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Hey y'all, sorry about the erratic publish schedule, school's starting to get busy so I'm trying to work around that and still keep the quality up. I hope you enjoy the chapter, thanks for understanding
- Crimson out

Eliza's POV
       I stretched as I came to a stand still on the asphalt of Rainbow's Airfield, Trace(Thermite) stopped next to me "I'll be in my dorm if you need me, just try not to go all obsessive over the mission alright?" I looked over "it shouldn't have gone that badly, we made mistakes" he sighed as we watched Kye and Zofia walking towards the base together "everyone makes mistakes, what's important to take from this is that Kye is amazing at falling" I laughed despite my attempt to remain stoic "he's an interesting character, always the mediator, always..." Trace supplied "The image of an Indian right? Like when you think Indian chief he checks every box" I nodded "yeah, it's so different." Trace looked at me "are you saying I'm normal?" I glanced over before laughing "oh please, we all know you're nuts. It's just different having someone who gets along with everyone" Jordan replied "coming from you, priceless" I turned my attention squarely on him "What's that mean?" He replied "Like you don't know, you're constantly trying to prove you're better than Zofia. Hell you two fight all the time"
        I huffed indignantly "It's because she stole my gadget" mike(thatcher) spoke from behind me "Lass you act like you're the only one in the world who uses a grenade launcher. It's not fair to Zofia especially when her launcher was in development before rainbow reactivated, maybe you should try to make ways that your grenades play off one another; it'd help the team a lot more than it already is" I subconsciously took a step back as it felt like a new enemy entered the field "I just want her to admit that I'm better" mike sighed "Listen, we aren't here to prove we're better than one another. I'm all for a friendly rivalry but what you and Zofia have, it's dangerous, get your head out of your arse and grow up."
         I looked down as the man I respected for his years of experience tore me to shreds for my actions "I Don't think-" he cut me off "Don't think, act, now I'm getting some chow, Either of you coming with me?" Jordan raised his hand "I am, I'm fucking starving" I shook my head "no, I'm gonna go to the range shoot a bit" they nodded and started walking away, I turned and walked towards the wing of the base that contained the range and a couple dorms. When I walked through the door and into the building I was greeted by Ela storming past me and Zofia looking longingly after her, I heard mikes voice in my head "don't think, act" before I continued on my way to my dorm only to stop when I was next to Zofia "I'll talk to her, maybe I can get her to come around and give you a chance" she looked wary "Why would you do that?"
          I looked away and down the hall seeing Kye peak out of their dorm waving when he saw me "I know what it's like to hate a sister, i needed a push to make up with mine maybe she needs a push to make up with you" she looked at me before stiffly nodding before turning and walking back towards her dorm as I saw Kye disappear into the dorm giggling like a child, that caught my attention as I watch Zofia disappear into the room only to hear another door close followed by loud crack "Kye, skopię ci tyłek!(Kye, I'm gonna kick your ass!)" Watching as Kye came running into the hallways yelling "You'll never take me alive coppa!" Before bolting away from me as Zofia joined us in the hallway, her face bright red before her eyes locked into her target "Who said anything about taking you alive!?" As she gave pursuit, I heard the chaotic laughter of Kye as he ran for his life forcing a smile onto my face as I remembered prancing my sister when we were kids.
Kye's POV
       I gripped the corner as I used it to turn on a dime trying to get away from the predator chasing me until I glanced back and saw her sliding as her left hand dragged on the ground stopping her momentum before she planted her feet and gained a burst of speed like a leopard bursting from its cover, my eyes widened as a bolt of primal fear shot through me and I started pushing harder to maintain my speed. I felt the fear an animal feels as it realizes it's not escaping, "vtla, Vtla, VTLA! Sgi-dolige! Sgi-dolige!(no, No, NO! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!")" I turned the corner and bounced off the Lord, I fell on my ass and looked up to see what I ran into before I remembered the leopard hunting me, I pushed off the ground as my shoes struggled to find traction and the lord asked "What is the problem comrade? You look scared" my shoes finally found traction and I made it a couple yards before I heard Alex "Oh hello Zofia" my eyes were wide when I glanced back and saw Zofia midair, diving to tackle me, "VTLA! I'm gonna die!"
        I felt her collide with me and move to pin me as my face impacted the floor, I groaned as she leaned down next to my ear "I'm gonna kill you so painfully, what're your last words?" I smiled as I finished saying "I died scaring the shit out of you.... literally" she went to hit me as Gustave(doc) spoke "Now now no killing it's so much paperwork, what happened here?" Zofia sat on the small of my back keeping my arms pinned with her knees "Go ahead Kye, tell them what you did" I moved my head so I could see gustave "Hey Gus, buddy, ol' pal, you have to promise you won't let her kill me" Alex appeared next to him as he nodded "You know how toilet seats have those little bars that keep it level against the actual bowl?" Doc looked confused as Alex asked "what does that have to do with Zofia trying to kill you?" I continued "vgetsi(my mother) sent me a box of snappers, so I glued some to the bottom of those little bars and carefully set up the prank. Zofia went to go potty and her weight set them off, she screamed, I laughed, she threatened to kill me I ran and now we're here"
        I felt Zofia heat up as she growled out "I oughta kill you for that" I chirped happily "But on the bright side you now know an excellent solution to constipation" gustave and Alex laughed as Zofia put more pressure on my arms "ow ow ow alright alright no jokes no jokes" suddenly I heard Harry as Zofia froze "What'd he do this time?" I shifted my head so I was facing the other side "well that is just rude, I didn't do anything" gustave ratted "He put snappers under the toilet seat so Zofia got scared, zofia's trying to kill him, like legitimately kill him" Harry laughed "Reminds me of when my wife and I were younger" i buried my face into the floor as it burned red and Zofia noticed and decided to tease me "Oh, is that a blush I see? o mój Boże(Oh my god)it is, that's so cute" Harry spoke chuckling "Zofia get off of him" I slowly felt her weight get off my back as I sat up and scooted against the wall breathing heavily as the fatigue from running for my life set in before chirping happily "thanks dad."
        Harry spoke again "Now Kye, I cant have your roommate trying to kill you so why don't we tone back the pranks from....... this?" I nodded as I saluted before noticing Zofia glaring at me causing me to stand up and bolt behind Alex using him as my cover, he laughed heartily "Comrade, she will not kill you" before his voice dropped to a whisper "Watch out for the nights, she'll get you then" I felt chills run up my spine as Gus spoke "I don't think I'll be able to fix what she does to you my friend" I looked at him and I shifted to looking over Alex's right shoulder "but you're a medic, you're supposed to fix boo boos" everyone except Zofia laughed, she just glared at me "I can't fix death, I haven't got my license in necromancy"
       I sighed before Harry spoke "Zofia and Kye, I need you two for a debrief, let's go" I nervously looked at the gorgeous woman glaring at me before locking my eyes on the ground and tentatively stepping out from behind my behemoth of a piece of cover. Harry did a dramatic spin before marching off towards his office, Zofia and I flanking him as we walked her eyes drilled holes in my head as my thumb ran circles over my finger many miles a second, it was silent as we moved through the sparsely populated halls until Harry started whistling a tune. It was a nerve racking walk as Zofia continued to glare at me until we arrived at Harry's office, I quietly walked to the desk and sat in one of the chairs and waited. I thought of a joke to tell Zofia but realized now was not the time given she wants to rip my head off, so I just sat their quietly until I mumbled to myself almost inaudibly "Jess would've loved that prank, I wonder how she's doing" only to hear Zofia sigh next to me and Harry's chair creaked as he sat down "Now I understand the mission got a little messy"
      Zofia must've nodded since he sighed "what happened? What went wrong?" She replied "We weren't expecting drugs, there was a scientist said her name was... pierdolić(fuck), why can't I remember her name?" I piped up "Angelica Wagner" Harry leaned back "I've heard of her, she was a brilliant biologist, working predominantly in the study of uses of the natural world for medical purposes. She was disgraced for testing an unknown substance on one of her aids, I believe it was the sap of a tree from the amazon, acted like as an unusually strong sedative." Zofia nodded as I followed him up "that must be what they used on Zofia, she was still really groggy when typhon turned her over to me" Harry nodded before leaning forward so his elbows rested on the desk "What did we learn about typhon?" I racked my brain for anything useful I could remember before I spoke "He's ginger, his left canine was chipped too. Um, his skin looked like it was a bit olive in coloration, like Greek, oh and his voice was a bit higher than mine" Zofia gave me a weird look "how do you know all this? Did you and his just have a tea time and talk for a while?" I glanced over being a bit cheeky "nie(no), just for about 30 seconds while I made a deal to get you back" Harry nodded clearly pleased as his jovial mood return "oh that's wonderful, we can start building a profile on him well done, Raven" I replied with a small smile "couldn't have done it without my mentor, she bought me the time to notice everythin'" I noticed a small smile on Zofia's face when I called her mentor even though she was still clearly upset about the prank, "So what else happened?" Zofia spoke "when my team went in we secured most of the 2nd floor before we got the hostages, I sent thatcher, Thermite and Ash to extract the hostages while Finka and I hunted typhon. I got drugged and Finka got sacked with a baseball bat, Raven sent his team in along with the 3 members from my team."
         I jumped in "thatcher lead a team to secure them, rook was QRF, Kali and Glaz held overwatch while Ash, Hibana and I secured the 1st floor. It was smooth until Hibana got pinned down Ash and I moved to assist. We killed the masks and relieved Hibana when Thatcher told me they couldn't find Zofia, I sent everyone out of the house and continued searching for Zofia figuring 2 deaths is better than 10." Harry spoke tiredly "Marginally, is rather no one does" Zofia nodded and I continued "I went to where Zofia went cold and found the scientist, Finka came to while I helped the doctor up and told me she was a mask. I secured her as a prisoner and then typhon showed up with Zofia. We talked for a bit like old friends, I got Zofia back they got the doctor and then I thought he was going to kill us to I shot at them while taking the fall for Zofia, I think I hit her in the spine. Thermite and Goyo came and gave covering fire until we got pulled out" he chuckled "Sounds like you were playing hero" I nodded "I guess but I just wanted to save Zofia, who else is gonna beat me up in the boxing ring?" Zofia replied "no one, that's my monopoly" I nodded with a chuckle as Harry spoke "Do you have any comments? Anything to add to the mission report?" I suddenly remembered the detonation "Oh, and typhon blew up the house" Harry's happy exterior evaporated "What?!" I spoke sadly "we didn't have time to defuse the charges since it went so belly up, the homeowner wasn't mad at us he was just thankful" Harry sighed as he slumped in his chair "Do you guys have any idea how much extra paperwork that gives me?" I shook my head no as Zofia spoke "Nie, but I expect it's a lot"
        Harry pulled out a packet of paper a centimeter thick "this is just the demolition paperwork, that's not counting the mission report" I ran my thumb across the inner corner of my eye "I'm sorry sir, I would've been able to defuse if I left Zofia but I just couldn't... I can't lose another friend like that" he waved me off "no, I'm glad you saved her, you made the right call. Anyway, you two can go, I've got everything I need. Have a nice night" I stood and saluted as Zofia replied "you too Harry" I followed her out and into the hallway "I'm sorry about the prank, I didn't realize it would make you that mad" she sighed before turning her predatory eyes on me "If you want to make it up to me..." I subconsciously flexed my muscles like expecting to receive a hit only to have all the pressure disappear when she spoke "Make me dinner tonight and be in the gym tomorrow at 4 instead of 6" I cocked my head to the left "Really? That's it?" She nodded with a genuine smile I chuckled "well let's get going, I've got a meal to make." We walked for a couple minutes joking until I heard Eliza "Hey Kye! Zofia! Wait up!" We stopped and turned around seeing as jogging towards us "So good new Zofia, I got her to agree to talk to you but...." zofia's happiness suddenly turned to nervousness "but?" Eliza looked at me "She doesn't want Kye there" I sighed "when is she gonna be at our dorm to talk?" Eliza replied "later tonight, an hour and a half maybe 2 hours?" Zofia started "Nie(no), I can-" I replied "Zofia it's fine, I want you and her to make up, I'll make a meal for you and her and then I'll go hang out with Ryad and Julien" she looked unsure "Are you positive? It's not a bother?" I shook my head no "vtla(no), it'll be fine. Just let me make dinner and then I'll go to Julien's" she nodded looking guilty "Dziękuję Ci(thank you)" I shrugged "I have no idea what you said but I'm guessing it's thank you" Eliza spoke "that's all I needed to say, I'll be going" I asked hopefully "why don't you come to our dorm and talk with Zofia for a bit, maybe you two can go from a rivalry to friends?"
        Zofia nodded as Eliza looked unsure "I don't know" I lightly punched her shoulder "come on where's the confident Eliza I know? Huh, it'll be fine" she sighed "fine fine, I guess I'll go. This annoying mosquito named Kye just flew around annoying me into going" I defended "Excuse me, I'm an owl" Eliza shot back "says who? You clan?" I smugly replied "my name, boom! Bombshell"

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