one with as much power as yours" I asked "do you want to? I can take both of you for a ride, it's fun as hell" I could see her mulling over the question before nodding "I think it'd be fun, oh, can you do me a huge favor?" I kept my eyes on the road as I replied "of course, what do you need?" She asked nervously "Do you think you could avoid swearing near her? I'm trying to keep her from picking up any more words" I nodded as I felt her eyes on me before she responded "Dziękuję Ci(thank you)" I chuckled out "gvlieliga(you're welcome)" she leaned back before sitting straight up and gripping the handle before leaning forward and backward until she got the backrest to the preferred position "So who was in my seat? Mhmm? WHO TOOK MY SPOT AND FUCKED UP MY SEAT?!" I looked over for a second shocked at the outburst "Ela, she asked me to run her to the store yesterday... why is it so important?" Zofia spoke, sounding extremely territorial, "This is my seat, no ones supposed to move my seat cause it's mine" I cocked an eyebrow "since when did you get a designated spot in my truck?" She replied "Since I always ride in this seat whenever we go for drives or to get groceries" I nodded slowly "alright, fair enough. So who's bringing her over from Poland?"    
          Zofia's mood quickly soured "My Ex, he's dropping her off in a hostage transfer and then leaving. o cholera(oh shit)" I asked "what? What is it?" Zofia spoke sounding horrified "He's gonna think we're married, oh no it's gonna go bad" I asked for clarification causing her to speak "He's always really competitive, he's gonna try to one up you cause he's gonna think you're his replacement" I sighed "oh for fucks' sake, I'm too tired for this shit" Zofia laughed before speaking "Well you're not getting any sleep until tonight, we've got things to do like train and get you and Amelia to meet and do a bunch of fun stuff that kids do" I asked hopefully "Are we getting pink plates and filling them with smiley face cookies and pink cupcakes and shit 8 year olds eat?" She nodded "if you can get Amelia to agree" I spoke in a monotone announcers voice "And like that, Kye has a new objective" she chuckled before yawning "I'm exhausted" I replied "take a nap, we've got an hour and a half before we get there" she looked unsure at first but leaned the seat back and quickly passed out. I turned on the radio and continued on the journey, an hour and a 20 minutes later I heard my phone ring causing my to reach over and lightly shove Zofia awake.
        She groaned "what? What do you want?" I spoke "You wanna get that for me? See what Max wants" she sighed but picked up the phone putting it on speaker before asking "Hey Max, what's up?" He sounded surprised "why do you have Kye's phone?" I spoke "cause we're in the car, I'm driving so what's up?" He replied "Ah, that makes sense. I was wondering where me mates were, I came by to see if you wanted to peg around the track with our toys" I responded "Alright, when we get back I've got a couple things I need to do but when I've got time I'll send you a text and meet you at the track" he sounded excited, I could almost hear him jumping up and down "Alr'ght, see ya when ya get back. I'm gonna go and play with my bike. Bye Zofia! Bye Kye!" I heard Zofia laugh out "bye Max, don't hurt yourself" he laughed as the phone went dead and I pulled in to the parking lot, "ready to do this?" Zofia nodded excitedly as I turned off the car and got out locking the car before following Zofia into the airport.
       I looked around since it was the first time I'd been at this airport and admired the clean look of the room until I heard a scream pierce the silence "Mommy!" Before I watched Zofia drop to a knee and open her arms "Hi Baby" the man I assumed was Zofia's Ex walked up and asked "Who're you?" I replied "I'm Kye, one of Zofia's friends." He nodded before asking "what do you do?" I cocked my head to the side "Do you mean for work?" He confirmed as I spoke "I'm a warrant officer with the US Army Rangers as well as an EOD operator" he shifted his weight "I used to do PMC work, I've been in heavy combat but never thought man I wish the Rangers were here" I leaned in and spoke with a sharp undertone "then you obviously haven't been in heavy combat" he asked getting enraged "Who do you think you are?!" Causing me to lean back "I'm the guy that Delta asks for by name, I've been in oppressive combat more times than you have woken up. Clear your carcass out and there won't be any problems" his nerves started to fray as he turned to Zofia "I'll be back here on Monday at 1," she nodded as he crouched "Bye honey, see you on Monday" Amelia gave him a short hug before running to Zofia and getting picked up. I watched the Ex walk away until I heard Zofia "Kye come here" I turned to my left and saw the young girl looking at me worriedly "Hello Amelia, your mom told me a lot about you" she nodded shyly "Are you and mommy together?"
       I turned red as I choked on my spit "No, we're just friends. I was wondering if we could be friends, you and me, your mom said you're a trooper" she looked at Zofia unsure as Zofia nodded "He's a good guy, he helps mommy stay safe on missions so I can come home to you" amelia's mood did a sharp 180 "You save mommy?" I nodded "Sometimes, she saves me a lot, see I get into trouble a lot and your mommy's always there to dig me out of trouble" I saw Zofia's eyes widen a bit before she covered it up and Amelia noticed my eagle feathers "Why do you wear feathers like an Indian?" I laughed causing her to suddenly become nervous as I took on my cliche Indian personality "Well little one, the winds and the spirits made me an Indian. Do you want a feather too?" She nodded excitedly "I love indians, they're my favorite part of those cowboy movies daddy shows me" I looked at Zofia "Mind if I do it?" Zofia shook her head no before placing Amelia on the ground in front of me "Turn around little one, I've got a gift" she did so nervously as I pulled out a small eagles feather from my hair and carefully taking the hair over her temple before putting the small wraps around a strand and tying in the feather, "Look at me" she turned and suddenly seemed self conscious before I replied "by the maker's will and my powers as chief, I name you an honorary Cherokee" she turned to Zofia excited "Mommy! I'm an Indian now!"
         Zofia smiled at the scene as I stood "Come on, let's get back to base so we can get you settled in" Zofia nodded "Come Amelia" Amelia gripped Zofia's hand as I followed them out to the truck, I glanced at the silhouette of Amelia and her and couldn't help but think she looks happier as she swung her arms exaggeratedly with Amelia. I pulled out my phone when we got to the truck and leaned on the hood "Hey Max, we're heading back, we'll be there in an hour and a half. Give me about 30 minutes to help get the kid settled in before we go and play with the toys" he shot back the reply of "Alright, sounds good, stay safe" I put my phone in the consul and started the engine, Zofia and Amelia sat in the back talking quietly until I heard Amelia "Mister, mama said you would give me a ride on a four wheeler, will you?" I glanced into the rear view mirror "Call my Kye, if that's too hard just call me owl, and If you want one, I'll bring you for a ride." She excitedly looked at Zofia before asking "She also said you know how to fight with lightsabers, are you a good guy or a bad guy?" I asked "do you know what they're called?" She looked like she was concentrating as Zofia smiled before whispering something and Amelia spoke "Sith and Jedi" I nodded "Your mama and I are sith, your auntie is a Jedi" she gasped "Nie" I nodded as Amelia looked at her mom as Zofia asked "how's school? Are your grades good?" She nodded happily "I don't like math, it's so hard to understand" I piped up "dudanilvtsv(agreed)" Amelia looked so confused as Zofia explained "he's speaking his language, like how you and me speak polish" I heard a short "oh" I commented after a glance in the rear view mirror "you two look a lot alike"
        Amelia smiled at the words "I wanna be just like mama when I grow up" I nodded as Zofia spoke "You have to do good in school first" they kept talking as I wordlessly drove until Amelia asked "Kye, how'd you become friends with mommy?" I froze, trying to think of a way to say oh my squad got massacred and your mom saved me at the last second "You know how I said your mom saves me a lot?" She nodded causing me to finish "Well your mom saved me and then took a risk to give me a new path" Zofia listened intently as Amelia asked "what'd she do to save you?" I replied "you know the bad men, her and I fight?" Amelia nodded again as I spoke "They almost got me but like Batman your mom appeared and beat all the bad guys, you know your moms a superhero right?" Amelia gasped as she spun to look at a shocked Zofia "You didn't tell me?!" She started to play along "well if you knew my secret you would've been in danger, I had to go and beat my arch nemesis but i needed to have you at home where you're safe" Amelia sighed dramatically "I could help you know" I chuckled as I listened to the conversation and drove.
         Eventually we reached base and saw Harry, Eliza and Ela waiting by the door, I pulled into the garage and parked my truck "Alright, let's go. Time to go get you all situated" Amelia jumped out of the truck as a tired Zofia followed her, I patted her shoulder "Give me her bag and stuff, I'll run it to the room and meet you at the front door with the others it looked like they wanted to talk to her" Zofia nodded "Amelia, give Kye your bag, he's gonna be your butler for a bit" she walked over and handed me her bag tentatively "be careful, there's important stuff in there" I saluted "I understand boss" she giggled as I smiled and started walking towards the dorm with a pink hello kitty backpack over my shoulder, I saw Dominic and Marius do a double take as Julien asked "Hey Kye, got some kind of weird phase going on?" I replied "Zofia's kid's here, I'm dropping some stuff off for her" they nodded but the teasing never ended until I walked into the room and placed the bag on Zofia's bed before I went to grab my keys for my ATV, I grabbed a small helmet and headed out to the main entrance seeing Eliza and Ela fawning over Amelia who loved the attention while Harry talked with Zofia I called "Hey little one, wanna go for a ride?" As I lifted and shook the helmet, her eyes widened as I saw her come running towards me, Harry looked worried as Zofia smiled as I crouched and tightened the helmet around her head "Too tight?" She shook her head no "It fits just right" I smiled as I felt her grab my hand "Let's go, IM SO EXCITED!" I led her to when Max and I have our ATV and Bike stored with the group of adults following me and her as I started the quad and slowly eased it out of the shed. I put it in idle as Zofia walked up and lifted Amelia placing her on the seat in front of me I leaned down "Hold on tightly to the handlebars" she nodded and gripped the handle bars as I shifted into Drive and gave some gas quickly speeding up, we went around the track fairly slowly until I heard the magic words "Can we go faster?!" I gave a thumbs up before giving the engine a healthy amount of gas and sped up from 10 mph to 45 as we tore around the track, I used my arms and legs as a bracket to make sure her light frame didn't slide off the seat.
       We did several laps of the track before I came to a halt in front of the group of adults, Amelia slowly got off the quad only to have her legs shaking violently as the adrenaline surged through her body, Zofia laughed at the sign while Ela got worried "Oh my god, she's terrified" I shook my head no as Amelia screamed "Mom that was so fun! Can we get one! Can we?! Can we?!" I laughed as did Zofia "Maybe if you're good Santa will bring us one" Amelia got excited as she ran around trying to work off the adrenaline, I heard Harry as I turned off the quad "You look like you're enjoying having Amelia here" I glanced over "Yeah, she's pretty fun" Harry spoke "I've got news for you," I asked "good or bad?" He replied "depends on your personality" I nodded "so what is it?" He spoke "we've got an opportunity for you, if you volunteer that is, to go to do Delts qualifications. I think you should do it"

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