Chapter 28

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It hadn't been on Lorraine's list to go.

Her initial plan had been to send BTS to her island for a long vacation away from her. Not with her. Because she thought they had had enough of her troubles for a run in.

But then as soon as she had noted Jimin that she'd be going back to LA he had immediately refused to go to the island in Bahamas without her. She had been stuck because she really needed to go back to LA, clear up her mess, apologize to her cast and crew for being so unpunctual and atleast give a few scene takes before going to the island. Because after the vacation, both of them will be up their necks with work and wouldn't find the time to be with eachother.

So she had agreed, but she's be coming late because of her work in LA. When she went back to LA though, things narrowed down to her own friends. Matt, Ivey, and Ana. They hadn't shut up with the questions, which she had gingerly answered before inviting them to her island. They had been there before, of course.

BigHit had also posted an official announcement of her and Jimin dating.

This is to inform you that Jimin and Lorraine Acker are officially dating. The clip that was leaked by some reporters at the award show was not a scandal. The couple were in a private area, in their private space and did not intend to show any of it. We have increased BTS's security after the drastic incident though fortunately there were no severe injuries. After the incident, the band has been disturbed thus, we have decided to give them a break and rest for a bit. We are overjoyed for the fan support the couple has been given.

Perfect monopoly.

Don't get her wrong, she was truly greatful for the people who were supporting her. Hell, it meant the world to her. It has always meant the world. But it still a perfect monopoly.

Three days later, stepping out of her helicopter that had just landed on the island of Bahamas, Lorraine's handbag was firmly taken by one of her workers. Ana padded beside her, taking off her sunglasses to take in the beauty that was Lorraine's island.

Green and tropical, coral breezes gushing the air, large coconut trees rooting the sand. It was truly heaven on earth, her island. A piece of serenity for her soul. That was the purpose it served, Lorraine had bought it to escape the world to begin with. To come here and rest.

The helipad and a runway was situated at the back of the island, while her villa and the beach was on the other side. Matt and Ivey followed right after them.

Jimin and his band mate's flight would be reaching an hour later, she had been informed, so they sat in the Jeep and went to the other side of the island.

They went into the villa, their luggage already arranged into their rooms. Lorraine went to hers and Jimin's to take a shower. Right about an hour later, when she was drying her hair, one of the workers told her that the boys were here. She went down the stairs, Matt, Ivey and Ana already there.

It was as if everything else obscured from her vision when she saw him, paving her way towards Jimin, his hair now brown, she couldn't wait to run her hands through them.

"Hi," he whispered once she was in front of him, pulling her in for a sweet kiss. She analyzed his features for a second, soft and...fuck, she started missing him in three days how was she going to survive months away from him? Frequently?


She introduced BTS and her friends with each other. But when she was about to introduce Jungkook to Ana, he stepped ahead himself, taking Ana's hand and saying,

"I'm Jungkook, call me JK."

"I know your name." Ana replied, smirking.

Jungkook kissed the back of Ana's hand and Lorraine looked away to avoid the whole scene. Not that she was disapproving of it, she just didn't want to tell them that they sucked at flirting.

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