Letter #14

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It has been a little over 2 months since my last letter and I could say a lot of things happened that’s why I didn’t find any time to write to you but since there’s a spare time for me as I wait for progress, here I am.

If you are wondering what kind of progress I’m talking about, well, hyung, in the past months my plan started its first phase.

You’re probably sitting there inside your room right now as you read this with a frown on your face, trying to figure out just what on earth I’m planning and since I’m a very much wonderful person, I’ll tell you.

I didn’t go back here without any reason at all. Yeonjun hyung, I came back to put an end to their wrong deeds—to make sure it’ll finally stop.

It took me a long while to think this through, I admit. Because no matter how hard I try and no matter how far I run away, they’re still my family. Their blood is still the one running through my veins and even though I like to pretend I am someone else’s son, I’m not. I’m still theirs.

That’s why I found it hard to settle with my decision and possibly watch them suffer the consequences right after.

But then again, it’s harder for me to watch them commit to such cruel acts that put people in danger and unfair situations just to satisfy their toxic desires.

Yeonjun hyung, I can’t watch them ruin themselves further as well as other people. And I know that what I’m gonna do might be dangerous and the least punishment I might receive is be disowned but maybe that would be better than to sit back and do nothing.

Don’t worry though! It isn't just me alone who believes this whole thing should eb stopped.

It was a pleasant surprise, actually.

I was rummaging to my dad’s office on this one day around last month, I think; to find some documents he hides inside his secret vault (searching for the vault was exhausting—that jerk surely knows how to hide his filth) and just when I thought the house was safe without anyone around, my cousin walked in on me, right when I was just about to open the vault.

I froze on my spot. Heart beating fast as he asked me what I was doing. I remember thinking that I was doomed, that he would most probably tell on me. But then he walked towards me with a serious expression on his face, grabbed my shoulders and I really thought he was going to punch me or something but instead he asked, “Whose side are you on?”.

To be honest, I thought that was a trick question and I found myself using every bits left of my intellect to escape that situation but then my cousin only flicked my forehead and said he has always known I’m against our clan.

And that’s basically how this whole camaraderie thing happened.

Jungkook hyung is a trust worthy person so you don’t have to be worried about me too much, Yeon-ah. I promise.

He also introduced me to his team and I was surprised to find Mr. Kim Seokjin there since he is my dad’s secretary and I thought he was really dedicated to his job. I was cautious and wary of him at first since I’m still convinced that it was my dad’s way to spy on us but it turns out that Mr. Kim is “just putting up with that son of a bitch”—his words, honey, not mine.

So yeah, Seokjin hyung is a great guy.

He also has access to almost everything that dad owns so he’s a huge help for us.

Maybe when all of this is finally over, you’ll get to meet them.

Until then, stay safe and be happy, darling.

I’ll stay safe for you.

I miss you so much.

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