Letter #10

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I tried to go out earlier to hopefully roam around the city since I feel like I'm about to lose my mind if I'll continue to be stuck in here.

But it didn't work.

Apparently, my 'father' was cautious enough to make sure I won't get out the parameters of our land so I guess you could say that I'm trapped in this shit place of a home until they decide it's safe for me to be freed.

Which won't be happening anytime soon since I just got back and I know they wouldn't risk me running away again.

But after they have threatened me of the potential consequences of my actions I'm not that completely dumb to risk it too.

And you might be wondering what kind of threats I had received from them for me to actually try to behave myself, but I think I'd prefer it if you wouldn't know. For now, at least.

I might tell you what those are once I'm certain they couldn't be done.

Don't worry though hyung, because I'm fine.

A little bored out of my wits and a shit ton of missing you but overall, I'm doing okay. I think.

They still haven't done anything physical to hurt me so that's a relief, isn't it?

Not like I would tell you if they do but you know— they haven't, so like, yeah.

Anyways, I'm craving for cheesecakes hyung~

But these stupid ass guards won't let me out so I told them to get it for me but they're taking so long.

And I bet they won't be buying to our favorite café just a few blocks down your apartment so I would have to deal with whatever they would bring.

It would be better if I could share with you though.

I know I told you that it's annoying when you would suddenly show up out of nowhere when I'm eating to steal my food but you know that was just me teasing, right?

I actually love seeing your satisfied smiles and hearing your little giggles once you've accomplished your 'mission'.

And then you would do this tiny celebratory happy dance of yours while laughing like a little kid without any care in the world. I would catch myself staring right then, getting deeply enthralled by your adorable little antics.

I admit what I'm about to say next is cringe and as cliche as it sounds, I would feel my whole world gradually halting its spin.

I would just be lost under your spell.

Too far gone in your enchanted trance until you'd do something to snap me out of it.

Then just like that, my food is all yours, along with my completely smitten heart.

I just love you so damn much, Yeon-ah.

I would give you anything you ask me to.

But darling, if you'd ask me to come back home in your arms right now, I would have to apologize.

Because that's the one thing I can't give.

At least, not for now.

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