Letter #3

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Are you eating well, Yeonjunnie?

I hope you are. I don't want you neglecting yourself just because of someone as stupid as me.

Please get up off your bed, you tend to wallow there and forget everything of existence when you're sad and I know you are because I was the cause.

Did you know I left this box under your bed one time? I don't know if you already found it but it was there, just about the edge and pressed up against the wall. You'll definitely find it if you just so happen to crouch down and look underneath.

That box was random, actually. I made that one sunny day—I couldn't remember when but I remember I was bored because you were out of the city. You went home to spend time with your parents and I couldn't come because my work didn't allow me to take a break.

I was sulking that day and I was missing you a lot. I called you lots of times, remember? But then you couldn't pick up because you were busy and I felt bad because I realized I might be disturbing your time with your family so I stopped.

And in order to divert my attention elsewhere and to entertain myself, I browsed the dark side of the internet and found this really chessy website of couples and I was enchantingly drawn—I swear that site was bewitched.

That was when I decided to follow the instructions written and so that box along with cringey notes were created—I basically gave birth to that thing (I know you laughed, you love my awful sense of humor). It took me hours and I even put some of my polaroid pictures there to bless your eyes.

But I think it would be cruel if you'll find it now.

I'm unfair, aren't I?

I want you to take your mind off me but I keep on giving you things to remind you of me.

I'm sorry.

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