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narration ahead


There are light rays shining through the windows by the kitchen while Yeonjun peacefully makes himself a cup of coffee. His playlist blasting from his phone placed on the kitchen counter, just a couple of inches away from where Yeonjun is. He looks up, glancing outdoors where the clouds chase after each other and a faint smile appears on his lips.

He woke up that morning feeling somewhat uneasy. There was a strange nagging sensation in his chest he couldn't quite point out and he doubts it was because the other side of the bed feels cold. It felt like that for a long while now and as disheartening as it is, he's getting used to it. Yeonjun shrugs the uneasiness off as probably something off-putting that happened in his dreams that he can't remember and tries to get through his day. And now, staring outside where things feel like going right for once, Yeonjun wills the agitation away and picks his mug up from the coffee maker.

The coffee is hot on his tongue when he takes a sip but the atmosphere in the kitchen feels cold. A scene from the past voluntarily replays through Yeonjun's mind where Soobin was sitting on the dining table, sleepily watching Yeonjun as he made coffee for himself because Soobin refused to drink one. The guy constantly argued coffee tastes too bitter for him and it causes him palpitations so he'd always avoid it in every given situation. Yeonjun had told him there are other types of coffee anyway, and he just had to find one that suits his taste but Soobin shook his head with a pout, saying that he would stick with juice no matter what. But there was this one time Yeonjun had tricked him into drinking a whole cup of Americano though. He was jokingly challenging Soobin to drink it to prove his love and he was not expecting his boyfriend to actually do it.

It made him feel warm then, a realization dumping on him like a hot spring and Yeonjun reveled in it; savoured the warmth pooling on his stomach at the knowledge that Soobin would break his own rules for him. However right now, the memory brings chills running down his spine, Yeonjun almost shivered.

He takes another sip on his coffee and walks away, snatching his phone from the counter when it suddenly displays an unknown number.

Yeonjun hesitates whether he shall answer the call or not. After all, he isn't familiar with it and he's not expecting any calls from any clients. Plus, it could be just a teenager making prank calls so early in the morning instead of working on their assignment that is due tomorrow afternoon.

But still, Yeonjun's irrational part of brain wins the battle and his thumb slides to answer it.

"Hello?" he mutters, voice still a little raspy from only waking up a few minutes ago. "Who's this?"

There's a beat of silence that follows and for a moment, Yeonjun thinks whoever is on the other line decides to end the call. But when he puts the phone away from his ear to check, the call is still there so he frowns and waits. He tells himself that he'll hang it up himself if the person doesn't talk in the next twenty seconds.

Thus, he waits, setting his mug down and mentally counts to himself. 20. 19. 18. Still no response. 7. 6. 5.

Yeonjun rolls his eyes, annoyed that he just let someone he doesn't even know waste his time and he moves to end the call when,

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