Letter #6

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Would you hate me if I say I lied about myself?

As you can probably conclude from the previous letter, the boy I was pertaining to in the story I've told you about was me.

And yes, the parents I introduced you to weren't my biological ones. They're a nice couple who took me in when I needed it most and they were kind enough to treat me as their own son. I can even tell you I love them more than my real family.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my past. I'm sorry I had to lie because I wanted to forget about it too and live without any of those memories haunting me.

I know you must have a lot of questions right now and I promise I'll do my best to try and answer them as I tell you everything through my letters.

And hopefully, when we meet again.

I miss you so much, Yeonjun-ah.

I'm sorry I can't do anything to see you for now because I can't risk it. I can't have them knowing about you more and possibly endangering you because they're ruthless like that.

I don't even know what's their deal with me. I went along just fine all these years without them on my back and now they're suddenly threatening me to come back?

And they won't even say anything to me. It's frustrating but I have to listen because I don't want them hurting you in any way.

When you're finally reading this, I don't know when could that possibly be. I'm not even sure if I'll be done with this by then but Yeonjun, baby, just know that I would still love you at that time.

I love you right at this moment and for all the time that will come.

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