Letter #11

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It's currently nearing 3am right now as I write this.

I know it was too early for me to be awake but no matter how hard I try to forced myself back to sleep, I couldnt. So I decided to write to you.

Remember that one time when we went out to buy snacks and it was goddamn midnight? I think it was also around this hour.

Anyway, we were fast asleep then. At least, I was. And I was so deep into this dream I can't remember anymore until I felt your weight on top of me. Your head lying on my chest like the giant baby that you are.

I woke up some time because of that but still felt sleepy so instead of talking properly, I only gave you a grumble as a response and tried to get back to sleep.

But then you told me you've been lying awake because you couldn't fall asleep and was just spending your time watching me until you had enough of it and decided to lie on top of me in hopes that it'll bring you enough comfort to lull you in slumber.

I don't even know when you developed that habit but it was adorable so I didn't complain.

However, after a few minutes, it still didn't work and you just started craving so you woke me up with your soft whispers because you wanted to eat burgers and fries at 3 freaking am and you couldn't wait any longer.

And since when was I able to deny you of anything you wish for?

So that was it.

We went out satisfy your cravings without even bothering to change out of our matching pyjamas littered with cats and dogs. (We have loads of matching PJs because you said it was cute. Again, when did I ever deny you of your wishes?)

It was a couple minutes later that we ended up at some random fast-food drive thru with you excitedly bouncing on your seat because you swore you could’ve cried out of pure joy from the smell of your oh-so-desirable food made up of carbs.

You were so happy then. You always are; even with the littlest things.

When I had finally found a deserted road I could pull up to so we could eat because you refused to go back home, hyung, I’ll tell you now, I fell for you even more.

In that moment with you sitting on the trunk under the light of the lamppost hitting your face as you shoved a handful of fries in your mouth— I just knew. I just knew that I could never live without you in my life.

Because you are this part of me I wasn’t aware was missing until I found you. You are this part that I never want to lose because I don’t think I can go on without you again.

I must’ve been staring you a little bit too long then because you suddenly shifted close to place a peck on the tip of my nose to bring me back. It was a really soft gesture, barely even touched my skin that if I didn’t see you grinning so close to my face I would’ve thought I imagined it.

You are just so deeply endearing.

And before I could get the chance to voice that out loud, the thunder roared and it rained. Hard. I remember you let out this one high-pitch shriek and accidentally kicked off your fries. You dramatically gasped. A look of devastation filling your features as you stared at the poor snack lying helplessly on the ground, slowly getting soaked by the rain.

You were having the greatest crisis of your life, whining and pouting like a baby (my baby) and I was just watching you with an enraptured smile on my lips.

And then you turned onto me, still upset and lightly punched my arm, saying that it was my fault for being distracting and I acted to be so wrongly accused that I demanded to take your burger as an apology.

You refused.

Then kicked me out of the trunk.

It was still raining.

But it was fine. You still ended up kissing me under the lamppost in the pouring rain, anyway.

I still have no idea how that happened, to be honest.

But it’s still one of the best nights (or midnights?) of my life.

P.S. Your lips tasted like burger.
P.S.S . I still loved it though.

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