Letter #13

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I figured that now's probably the time to make things clear to you because I noticed that I've been quite vague with my previous letters and I do not want to keep you guessing in the dark for longer.

As I've been implying in my stories and this kind of complicated narratives I keep on writing to you, Yeonjun hyung, I assume you could tell that my 'family' isn't exactly one of the best.

They are rather far from it, actually.

So far from it because, what kind of a normal functioning household runs on shady deals with different organizations that live on illegal businesses?

Greed could really, really be dangerous. And they were completely consumed by it that they no longer care about what kind of measures they'd have to take just to get what they want.

It's not that my 'family' is suffering so much that they had no choice but to hold on to this deed to survive-they're well known people with lots of connections and properties for fuck's sake so I don't really see the need for all of this mess.

They just couldn't be contented with what they already have and it's making me so disgusted that they had to enter this kind of stuff so they could have when they could've went with something more decent and acceptable.

If you haven't caught on to what I'm trying to say-they sell drugs and do illegal exchange with people I'd never find myself associating with.

But that's not all.

They also fool around with other companies and pull some nasty tricks so the company would somehow be indebted to them that they'd have no choice but to pay tons of compensation or surrender their property.

They lie and fool innocent people to put the favours in them.

And what's worse is that they always managed to put the blame on someone else so that person would be so helpless and would have to pay for the crimes they didn't even commit.

I won't even be surprised if one of these days I will learn that they had already taken people's lives and it's making my insides churn.

I don't want to be like them, hyung.

I don't want to be a monster.

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