Letter #9

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I've talked with my dad today.

Not like we haven't talked at all since I came back here but it's the first time we had a conversation with just the two of us.

We didn't have an argument which came as a surprise considering that he was the one who's the most livid about my actions but I could still feel the tension the whole time we talked.

It was a funny scene actually because it was obvious he was holding himself back from lashing out on me. His face was scorching red and all, with veins looking like they were about to popped off but he was still trying his best to be as calm as he could. Maybe he was doing that so when he finally exploded, it would be a massive blow. He'd pour all his frustrations and anger out on me in one go the moment he decides to.

But to be frank, I don't fucking care.

He could do his worst if he wants to; just as long as it would all be on me and nobody else. Not with the people I care about.

Not with you.

God forbid what I would do if he ever dares to drag you into this mess, Yeon-ah.

I don't know what he's planning right now but I'll do everything I could to prevent it. I can't handle them doing this kind of shady business anymore. It disgusts me and I absolutely do not want anything to do with it.

Even if my disgusting excuse of a father forced me to join their twisted tricks, I'd refuse with every bits of my power because I repulse it so much and I know you wouldn't want me to be involved with that either.

I promise I'll be safe, sweetheart.

So please promise me that you'll do your best to be safe too, alright?

I don't know what I would do if something bad happens to you and I do not want to find out so be safe, always.

I wish I could be there next to you to protect you from anything that could possibly cause you harm.

But for now, I'll stick with protecting you in any ways I can from afar.

I love you, Yeonjun hyung.

Soobinnie misses you so much.

So much.

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