Chapter 2

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Sky: "Sir, you know how I said I wanted to do a gunther today?" she says to Richard as herself, Callie, and Bailey follow him down the hall

Richard: "I sent you an e-mail with my new screening criteria for my clinical trial. Did you get a chance to look at it?" he directs his question at Bailey 

Bailey: "Not yet."

Sky: "Uh, Torres has a patient from the sinkhole. She would be perfect for-"

Richard: "You know, I'm inserting an islet cell device this afternoon. I'd like you to be there, see how it works, okay?"

Bailey: "Oh, no. You're gonna do a hundred of 'em. Can I see the next one? Today's just not a good day."

Richard: "I'd like it to happen today."

Sky: "Hey!" she snaps making him stop walking and the three turn to face her in shock "I am having a major surgery withdrawal. And I've literally spent the whole day watching the residents...your residents screw up pretty much everything. Bailey almost pulled a spleen out of a man with a hole in his lung. Now unless you want your hospital to go down with so many lawsuits piled on top of it, we're doing the damn gunther." she states and he sighs before looking at Bailey

Richard: "I need you in my OR by 4:00."

Bailey: "Yes sir." she nods and he nods before walking off and the two women turn to face Sky

Sky: "Pregnancy hormones do have their perks." she smiles to herself making the other two chuckle at her

Bailey: "Alright come on."

Sky: "She was pinned under her car, her leg was amputated in a pit of dirt, her abdomen is pulp, and her pelvis is probably crushed. You will work together to assess her injuries and repair them." she informs April, Jackson, Cristina, and Alex as they stand outside a patient's room and put on some gowns

April: "Oh, in the O.R.?"

Sky: "No, at the jiffy lube. Yes, in the O.R. Now Dr. Torres will supervise your work. If you're killing her, she will step in. Otherwise, you're on your own. Don't screw this up like you screw everything else up you've touched lately. Ladies and gentlemen, step away from the patient." she tells the people in the room as the others rush into the room to get to work 

Jackson: "It's an open book pelvic fracture."

April: "And a comminuted femur fracture. Has anyone fully examined the stump?"

Cristina: "Pneumopericardium and an enlarged cardiac shadow. She needs a chest tube and a C.T."

Alex: "Free fluid. She needs the O.R."

April: "An embolization and angio would help stabilize the pelvic bleeding."

Alex: "An angio's just gonna waste time."

Jackson: "We could pack her in the O.R."

Alex: "Call the O.R. Tell them to prep for an emergent laparotomy."

Cristina: "Hello? A C.T."

Owen: "Excuse me." he says to the two attendings as he tries to go into the room

Cristina: "I'm telling you guys something is going on with the heart."

Sky: "Oh, no, no."

Owen: "What do you mean, no? That's my patient."

Callie: "We're doing a gunther."

Owen: "What the hell's a gunther?"

Callie: "It's, uh, like a team-building exercise."

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