Chapter 14

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Arizona: "Oh, look."

Mark: "Aww."

Lucy: "Nice size, good-looking placenta."

Callie: "Is that an arm?"

Lucy: "Yep."

Arizona and Mark: "Aww."

Lucy: "All good. Did you schedule an amnio yet?"

Callie: "Um..."

Mark: "We don't need an amnio."

Callie: "Um...we don't?"

Arizona: "Of course we do. We'll set it up."

Mark: "Why do we need an amnio?"

Arizona: "I can think of a hundred reasons why."

Mark: ""You want me to take 'em down one by one or all together?

Callie: "Hey, hey, hey."

Lucy: "It's so nice that there are three of you."

Mark: "I gotta go. Don't let her shove a giant needle in your belly before we discuss this."

Lucy: "It's not giant. 9 inches." she holds her fingers up and Callie looks at them before making them wider  to demonstrate the actual size of the needle

Richard: "When was the last time you put in an application to the FDA?"

Sky: "It's been a while, sir."

Richard: "Well, it would have to be, because if you had any recollection of what's involved, then you wouldn't interrupt me in the middle of compiling 357 pages of an application. Do you know how easy it is to lose one page out of 357?"

Sky: "It's gotta be quite easy."

Richard: "They look for reasons to kill a study. Do you know what they consider a good reason?"

Sky: "A missing-"

Richard: "One missing page. Now you're a smart woman, Rivers. You have leadership potential, management potential. I mean, I think you shy away from that."

Sky: "That may well be, sir."

Richard: "I mean, you can handle a V. I. P. patient. I mean, if you don't mention the chief of surgery, they won't ask for the chief of surgery. Did you mention me?" he whispers when they stand in front of a curtain 

Sky: "I think I did, sir."

Richard: "Now why would you do that? Did you not know about my application?"

Sky: "I think I knew, sir."

Richard: "Then what on earth were you thinking?" she pulls back the curtain to show Adele laying on a bed with a bandage over her head as she bleed a little

Sky: "Your wife, sir. That's what I was thinking."

Adele: "I was in the cereal aisle, and I tripped on one of those big display...fruit spreads or...or some nonsense and the whole thing came down."

Mark: "Lido and an epi, please. 5-0 prolene."

Nurse: "Okay. Excuse me."

Adele: "Oh, it's a cut, Mark. You don't have to show off. You can give me a couple of band-aids and be on your way."

Mark: "Yeah, that's not how this is gonna go."

Richard: " tripped on the display or you tripped over your feet and fell into the thing or-"

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