Chapter 5

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Lorraine's favourite thing during the journey of making a movie was the memories she made with her star cast and all the crew. She learnt a lot from all the senior actors, they laughed, danced and all the tiredness just seemed worth it. She'd smile so genuinely, her heart would warm when her cast would surprise her with a cake on her birthday on the set. It was her home. It was the best place she could ever wish for.

Hollywood was a place that made her feel that it was worth it to step out and do something thrilling and totally out of her comfort zone.

She could even dare to say that her assistant and her friends from the film industry had better memories with her than Matt, Ivey and Ana.

Although, what's a celebrity without tea? What's a celebrity without a few scandals and downfalls?

She was never the one to give up. But now she was doubting too, with each 'one more shot' the director said. 5 years to this career and this was her hardest day. She had never felt this exhausted before. Should've seen it coming with the script. It was a challenging movie, yes. It involved a lot of stunts and action.

"I'm planning on retreating from this movie. For real, this time." She mumbled with a straight face to her co-star. "I feel less motivational each time I look at his face."

Her co-star groaned, stretching his back.

"I've told this before, Mental this one is. Doesn't he has a family?! I need to meet my children!"

It was past midnight when their today's shoot finally finished. The crew ran from here to there to provide the actors with towels, removing their make-up and fanning them. So did Lorraine as she made her way to her vanity. There were a few reporters outside of the set, still waiting for the cast to come out and answer the questions but she was just too drained to even speak.

She made her way to the vanity, the guards surrounding her, her assistant Antoinette walking by her side. Truth be told, Lorraine was literally shutting her eyes behind her goggles.

Eventually, she sat down on the seat, the door being shut after, and the noises of camera flashes and reporters dying down and she finally breathed. Her schedules were always packed, one movie or the other. One interview and ten after.

As her assistant, Antoinette made her way towards Lorraine, the actress quickly raised her hand to stop her from speaking, knowing she couldn't take anything in her head right now.

"Shh, don't- don't speak of it." She argued. "I can barely sink anything in now."

Antoinette rolled her eyes and dropped herself down beside Lorraine with a gruff. Lorraine rolled her eyes, opening her phone one last time to check for anything. She opened her messages and halted when she saw a 'hi' by a contact saved as 'Jimin'.

She smirked at the mere thought of him. It's been a week since the first and last time she saw him. The man was fun; in more ways than one.

She quickly typed a reply.

Still having hazy thoughts of steamy scenes?

Jimin was quick to reply, perhaps because it was evening in South Korea.

Can't get them out of my head.

A laugh escaped Lorraine's lips which made her assistant quirk an eyebrow up in interest. She peeked an eye at the actress's phone, who was texting someone. Texting? That wasn't Lorraine.

"Wow." Antoinette let out in a sarcastic tone of voice. "You're drained out for listening to your tomorrow's plans, but you're so enthusiastic for flirting with a man."

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