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"It's hard to walk away when your heart tells you not to.

But you have to."

Sometimes, we walk away from someone even when we don't want to.

It might be dumb.

But sometimes, it's better to leave than stay and continue living a lie.

"Why We Broke Up"

Choi Yeonjun x Choi Soobin



hello there, 💜

this one would be another epistolary

and it's kind of like a part 2 of 'the last time i'll write about you' but this time, it'll be on soobin's pov

it'll go on about his reasons as to why he has to leave yeonjun.

the things he wanted to say but didn't get the chance to because he couldn't.

so yeah, that's kinda it, i guess.

anyway, thank you for deciding to read this ! <3

luv u all ÙwÚ

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