Chapter 10

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The next morning, Lorraine had a major hangover. Her head thumped with migraine and she felt jittery all over. Nauseous in the worst way possible as she refused to get out of the bed.

She groaned when someone knocked on the door, hurrying herself deeper into the sheets. She didn't sit up until the the person knocked for the third time on the door. She was a wild mess, her hair was frizzy and her fans just won't believe it was the same person who was always so glammed up.

"Lorraine, are you there?"

Her heart started beating rapidly, almost as if it would jump out of her chest by just his voice. By just the fact that he was near, her breathing decreased, skin crawling in fear. This was pathetic to such extremes, she hated feeling so helpless.

But she just blankly stared ahead of her, not responding.

Jimin kept knocking without getting an answer, feeling like the most ignored person of the planet when it was just her.  She had always had this enchanting effect on him, since the moment he saw her. Almost as if he needed her. Without even knowing who she was.

He could comfort her, that was how he was. A good person. And good people expect good in other people too, and Lorraine was anything but good.

Finally giving up after a few minutes, he strode towards Ana's room to get something, anything that could get his mind to peace.

Ana opened the door of her room, all dressed up for the flight and kind of surprised to see Jimin still in his sweats.

"Jimin, you ain't ready yet?"

"No... I...wanted to ask you about something."

"Go ahead."

"I just wanted to know after last night, did Lorraine talk to you?"

"No... but why?"

"I wanted to clear things between us so I went to her room, I kept knocking but she wouldn't respond to me. So..."

"No, Jimin. She hasn't talked to Anyone. Just give her some and time and space, she'll come along. She's used to dealing shit by herself is all. Go get ready now, you'll miss the flight."

"Okay, just tell her I'm sorry if anything. And to take care."


He was still mad at himself. What did he do to make Lorraine that way? He shouldn't went that far– God he's a horrible pers–

"Stop thinking so hard, you're giving me a migraine. And do not blame yourself."

She kept telling that to him but how could he not?


The days were back to normal. And for Lorraine, normal meant, traveling different set locations and working her ass off. She was in London for her movie, and she wasn't complaining, needing to distract herself as much as she could for now.

"The next is the kissing scene, angle the cameras."

That made Lorraine flinch out from her daze, as the crew started working on the first bushing touched of her make up. Her lips lightly curled up in a grimace, she didn't want to kiss today. Not even professionally.

Her co-star, the one she had to kiss patted her shoulder lightly.

"Are you comfortable?"

"What?" She asked.

"I mean the kissing scene, you look kinda out of it today."

Lorraine just rolled her eyes. "I'm not an amateur, I'm fine."

"If you say so."

She gave him a reassuring look and after being done with the finishing touches, they were back to shooting.

"'kay, action!"

"We need to get outta this, we need to-" she shouted, rustling up the chains that were secured around her co-star as a part of the scene.

"Kiera-Kiera!" She stopped rustling the chains, looking upwards to face the male lead, maintaining her expressions into one of a shocked one.

He leaned closer and locked theur lips, she tried to move her lips, trying to be in the role but she couldn't, her brows knitted together before she detached herself from him.

Lorraine fucked up.

"Cut! What happened Lorraine?" The director asked.

"Nothing, I just- I.. I can't do this today."

The director pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration but then Lorraine shot him a look, telling him who was the producer and he immediately said,

"Well shift this scene to tomorrow, you better take rest dear, you don't look well. Pack up!"

She nodded, looking down and standing up. The crew immediately wrapped a towel around her as she started walking towards her vanity with Antoinette behind.

Getting inside the vanity, her makeup was removed and after that she fell into the couch, taking out her phone tiredly to check the lasts of messages. She had missed calls and messages from Jimin. She knew how he must be feeling, confused, rejected. She was just...putting her mental health first.

Why? Because the moment she'd talk to him, her mind would be flooded with harmful emotions, which would lead to her physical health, and she had no idea what limits would it take.

Despicably selfish, she was. She'd admit it. But she also had to admit that she didn't want Jimin dragged up into this. She didn't want to hurt him.

When she finally reached her hotel room and was comfortably lying on her bed, scrolling through her phone is when Jimin called her again, and this time, with all her courage, she picked it up. 

After all, she couldn't avoid him forever. 

"Hey, Jimin."

"God, Lorraine! I've been calling you since forever."

"I'm sorry, I..." Lorraine sighed. "I was busy."

"Lorraine...look, I'm really sorry about that night I shouldn't have–"

"Can we not talk about it?" She cut him off. "It's not your fault, really."

"Lorraine, but-"

"Please?" She eased again, wanting to drop the conversation.

He sighed.

"Alright let's just forget about it. Just, don't leave me."

Suddenly, a sense of déjà-vu crept upon Lorraine. She had said these words as well. She shook her head frantically, even though he couldn't see her.

"I'd wouldn't do that. Never. Never doubt that."

She wouldn't let someone else feel the same way she felt. Neglected, disregard. Jimin was reminding her things she didn't want to, that she had buried deep inside of her. As if a wound that was healing cut open again.


"Jimin, I'm sleepy, I'll call you tomorrow?"

"Sure, good night."


With that she hung up the call and fell into a dreamless slumber.

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