Chapter 39

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Watching Tom smoke is not what Lorraine appreciated to see, at all. She hated it, even. But joined him nonetheless.

"You're a fucking sportsman and you're smoking Winchester, have shame." She commented. 

"I'm a sportsman with trauma, fucking cut some slack." Tom retorted, eyes sweeping over the water as they both stand at the edge of the yacht. "Besides, you're an actress."

Lorraine rolled her eyes. "Hollywood is built on substances. The streets are full of them."

Tom hummed, looking down, where the water sprayed in foam due to the motor of the yacht.

"I feel like–" he said. "I feel like sometimes we sound like him. When he talked about business y'know?"

"No." Lorraine replied instantly. "No, we're nothing like him. Nothing. He's a sick man. God knows I wish death upon him everyday."

Tom places the cigar between his lips again, sucks in and breaths out puffs of smoke.

"Mommy dearest is selling the business for good."

Lorraine furrowed her eyebrows.

"I thought the will was on you." She said.

Tom laughed. "Like hell I'm taking over that wretched business. So I let her sell it. Wanna guess who it's going to?"

"No. Not at all."


Lorraine felt like all the air was squeezed out of her lungs at that name.

"Fucking son of a– the fuck did you do, Tom?!" She yelled. "Anyone. Anyone but him."

"What was I supposed to do? He's the closest to the family. Besides, with Ana dating him–"

"Ana?! Dating?!"

Tom completely turned towards her, the hand that was holding the cigarette at his side now. He sighed. It felt like the ground was slipped off from right beneath her feet.

"I assume you didn't know."

"No. I didn't know shit!"

"She's– she's dating him, yeah."

Lorraine shook her head, felt her eyes stinging.

"Even after–"


Then everything stopped. The breath that was threatening to quicken, became deeper and slower. Dipping lower than it should, squeezing her lungs more than it normally did.

She scoffed.

"This fucking bitch." She whispered.


"You fucking bitch." Lorraine whispered for the second time tonight as she looked directly at Ana, eyes cold and devoid of any emotion. But her voice might give it away.

"What?" Ana asked, oblivious to what was happening.

Lorraine sneered bitterly, cocking her head towards the side.

"You two-faced bitch." Lorraine bit out again. "Just how low you can stoop, huh? How fucking low?"

Ana furrowed her eyebrows in concern.

"What are you talking about, Raine? I don't understand –"

"You knew." Lorraine continued. "You fucking knew that Tom won't take that wretched business so you decided to date that bastard of a man in order to have it?!"

Ana's featured contoured from confusion to dread, mouth parting open as it dawned on her what Lorraine was talking about. She took a shaky breath.


"No, you listen, you–" Lorraine stopped herself from saying something too crass. "You will not be taking that business. And certainly not that womanizer, cunt of a man. You get it?! Not on my goddamn watch! It belongs to my brother!"

There was a moment of silence as another cold breeze swift pass Lorraine. She scoffed humourlessly, hands going towards her hair to pull at them.

"I can't fucking believe you." She laughed. "You'll take any cock in your mouth just for some money, huh? Ah, no. I'm not calling you a whore. That'll be an insult to them. I can't believe you'll just team up with Zak, the man who– shit!"

"I'm not teaming up with him, Raine! I love him! I really love him!"

Lorraine laughed, loud and vicious. Like spitting poison from her mouth.

"You love a man who takes advantage of young, helpless girls. Wow, Ana. What an absolute garbage taste you have in men."

"He's changed! He has changed now!"

Lorraine snorted and shook her head and raised her hands in defeat.

"You both deserve each other. A manipulative, two faced bitch and a womanizer. Perfect. But you're in it for my money and you're not gonna get it. Get out of my fucking yacht once were ashore and then, out of my fucking life."


"Do not utter another word unless you want me to push you out of this yacht here itself."

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