Letter #19

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I finally got to meet with Jungkook hyung again as well as the rest of the team and we discussed about the plan.

It was thrilling, the whole ordeal. It still feels like it isn't real because I can't believe this is actually happening. That my messed up family's disgusting secret would be revealed at last and that old man would finally get what was coming for him. We could finally bring justice to those people they have taken advantage of and stepped on, hyung. This whole fuckery can now be put into a stop.

I know you're worried and if you are here with me right now, you would've said something along the line of "don't count the chicken until the eggs are hatched" to remind me not to depend so much on something hoped for unless I'm certain it would happen. But I'm just glad, Yeon-ah. We have waited— I waited so long for this and to think that we now have taken the first step just feels so exhilarating.

But I should tell you that the arrangement earlier didn't go smoothly as I thought it would. It was rather distressing, to be honest. A lot of suggestions were trashed because we needed to be extra careful knowing that my "father" has eyes everywhere. And it also doesn't help that there are some that we don't know if we could fully trust. Who knows? Maybe one of them disguised themselves as someone oppose to the way this clan deals with their business but is actually benefitting from it and just wanted inside information and have our little team exposed.

It sucks but it's not impossible.

Oh right, Jungkook hyung introduced me to quite a handful of people he's been working with and said that he trusts them with his life so I feel assured with trusting them too. There's this guy named, Kim Namjoon, I think he's the smartest person I've ever met so far in my entire life. He works at the main company too as a board director along with Taehyung hyung and Jimin hyung. Those two are inseparable, I tell you. From how I have observed them, it seems like they've known each other their whole lives and wouldn't hesitate to jump on anyone that dares harm the other. They kind of make me jealous. They remind me of us and of how much I want to be there with you instead but, this has to be done.

I won't go into details anymore, hyung. I can't risk the plan getting leaked and this is very much confidential so I think I'll just spare you the details once I'm back with you.

I love you, Yeonjun hyung. I promise I'll be back once all this is over.

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